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Tattooed nurses

665 replies

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 15:28

Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse? At the moment I’ve only got them in places a patient would never see but I do plan to add some to my upper arm in the near future.

Just want to hear your thoughts and reasons!

OP posts:
BillywigSting · 26/05/2018 07:37

I mean if the tattoo was something blatantly offensive like a thundering great big swastika or something I would probably be a bit perturbed but otherwise no, not in the slightest.

They're so common now anyway that I think it unlikely that most people would have a problem with it all

RoseWhiteTips · 26/05/2018 10:55

I would definitely choose a visibly inked QC if I needed representation in a court of law.Hmm

DarlingNikita · 26/05/2018 13:16

Bet you would if they were the best one.

chavtasticfirebanger · 26/05/2018 13:58

Lol envy. Its urgh at the only place on earth people know these individuals, in real life it never happens!

JacquesHammer · 26/05/2018 14:07

Lol envy. Its urgh at the only place on earth people know these individuals, in real life it never happens!

Because we aren’t actually all real people with real lives?! I’m a CEO. I have tattoos. I’m not pretend 😂

chavtasticfirebanger · 26/05/2018 15:25
Willow2017 · 26/05/2018 17:20

Well somebody has to know these people!

I definately know my friend who is a personal finance manager to the super rich otherwise I might look a bit stupid having hung out with her since high school!

MyLearnedFriend · 26/05/2018 17:47

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Confusedbeetle · 26/05/2018 17:52

I would say, unfashionably , but definitely No I would not like it. I am a nurse. As a patient I want someone entirely professional. A tattoo detracts from this which is why so many employers don't like it. Lawyer police, dentist doctor and a whole host of others. Sorry but no matter how fashionably acceptable tattoos are they are not good in my book. You cannot change your mind, dont label yourself

DarlingNikita · 26/05/2018 17:56

As a patient I want someone entirely professional. A tattoo detracts from this

You cannot change your mind, dont label yourself

No one on this thread has yet been able to articulate precisely why a tattoo indicates unprofessionality.

And I thought you could change your mind? Isn't tattoo removal getting ever-more effective?

Willow2017 · 26/05/2018 18:01

Why does a tattoo make you in any way less able to do your job any more than make up does? Make up is your own preference of how you want the world to see you.

Lots of people saying it affects you ability to do your job but nobody can say how a bit of ink on your skin actually affects your brain!

ICantCopeAnymore · 26/05/2018 18:09

A nurse is a professional. Ink doesn't have any affect on that whatsoever.

TooManyPaws · 26/05/2018 18:16

Given that so many police officers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, dentists, doctors, old Uncle Tom Cobley and all in every profession have tattoos, just HOW are they unprofessional? We just get this statement made but no one can actually say why. Frankly, my employer could not give a monkey's about my tattoos as I'm employed as a professional to do the job I do.

It is just an excuse for your snobbery and prejudice.

BTW, around 12 years ago there was a bit of gossip around Fife tattooists that one of their number had tattooed a certain prince. When I joked about W❤️C, it was pointed out that another over-18 Prince regularly visited his brother... Of course, it is known that both Edward VII and George V had tattoos: what unprofessional kings! Then Princes Philip, Charles and Andrew all served in the RN, as did George VI... 😉😂

Tansie1 · 26/05/2018 21:22

Can I butt in here to answer why visible tattooed come across as 'unprofessional'?

That's to do with WHAT you have tattooed, and where.

If you, as a nurse approach me with a facial spider's web, or a neck tatt 'cut here'... in what way am I not supposed to think 'This person is infantile, thus someone I don't want looking after me'.

Why would that be unjustifiable?

angryburd · 26/05/2018 21:26

^maybe IBU here, but if I was in hospital and I was approached by a nurse I think my thought would be "oh good here comes the nurse to hopefully make me feel better" rather than "lol what a silly little girl/boy" because of something as inconsequential as a tattoo.

crazycatgal · 26/05/2018 23:25

@RoseWhiteTips Don't worry, you probably couldn't afford a QC anyway, tattooed or not.

tierraJ · 27/05/2018 09:28

Yesterday I worked with a male HCA with the names of his wife & children tattooed on his neck.
The patients young & old thought he was great.
He normally works in an elderly care ward with dementia patients & they love him.

Lethaldrizzle · 27/05/2018 09:31

One of the loveliest nurses (male) I ever met was covered in tattoos

specialsubject · 27/05/2018 09:31

that's weird - I know angelina jolie has the kids details on her but in a place she can see, which presumably helps to remember names and birthdays. was it in mirror writing?

(possibly misses point...)

BetterEatCheese · 27/05/2018 09:31

No I wouldn't. Makes no difference.

tierraJ · 27/05/2018 12:37

Some of my other friends have their kids names too

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 13:24

The thing is though people make the judgement forst then a second judgement. So most people think oh tattoos before they see the skill. Its like tatted people are good despite the tatts. Non inked people are just good or bad.
And im away and you spot the british working class a mile off cos theyre covered in tatts.


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JacquesHammer · 27/05/2018 15:35

So just to clarify, you suggest that people don’t really know the tattooed professionals they do.

Yet the two most vehement “tattoos aren’t professional” brigade both just happen to be on holiday and it’s so dull you’re noticing a plethora of tattooed Brits?

Cool story Wink

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 17:54

I dont think they do. Or the 3 people here who do are not representative of real life.
Yeah its boiling.
What is it with brits and tatts though? None of the other europeans have them it makes us look rough as a nation!

angryburd · 27/05/2018 17:59

What's wrong with being British working class?

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