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To think I’m still huge? Photo included

199 replies

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:30

I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still feel huge and that I have a lot of body fat

Would you look at me and think Shock she’s so overweight?

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
DavetheCat2001 · 20/01/2018 12:44

What weight/height/size are you now OP?

Theapplestretching · 20/01/2018 12:44

Difficult to tell from just a stomach picture though. I'm guessing you're self conscious about your stomach and that's why you're focussing on it as your 'fat' place?

GlitterUnicornsAndAllThatJazz · 20/01/2018 12:44

I'm like you, tall and skinny and technically "underweight".

The poster looks good, but I don't think she would be described as slim as I said above. Normal with some toning work required. Dont forget that the UK image of slimness is somewhat skewed. There's nothing mean about just giving her honest feedback like she asked for.

Stop looking for agendas where there are none.

Somersetlady · 20/01/2018 12:46

No but unless we were in a gym pool setting then I’d be unlikely to see your midriff.

You are going the right way in loosing it to keep going at what you are and the rest of the fat will come off too!

I also have a squidy tummy after babies but like you have started to do something about and it. And although it’s not a good bikini look it’s well on the way to getting there!

ThisLittleKitty · 20/01/2018 12:47

I just wonder how overweight the people are who are saying she’s not slim.
I think the people who see the op as slim are most likely the ones overweight so to them the op is slim. You just have to look at the comments to see that.

PostNotInHaste · 20/01/2018 12:49

I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve lost a lot and still have 17lbs to hit a healthy BMI. Just opened a parcel with some new jeans in and thought no way can I fit in them but I do. Keep losing my trousers as I think they belong to someone else so chuck them in the wrong person’s clothes pile.

Bettyswitch · 20/01/2018 12:50

You look great op!
Well done with your weight loss, not alot of body fat from what i can see tbh, if you want to strip down more body fat then id recommend going to a gym and getting a pt who can advise on the healthiest way to go about it!

MikeUniformMike · 20/01/2018 12:50

I'm not overweight. My reply was tongue in cheek. OP is not huge.

lljkk · 20/01/2018 12:51
Itmakesthereaderreadon · 20/01/2018 12:51

You're probably a bit like me-I look slimmer with my c clothes on. I'm also tall, which gives the illusion of blindness.

Itmakesthereaderreadon · 20/01/2018 12:51

Offs. Slimness.

HuskyMcClusky · 20/01/2018 12:54

The OP asked if she looks ‘huge’ / people looking at her would think ‘she’s so overweight’. She didn’t ask if she’s ‘slim’; she already said she has more to lose.

TatianaLarina · 20/01/2018 12:54

Well I would describe her as slim. Not thin, not skinny, but slim. Normal has no meaning.

I had a tummy like that just after childbirth, people would still have called me slim.

In fact I find posters quite naive on here - many seem to think that size 8 or 10 is skinny and toned, whereas actually people can be those sizes and carry quite a bit of chub, depending on their frame.

I’m also surprised at the number of women who are significantly overweight. Not making any judgement about it at all, but it’s a definite demographic shift from 50 years ago.

TimeforCupcakes · 20/01/2018 12:54

I wish I looked like that ...x

greendale17 · 20/01/2018 12:55

Talk about fishing for compliments Hmm

No that is not fat whatsoever

TatianaLarina · 20/01/2018 12:56

You just have to look at the comments to see that

Well you obviously haven’t looked at my comments.

Deshasafraisy · 20/01/2018 12:56

No, you’re fine.

user1471459936 · 20/01/2018 12:57

I think I must be looking at a different photo. You can't even see her tummy button!

GlitterUnicornsAndAllThatJazz · 20/01/2018 12:57

Yes you have a point!

Anyway regardless you look good OP so well done!

ruleshelpcontrolthefun · 20/01/2018 12:57

You look very similar to me. I look slim with clothes on and I've got some decent muscle but a bit too much fat after having 2 babies which I'm working on. Fewer carbs, more weights and targeted exercises. You're doing well!

chocolateiamydrug · 20/01/2018 12:59

impossible to say from this small pic. what is your BMI or height/weight.

but well done on the weight loss!

PinguDance · 20/01/2018 13:01

@ThisLittleKitty, I'm a size 4/6/8 depending what shop I'm in but I still have a little squidgy tummy paunch. Like Tatiana said you can be slim and a bit podgy too. OP could be 5'2" and a size 6 or 5'10" and a size 14 - we can't tell from the photo.


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TatianaLarina · 20/01/2018 13:02

I totally agree GlitterUnicorns that the OP has done really well.

That should be the focus.

heardashot · 20/01/2018 13:03

Well done you, wish I looked like that! No, you are not huge!

ThisLittleKitty · 20/01/2018 13:04

From the pic I don't see the op as slim that's all I'm saying. Not huge just not slim. It's not an insult.

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