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To HATE my mother kissing my baby

280 replies

yadayadayesokay · 17/03/2018 15:53

My DD is 3 months old. I didn’t think I would have a problem with people kissing her and I generally don’t. We have had the usual large amount of visitors to come and meet and of course hold and kiss my DD. Not a problem whatsoever. But then it comes to my mother and I just can’t stand it. She doesn’t just kiss her a couple of times like other people, she will SMOTHER her in kisses constantly, all over. Hair, head, forehead, cheeks, nose, hands (which I particularly hate because they go straight in her mouth) opens up her onesie to blow raspberries on her belly, ‘eats’ her feet. I know there’s nothing out of the ordinary here but for me it’s just the amount that she does it. The kissing her all over her face all the time is how myself and my DP kiss her, as she’s our baby! I just wish she would calm down a bit. I suspect most others wouldn’t have a problem with this. AIBU?

OP posts:
CaffeineBomb · 17/03/2018 19:54

@AHedgehogCanNeverBeBuggered how about you look up asymptomatic shedding. The herpes virus can be passed on in this stage with no obvious symptoms. This is a fact

Bluelady · 17/03/2018 19:55

Consent? This thread is now becoming utterly ridiculous.

LemonDropsAreSour · 17/03/2018 19:56

birdsgottafly that must be one of the strangest things I've ever read. What the actual fuck.

demirose87 · 17/03/2018 19:57

I'm sure anyone with a cold sore would have the common sense not to kiss a baby. Not sure why it keeps getting brought up on this thread as it isn't relevant.

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 19:58

Although there are many sensible posters agreeing that it's wrong, for your mother to be practically eating your baby, there are too many posters on here playing down the dangers of slavering all over a young baby. Very glad none of them are close relatives of MINE!

YANBU OP. Tell your mother to stop putting her disgusting slobber all over your baby. She is YOUR baby, not hers! If my mother had ever done this, it would have fucked me off tbh. She has more sense though.

Very amused at how some people seem to be offended that some posters think slobbering all over a baby is wrong. I mean, God FORBID someone has a different opinion to you eh?! Wink

RavenWings · 17/03/2018 19:59

I think this is one of the most overly precious OPs I've ever seen. I wasn't aware there was a limit on kisses.

God forbid a grandmother have a loving relationship with her grandchild!

Lethaldrizzle · 17/03/2018 19:59

Germs are good for you

RavenWings · 17/03/2018 20:00

Mind you, I do find kissing kids on the lips a bit weird. I include kisses from parents in that.

NorthernKnickers · 17/03/2018 20:00

Have to agree @Bluelady...completely bonkers!!

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 20:01

Many people have a close relationship with their grandkids without drooling and slobbering all over their face. It's weird as fuck.

And not ALL germs are 'good for you.' Especially if you are a tiny baby!

SunnySkiesSleepsintheMorning · 17/03/2018 20:01

Some of the language in this thread is shockingly weird “practically eating” and “salivating” and talking about consent.

GerdaLovesLili · 17/03/2018 20:02

We need a photo of before and after kissing so we can judge just how slimy your baby is after your DM has finished... Confused Confused Confused

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 20:02

Being fussy about people slobbering over your baby is not as BONKERS as slavering all over a baby's face.

SunnySkiesSleepsintheMorning · 17/03/2018 20:02

My kids used to giggle as babies if you pretended to nibble on their hands or their cheeks. They were so happy.

SunnySkiesSleepsintheMorning · 17/03/2018 20:03

OP didn’t say her mother “slavered” over the baby. 😂

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 20:03

Some posters on here really do not like people disagreeing with them do they? PMSL!

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 17/03/2018 20:04

You can still have a loving relationship with your GC without kissing them all over their face and mouth Hmm

TalkinBoutWhat · 17/03/2018 20:05

In the community I grew up in it was really common to be slobbered on all over your face by all of the 'aunts' and 'uncles' (whether by blood, by family friendship, or whether they happened to be standing near your parents sometime in the distant past....), and lots of them really steered for the lips. It was horrible.

My DM didn't do anything to stop it. But clearly something must have happened to have changed her mind, because she has very carefully trained all of her DGC to be kissed on the forehead, to the point that when people would go to give them a kiss they would automatically - and VERY obviously - lower their heads so that their foreheads would be kissed. Only when they grew much taller did they start to move their heads to the side so that any smoocher would just get their cheeks.

MUCH better I think.

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 20:07

Good posts @greatduck and @talkingboutwhat

NorthernKnickers · 17/03/2018 20:08

@user1490607838 huh? Nobody is 'slobbering'!!! It's just bizarre that you (and others on here!!) are even imagining a granny with great globs of saliva dripping over an infant! I mean...who in the world even does that? Even in my MOST passionate moments (I've had one or two in my time 😊) I have never 'slobbered' over anyone 🤢 I can assure you that NOT A DROP OF SLOBBER has ever been dripped by me into my GC when I've kissed them 🙄. Not. One. Single. Drop!!

user1490607838 · 17/03/2018 20:09

If you say so @northern

SunnySkiesSleepsintheMorning · 17/03/2018 20:09

User, it’s cool that we all have different opinions but it’s odd when people make up things that the OP never said.

Her baby, her choice. It’s the weird language that makes me Hmm. Btw not saying the OP was like this. Accusing a woman of salivating over her grandchild is not nice. OP hasn’t suggested her mother is being anything over than too affectionate and didn’t suggest unkind intent.


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Nomorechickens · 17/03/2018 20:11

GM kissing a few times every so often - fine. GM constantly kissing - weird and annoying. Ask her to stop it. She can do it as much as she likes when you're not watching but tell her to tone down the public display

greendale17 · 17/03/2018 20:12


Sorry, but all I think is how lucky your baby is to have a grandparent who loves them so much.


LittleLionMansMummy · 17/03/2018 20:15

there are too many posters on here playing down the dangers of slavering all over a young baby.

We're talking about a besotted grandmother, not one of Pavlov's dogs.

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