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To think I’m still huge? Photo included

199 replies

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:30

I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still feel huge and that I have a lot of body fat

Would you look at me and think Shock she’s so overweight?

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
Elendon · 20/01/2018 13:16

You posted a photo that is body shopped, obvious.

You look fine. Have you been pregnant?

Elendon · 20/01/2018 13:17

The photo shopped photo not of you, but in your later posts, obviously.

museumum · 20/01/2018 13:20

I don’t think “that person is overweight” about a random stranger unless they don’t fit in a train/bus/plane seat.
I’ve no time for people who go about thinking about other people’s waist size - if they do they’ve obviously got nothing more interesting to think about.

AnnieAnoniMouse · 20/01/2018 13:21

I’d love to be ‘that fat’ 😁

You look ‘normal’. What you average healthy female adult should be like.

The second photo you posted, if I looked like that, I’d NEVER put clothes on 😂

How much weight have you lost?

Inthedeepdarkwinter · 20/01/2018 13:22

Some people always have a bit of a tum- I had one when I was 7 stone 11 and super thin. I have never had the flat stomach that is in fashion or you see on selfies.

This is just not everyone's body shape. You cannot see someone shape from a upward photo of one body part.

Even if you could, this way of thinking is damaging as well as boring.

Enjoy your lovely young firm (I don't see the mum pouch I have) body!

NotAgainYoda · 20/01/2018 13:29

You look normal. Your stomach isn't toned and so what? A bit overweight and so what?

The woman in your second picture looks like she spends a boringly large amount of time focussing on precisely how much muscle definition she has

happy2bhomely · 20/01/2018 13:30

You are not huge. At all.

My tummy looks like that after 5 children and I am about 2 stone overweight. BMI 27/28 I carry most of my weight on my arse! I have that horizontal line across my belly button. My waist is currently 33 inches but my tummy is flat when viewed from the side.

You look much slimmer across your hips than I do. Your tummy does look quite soft, which is absolutely fine, but you could tone it up if you would like it to be firmer.

I think you should focus more on the progress you have made. You look good.

NotAgainYoda · 20/01/2018 13:31

... oh and also the woman in you picture looks like she's had a boob job in order to square the no-fat-on-body -yet -still-has-boobs conundrum

Somersetter · 20/01/2018 13:31

I think you look great and I'm surprised you're technically overweight by BMI. What height and weight are you? I'm a healthy BMI (lower end) and have more tummy fat than you.

user1490465531 · 20/01/2018 13:32

I'd say your a size 12 like me and I don't consider myself fat but not really slim either.

CountFosco · 20/01/2018 13:33

30% body fat is within the healthy range for a woman. BMI is not as inaccurate as people like to suggest. It is phenomenally rare for a woman to be so muscly and lean that she has a high BMI but is not unhealthy: there was a study done a few years ago of Olympic athletes and only some of male weightlifters had a high BMI but healthy levels of body fat, the female weightlifter all had healthy BMIs. The rest of the athletes (male and female across multiple sports) had healthy BMIs.

Grilledaubergines · 20/01/2018 13:34

Not at all OP. You look like you have a great figure.

But actually the only important question is do you feel better, healthier, more confident?

Don't ask others for their opinions on your size because with the greatest of respect, it doesn't matter.

We need to not seek approval from others as to our appearance. Or whether we look acceptable to the next person. What matters is you.

Felicitycity · 20/01/2018 13:35

I wish I looked like that! I'm very envious. Well done you.

hungryradish · 20/01/2018 13:38

Not at all! You're absolutely definitely not huge in the slightest, I promise :)

hamburgers · 20/01/2018 13:40

Yes, you need to lose weight and tone up (look at your belly button). I guess you wear a size 12-14 unless you have a very small frame and this is just lots of excess fat? But no, I wouldn't say "so overweight" or "huge" by any means.

AgnesBrownsCat · 20/01/2018 13:41

What’s your bmi ?

GardenGeek · 20/01/2018 13:43

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Addictedtohavingbabies · 20/01/2018 13:43

hamburgers, what a nasty comment! I take it your perfect? OP you're fine, don't worry. There are people much bigger than you, myself included. After 4 c sections I would love a belly like that.

Placeboooooooo · 20/01/2018 13:43

You have a lovely figure!

I lost a lot of weight 6-7 years ago and still struggled to see past how I had looked a couple of months earlier. I still thought I was the ‘fat girl’ when in actual fact I was a size 10.

I’d love to have a figure like yours again but as someone who has been bigger and lost the weight before I understand why you would feel the way you do.

Placeboooooooo · 20/01/2018 13:44

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MorningCuppa · 20/01/2018 13:48

No I wouldn't, keep it up op you look fine.

weetabix07 · 20/01/2018 13:54

@museumum you are my kind of person!

OP no you are not big at all since you ask.


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rookiemere · 20/01/2018 14:00

These threads are a bit tiresome.

OP it's impossible to tell from a small picture of your middle bit, particularly when it's unclear if you've lifted your arms or not. I would say that your tummy looks flat but a bit untoned.

Regarding body fat percentage, some of us unfortunately carry a higher percentage than others. When I was in my early thirties and had a BMI of about 23 and did loads of exercise, I still had a body fat percentage of around 30-32%

Most people wear clothes in front of others, so OP it might be better
to post another head to toe dressed photo for us to give you an accurate assessment.

Well done on the weight loss and exercise regime. Try to find inner peace with yourself though rather than seeking validation through strangers.

user1471459936 · 20/01/2018 14:03

Her stomach isn't flat if she has an actual indentation where her tummy button is.

HuskyMcClusky · 20/01/2018 14:07

To be fair, few adult women have toned stomachs, assuming that by ‘toned’ you mean ‘visible defined muscle’. (Yes, yes, I know some do.) Unlike, say, legs, stomachs don’t tend to get much incidental exercise, so unless you target them..,🤷🏻‍♀️

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