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To HATE my mother kissing my baby

280 replies

yadayadayesokay · 17/03/2018 15:53

My DD is 3 months old. I didn’t think I would have a problem with people kissing her and I generally don’t. We have had the usual large amount of visitors to come and meet and of course hold and kiss my DD. Not a problem whatsoever. But then it comes to my mother and I just can’t stand it. She doesn’t just kiss her a couple of times like other people, she will SMOTHER her in kisses constantly, all over. Hair, head, forehead, cheeks, nose, hands (which I particularly hate because they go straight in her mouth) opens up her onesie to blow raspberries on her belly, ‘eats’ her feet. I know there’s nothing out of the ordinary here but for me it’s just the amount that she does it. The kissing her all over her face all the time is how myself and my DP kiss her, as she’s our baby! I just wish she would calm down a bit. I suspect most others wouldn’t have a problem with this. AIBU?

OP posts:
Beeziekn33ze · 17/03/2018 18:06

Best place to kiss small babies is surely on the forehead, possibly cheek, but not too near mouth or nose. The number of germs in our mouths is huge.
As for all the Facebook pics of dogs 'kissing' small babies ...

ijustwannadance · 17/03/2018 18:09

I don't think anyone should kiss a baby on the mouth, it's gross.

sheldonesque · 17/03/2018 18:12

My mam kisses my niece and nephew - not excessively, but she does.

I don't remember getting kissed or cuddled by my mam or dad. At all.

I like to think they did do it once upon a time.

TheDailyMailIsADisgustingRag · 17/03/2018 18:15

As for all the Facebook pics of dogs 'kissing' small babies ...

I’m sure I read that dogs have quite clean mouths, especially compared to humans. I know a doctor who said human bites are much worse germ-wise (medical term Wink) than dog bites.

Bluelady · 17/03/2018 18:18

I'll just leave this here. My son was 41 when my mum died. Part of his contribution to her eulogy was "Kisses and cuddles on tap". They were incredibly close all his life and he was devastated at losing her.

jalpie · 17/03/2018 18:20

You sound very uptight and frankly mean - she is your mum and it sounds like she is over the moon at being a new granny ... why not just chill the fuck out a bit and worry about things that really matter

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 17/03/2018 18:21

Nobody is saying kissing is wrong! It's not. But the only baby you have the right to cover in kisses, especially their faces and mouths and hands is your own.

thiskittenbarks · 17/03/2018 18:23

I don't see what's there is to be annoyed about here. Do you have unresolved issues with your mum aside from this?
My mum hounded me to give her grandchildren for years and then when I finally did it turned out she was more interested in her phone / Facebook. I'd love her to bond with my baby like this.
Try to figure out if there is another reason why this upsets you.

CottonSock · 17/03/2018 18:24

My boss kissed my baby on the head. She was rather embarrassed.. Just a kind of reflex reaction. I thought it was really sweet

missyB1 · 17/03/2018 18:25

Bluelady that’s lovely, and you are absolutely right why would we deny our kids that kind of special relationship and closeness? There is far too much paranoia these days.

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 17/03/2018 18:29

If you hug your GC and cuddle them, kiss their cheeks or head how on earth are you denying a special relationship and closeness. Silly comment.

Cornishclio · 17/03/2018 18:30

I love my 2 and a half year old granddaughter to bits and kiss and cuddle her a normal amount I think. I certainly have never slobbered over her or kissed her all over. That sounds a bit weird and over the top and I would be frightened of passing germs on to a new born baby when their immune system is so new.

Bluelady · 17/03/2018 18:30


GunslingerPie · 17/03/2018 18:32

Babies are just so kissable! I kissed mine constantly. When anyone else kissed them it just made me feel proudSmile

Roussette · 17/03/2018 18:34

I echo Bluelady

I wouldn't dream of kissing any baby on the lips, I didn't my own, I find that a bit weird. But a kiss on the head or the cheek is just lovely. Please don't say we're all going to get so stupid about this now, the world's gone mad. I know my adult DCs will love it if I was tactile with my GC and kiss them when they have GC... we're that sort of family.

mummaCL · 17/03/2018 18:35

Why would anyone (even parent) kiss a baby on the mouth?
We are huggers and kissers in our family and have no problem with baby kissing!
Though no one should ever kiss a baby if they had a cold sore surely?

Lethaldrizzle · 17/03/2018 18:45

Most babies come through vaginas, a mother in laws mouth is small fry!

TheVanguardSix · 17/03/2018 18:49

It will all calm down once your baby is no longer a cute newborn/infant. 3 more months of this- maximum- and it will stop, I guarantee.

MrsKoala · 17/03/2018 18:54

This is a MN thing i have never got (like many others). We are all kissers here, i kiss my parents on the lips and they kiss my kids on the lips. My parents even co-sleep with my dc and they are always doing raspberries and kisses. I think it's lovely. When i drop mine at school/preschool they always kiss me on the lips to say goodbye. As do the other children with their parents. I've only ever known people on MN who find this odd.

AHedgehogCanNeverBeBuggered · 17/03/2018 18:58

a person carrying the herpes virus does not always have to have an active cold sore to transmit the virus

Hmm Don't be posting shite now, Caffeine. Cold sores are spread through contact with an open sore (directly or through an intermediary such as hands, cups etc.). This is a fact.

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 17/03/2018 18:59

Nope MrsK we are a family of cheek/head/nose kissers but never on the lips. We hug and cuddle all the time, we're a very tactile family but there's no lip kissing. Only when they were tiny babies did that happen.

urakidurasquid · 17/03/2018 19:02

Jesus Christ, where is everyone getting the "slobbering" from? Is she licking the baby??


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dontcallmelen · 17/03/2018 19:02

I don’t kiss my dgd on the mouth, but I do love kissing & cuddling her I have never slobbered all over her or left a saliva trail, I am still a little shocked at how much love I have for her, but tbh the only children I liked were my own & before she was born a little part of me was worried that I wouldn’t feel as much love, as I had for my children.
But without trying to sound dreadfully cheesy & soppy, I find it difficult to convey in words the depth of my love that I have for this child, my heart aches when I don’t see her for a couple of days.
I am very lucky, I have a really close relationship with my dd & she is I think proud in a way of the bond that dgd & I have.

MrsKoala · 17/03/2018 19:03

Nope what GreatDuck?

Backingvocals · 17/03/2018 19:09

The slobbering comments are weird. She’s kissing her gc. My mum does this - we call it grandma kisses - when my dd is really sad I ask her if she needs to go to her grandmas for some grandma kisses. It’s a sign of how loved she is - quite how you can be put out by this I do not know.

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