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To think I’m still huge? Photo included

199 replies

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:30

I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still feel huge and that I have a lot of body fat

Would you look at me and think Shock she’s so overweight?

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
PompholyxOfUnknownOrigin · 20/01/2018 16:15

^^ how rude, halfwitpicker.
OP I think you look slim but not thin.

rightknockered · 20/01/2018 16:21

If I was to post a pic of one body part - for me would be my thighs - I'm pretty sure some posters would tell me that I could do with toning them up. Yet I'm a size 6, work out a lot, I just happen to carry fat there. Not a lot, but more than I like. Everyone carries fat somewhere. Just focus on getting healthier and continue with your workout plan. You've done incredibly well.

slookiroo · 20/01/2018 16:39

No, you look fairly slim and healthy. Most definitely not huge!

ZanyMobster · 20/01/2018 16:52

You're definitely confusing being toned and being slim. You don't look overweight IMO. I looked similar to that (Was 5ft 4 and 9 stone) a few years ago. I started exercising and toned up loads and completely changed shape. It made such a difference, I have had an injury again and look similar to you at the moment, I don't think I'm overweight and still in 10/12 clothes but don't look that toned anymore.

Wishiwasholsk · 20/01/2018 17:04

So how is everyone toning up? Just Pilates?

petbear · 20/01/2018 17:05

Not at all even remotely overweight.

Your body looks great. Smile

ZanyMobster · 20/01/2018 18:18

Wishi - weight training IMO is the quickest way. Can do it at home. I do a programme of 10 reps x 3 sets of each exercise (takes about half hour). I use a weight that is as heavy as I can manage so I can only just about manage the 3rd set, I keep going up as high as possible. You don't bulk up as the reps are too high.

Makinglists · 20/01/2018 18:24

Swap please.... look great possibly some Pilates would give you a little bit of extra tone but you look slim, fit and healthy.

LondonLassInTheCountry · 20/01/2018 18:37

Cant believe how many people are entertaining this!!!

slippermaiden · 20/01/2018 18:39

You don't look over weight at all, just maybe lacking tone, probably a mum, definitely female....doesn't look much different to me or a lot of my friends, we run, cycle, eat well. Leave yourself alone.

PootlesLovelyHat · 20/01/2018 19:09

Yes to Pilates for toning up, I've only been about 6 times and I've noticed a marked improvement, but I definitely aren't putting up a picture on here!

strangerhoesagain · 20/01/2018 19:10

Please fish for attention elsewhere.

frumpety · 20/01/2018 19:16

You certainly don't look huge to me OP , but then I'm not sure I would trust the opinion of someone eating crunchy nut cornflakes straight out of the box whilst waiting for the deep fat fryer to heat up Grin

GlitterUnicornsAndAllThatJazz · 20/01/2018 19:18

Sorry but that did make me chuckle 😂

Cosmic123 · 20/01/2018 19:28

You look like a normal woman who has been bombarded with misleading media images about what women should look like

DavetheCat2001 · 20/01/2018 19:44

Pilates and running

Kitsharrington · 20/01/2018 20:16

I wouldn’t call you skinny but you’re not fat either.

LolitaLempicka · 20/01/2018 20:25

From that photo, yes I would think you were overweight.

DivisionBelle · 20/01/2018 20:33

You are absolutely not ‘huge ‘!

You have a waist, you are not an apple.

Well done on losing loads.

Some toning will help. Sit ups, side lifts etc.

Ukelou · 20/01/2018 20:37

I used to work in a clothes shop its really sad how many women have lost weight and just wont believe they are no longer a larger size. We used to basically force them in to the correct size, its amazing how we dont see what others see. I also had a friend who saw a picture of a women from behind thought i wish i looked that slim, realised it was her then immediately thought what a fat arse! Its quite depressing.

JamPasty · 20/01/2018 20:38

I still have a good 30% body fat so until that’s gone - you do know you need some percentage of fat to be healthy yes?

ferntwist · 20/01/2018 20:38

You look good!


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LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 23:43

I still have a good 30% body fat so until that’s gone - you do know you need some percentage of fat to be healthy yes?

Sorry for not wording things exactly BUT clearly I didn’t mean 0% body fat ... I would have assumed that was obvious.

The goal is 18-20%.

OP posts:
BlockRockinBeats · 20/01/2018 23:52

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

AnElderlyLadyOfMediumHeight · 21/01/2018 07:57

'Cant believe how many people are entertaining this!!!'

This. Encouraging the obsession with size and weight that blights the lives of so many women on here and sometimes ends up with them passing it on to their daughters.


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