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Tattooed nurses

665 replies

CaptainCabinets · 23/05/2018 15:28

Would you be put off by a tattooed nurse? At the moment I’ve only got them in places a patient would never see but I do plan to add some to my upper arm in the near future.

Just want to hear your thoughts and reasons!

OP posts:
hobnobsaremyfavourite · 28/05/2018 18:30

I’m glad chav and rose hate people with tattoos
Can you imagine being liked by people like them

JacquesHammer · 28/05/2018 18:20

Im not saying europeans arent tattooed

You literally said What is it with brits and tatts though? None of the other europeans have them it makes us look rough as a nation

DarlingNikita · 28/05/2018 11:18

You said you wore a long sleeved blouse to avoid the judgers.

No, she said I tend to wear a trusty long sleeved blouse anyway so can't get judged on it.

Do you see the distinction?

RoseWhiteTips · 28/05/2018 09:54


@RoseWhiteTips Don't worry, you probably couldn't afford a QC anyway, tattooed or not.

Whatever you say - if thinking that makes you feel better.

numptynuts · 27/05/2018 21:49

Well I'm a professional and have tattoos, two can be seen on hand and wrist.

They're mine, they have a story and judge away, I don't care. But no one has said anything anyway....

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 21:37

You said you wore a long sleeved blouse to avoid the judgers.
What do you mean I cant type? Im on my phone so make the odd typo/dont use apostrophes.

DownstairsMixUp · 27/05/2018 21:34

Never said I deliberately hid them, read again! Infact, in my recent bank interview I rolled them up as it was hot.. I'm now on bank and do regular work there. Also, you are on here judging but you can barely type. You okay Hun?

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 21:27

Im not saying europeans arent tattooed but that the brits stand out with having names inked everywhere. I said upthread there are some beauties but names stamped on arms, neck stars and barbed wire upper arms look shit and are usually what you see on the average pint in hand brit. I have friends with stunning ones (though you have to have attractiveness initially to pass it off imo-id look stupid)

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 21:23

It goes to show its viewed negatively then stairs if you hide it for interviews. If youre that sure of the attractiveness of tatts go without?

DownstairsMixUp · 27/05/2018 20:07

Rose you literally have no idea about health care professionals. Please go on another thread and talk about things you know about, you are making a fool out of yourself!

DownstairsMixUp · 27/05/2018 19:59

Sorry to go on as well but the replies here are clearly from non nurses. I've worked In healthcare nearly 10 years and the elderly patients love the tattoos, the most negative I had was "oh I don't understand tattoos" literally.

DownstairsMixUp · 27/05/2018 19:58

Also I have a full sleeve so the only bit that's on show when I work is the forearm but for interviews I tend to wear a trusty long sleeved blouse anyway so can't get judged on it.

DownstairsMixUp · 27/05/2018 19:56

I'm a tattooed nurse. Never had someone refuse my care.

angryburd · 27/05/2018 19:51

Amsterdam has an entire museum devoted to tattoos.

TooManyPaws · 27/05/2018 18:34

Oh, and @chav, RTFT. That's been thoroughly disproved.

Ever wonder why European cities have tattoo and piercing shops when "Europeans don't have tattoos"?

Head, meet Desk. Someone opened a whole box of Stupid.

angryburd · 27/05/2018 17:59

What's wrong with being British working class?

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 17:54

I dont think they do. Or the 3 people here who do are not representative of real life.
Yeah its boiling.
What is it with brits and tatts though? None of the other europeans have them it makes us look rough as a nation!

JacquesHammer · 27/05/2018 15:35

So just to clarify, you suggest that people don’t really know the tattooed professionals they do.

Yet the two most vehement “tattoos aren’t professional” brigade both just happen to be on holiday and it’s so dull you’re noticing a plethora of tattooed Brits?

Cool story Wink

chavtasticfirebanger · 27/05/2018 13:24

The thing is though people make the judgement forst then a second judgement. So most people think oh tattoos before they see the skill. Its like tatted people are good despite the tatts. Non inked people are just good or bad.
And im away and you spot the british working class a mile off cos theyre covered in tatts.

tierraJ · 27/05/2018 12:37

Some of my other friends have their kids names too

BetterEatCheese · 27/05/2018 09:31

No I wouldn't. Makes no difference.

specialsubject · 27/05/2018 09:31

that's weird - I know angelina jolie has the kids details on her but in a place she can see, which presumably helps to remember names and birthdays. was it in mirror writing?

(possibly misses point...)


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Lethaldrizzle · 27/05/2018 09:31

One of the loveliest nurses (male) I ever met was covered in tattoos

tierraJ · 27/05/2018 09:28

Yesterday I worked with a male HCA with the names of his wife & children tattooed on his neck.
The patients young & old thought he was great.
He normally works in an elderly care ward with dementia patients & they love him.

crazycatgal · 26/05/2018 23:25

@RoseWhiteTips Don't worry, you probably couldn't afford a QC anyway, tattooed or not.

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