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Tattooed nurses

665 replies

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 15:28

Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse? At the moment I’ve only got them in places a patient would never see but I do plan to add some to my upper arm in the near future.

Just want to hear your thoughts and reasons!

OP posts:
MumofBoysx2 · 23/05/2018 16:12

No I wouldn't be put off at all if the nurse had a kind manner and knew her stuff. I hope people wouldn't be shallow enough to worry about that (well if it said 'death' with lots of blood or something, then I probably would run, haha!)

JoeElliotsMullet · 23/05/2018 16:14

No I wouldn't give a shit and personally I think you should get a Where's Wally scene or something so that nosy people like me have something interesting to look at while you're doing my bloods.

Babdoc · 23/05/2018 16:15

Tattoos performed with inadequately sterilised needles can give you hepatitis B or C. Your employer would want to know if you were infected, as you would be a potential risk to patients. I recall one tattoo parlour, in the city where I trained as a doctor, had to be closed down for infecting customers.
If they are performed safely with sterile equipment, then they are not a hazard, but many of your elderly patients may find them aesthetically unpleasant and may judge you, as in their youth only criminals and sailors had tattoos.
Personally I find nurses stinking of cigarette smoke to be much more offensive than ones sporting tattoos, but that's a different issue!

ichifanny · 23/05/2018 16:16

I have visible arm tattoos and I’m a nurse apart from the odd person being curious I’ve never had anything negative I have botanical and bird tattoos

tillytoodles1 · 23/05/2018 16:16

When I was in hospital one of the male nurses had tattoo's on his lower arms. I can't see why a female should be any different.

Lauren83 · 23/05/2018 16:18

Nope I wouldn't, I work in private healthcare and am allowed to have my arms uncovered for work and I have upper arm and sternum tattoos visible

Lauren83 · 23/05/2018 16:19

Also mines botanical too, flowers, foliage, butterflies and bees

DailyMailClickbait · 23/05/2018 16:21

Nope. I work in a particularly stuffy and traditional industry and have tatts and a nose piercing. Fortunately my employer is intelligent enough to realise that some body art and a tiny piece of metal through my nostril, has no impact on my ability to do my job.

The only time I judge tatts is if they are badly done or in very poor taste. In the same way that I would judge someone who turned up to work without brushing their hair and being clean and tidy.

RoadToRivendell · 23/05/2018 16:21

I wouldn't care, but I hate them. They're ubiquitous to the profession.

If it were a doctor and the stakes were high, i.e. an oncologist, I'd initially struggle. I just assume that people who have tattoos are idiots, but I admit I'm occasionally proven wrong.

Social conditioning.

TomRavenscroft · 23/05/2018 16:22

They're ubiquitous to the profession.

Confused What does that mean?

TheFairyCaravan · 23/05/2018 16:23

DS2 is just about to graduate as a nurse and has a job in A&E once he qualifies. He has said he wants a tattoo but has resisted until now because he didn’t want to be judged on any of his placements for anything other than his ability to do the job.

I’ve been nursed by a very lovely nurse with a full sleeve. I couldn’t have cared less, however other patients moaned about it when she wasn’t in the bay, especially the more elderly ones. My parents and pils would absolutely hate it and would judge but they’re wankers about a lot of things tbh.

maclippy · 23/05/2018 16:23

Personally I would wonder why I was being treated by someone with such a poor judgement as to permanently modify their body. Sailors and ghetto people have tattoos not nurses in a professional job.

SteviebunsBottritrundle · 23/05/2018 16:24

I also was a bit confused by that sentence... To the medical profession? They are very common in the medical profession?

JacquesHammer · 23/05/2018 16:24

I just assume that people who have tattoos are idiots, but I admit I'm occasionally proven wrong

Funny, I assume people who think people with tattoos are idiots are, well idiots. I'm never proven wrong.

ICantCopeAnymore · 23/05/2018 16:24

Aw maclippy - are you always such a GF?

SteviebunsBottritrundle · 23/05/2018 16:25

Sailors and ghetto people have tattoos not nurses in a professional job.

Mulberry72 · 23/05/2018 16:25

Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

JacquesHammer · 23/05/2018 16:25


Sailors and ghetto people have tattoos not nurses in a professional job

What a load of utter tosh Grin

Do tell me what a "ghetto person" is, I'm agog!

SteviebunsBottritrundle · 23/05/2018 16:25

Me neither @jacques. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken (arf).

veggiethrower · 23/05/2018 16:26

Wouldn't bother me BUT you do need to check how it might affect your employability. Some places don't allow visible tattoos so you would need to make sure it didn't show anywhere.

specialsubject · 23/05/2018 16:26

nope. I'd be close enough to see it was a tattoo, not mud or dirt as many appear to be from a distance.

hence no concern.

JacquesHammer · 23/05/2018 16:27

@SteviebunsBottritrundle at least you realised, hopefully in time!


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Takfujuimoto · 23/05/2018 16:28

So long as you're giving me a good top up of oramorph and don't snag my catheter on the way out I don't care what you look like!

GrumpyOlderBloke · 23/05/2018 16:31

"Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse"

Assuming you are in the United Kingdom, not a military nurse, and are talking of visible tattoos, then yes I would be.

It's an issue of age and cultural background.

I would overlook single visible Regimental or similar military tattoos on non-commissioned ex-military or serving males.

I would make very negative assumptions about males sporting any other visible tattoos.

I would make extremely negative assumptions about females sporting any visible tattoos.

Sits back and awaits the argumentum ad hominem attacks.

myshinynewusername · 23/05/2018 16:31

As long as its not a swastika or something else offensive, I really wouldn't be bothered at all.

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