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To think I’m still huge? Photo included

199 replies

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:30

I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still feel huge and that I have a lot of body fat

Would you look at me and think Shock she’s so overweight?

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
Snowysky20009 · 20/01/2018 11:48


You say your arse straggles to postcodes, my arse is in one and my boobs in another Grin

gamerwidow · 20/01/2018 11:48

Even if the OP is fishing for compliments, so what! Losing weight is hard well done OP.

HuskyMcClusky · 20/01/2018 11:49

If by ‘toned’ you mean visible muscles; no, her stomach is not toned. But nor are the stomachs of the vast majority of people who are not overweight. I’m at the lower end of my healthy weight range, and I still have ‘pinchable’ fat on my abdomen, like the OP.

That does not mean she is, or looks, overweight.

Passthecake30 · 20/01/2018 11:51

I don't think you can assess someone size from their stomach tbh, it depends where people carry their weight. So long as you feel happy and healthy.

Appraiser · 20/01/2018 11:52

You look slim and healthy based on that picture

If you are comparing to the instagram gym selfies that people do, you will feel worse.

Have you got a before picture of yourself that you can compare to? I take pictures of my progress continuously because it is good to look back and see how far you've come.

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 20/01/2018 11:52

I wouldn't comment on how you look at all and I wish that women weren't so fixated on courting other people's views on how they look.

I don't remember - ever - hearing a man asking about their body, more a fully-dressed, "This ok?" with a view to changing a tie if it didn't go, but that's it.

If you're sensitive about your body OP, this isn't the place to ask because you're unlikely to get a consensus, only individual responses that are subjective.

Maybe go on the 'weight loss' boards and ask there rather than AIBU?

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 20/01/2018 11:53

Never mind their own postcodes. My boobs are in England. My arse is in Finland.Grin

HotelEuphoria · 20/01/2018 11:53

Yeh right, what size are those joggers....10?

I bet people snigger in the street when they see you coming and you have mobility problems Hmm

HouseworkIsAPain · 20/01/2018 11:54

Objectively looking at you, you are slim and in no way overweight. And have made me realise that I have a warped view of my own body because I am similar look, but think I am big because my skin is loose. I think it's easy to be very over-critical of your own appearance whilst looking at others and thinking they are absolutely fine - even though they have the same build and look as you.

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:54

If I had a body like this then I would be fishing for compliments Grin .. I still have a good 30% body fat so until that’s gone then I guess I won’t be toned and that’s more about nutrition.

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
WitchIwasaWitch18 · 20/01/2018 11:55

Post a before photo if you have one so you can see the difference.

It's a bit like the Gok Wan programme where you choose whereabouts in the line up of ladies you fit according your weight.

I don't think your own mind's image of yourself has caught up with the reality yet.

You look great OP Well done.

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:55

I bet people snigger in the street when they see you coming and you have mobility problem

I did used to have terrible pain below my knees when walking for over 10 minutes.

OP posts:
supersop60 · 20/01/2018 11:56

Not overweight.

Blackteadrinker77 · 20/01/2018 11:57

Do you exercise?

I'd do a recomp using strong curves or 5x5.

WitchIwasaWitch18 · 20/01/2018 11:57

Lolita She doesn't look like that in real life. Good example of heavy photo shopping.

norfolkenclue · 20/01/2018 11:57

Some INCREDIBLY rude (bitchy) people on here today!

chickenowner · 20/01/2018 11:58

Christ I wish my midriff looked like that!

You are not overweight, I think you look fab!!

SukiTheDog · 20/01/2018 11:59

I wish I were that overweight. You look slim, to me. Well done but don’t go too far 😊

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 12:01

Do you exercise? I'd do a recomp using strong curves or 5x5

I do exercise ... I do maybe 2/3 cardio sessions and 4 heavy weight sessions

Never heard of what you’ve mentioned though

OP posts:
Blackteadrinker77 · 20/01/2018 12:02

I wouldn't put you at 30% body fat. More 25%.

Mrsjellybum · 20/01/2018 12:02

WTAF fishing for compliments. Piss off.

Even if she is fishing then so what maybe she just needs a confidence boost

OP I wouldn't say you overweight but I know what u mean about still feeling big.

Try some sit ups and leg lifts and such every evening before u jump into bed it may just make u feel a little more tones which will give u that confidence boost that u may need.

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 12:02

And also according to bmi (not that I really follow it) but I’m a stone over being a healthy weight.

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Alittleconcerned1980 · 20/01/2018 12:05

No I wouldn’t think overweight
But if you were wearing a tight top I’m guessing you have a paunch, and I suppose I might briefly clock that.

Shimmershimmerandshine · 20/01/2018 12:06

I could take a picture like that and I'm a stone under maximum healthy weight according to BMI. To tone up you need to work out losing weight alone won't achieve that.

But I can't imagine looking at anyone a stone overweight and their weight being the first thing that is noticeable about them. Well done on the weight loss.

Blackteadrinker77 · 20/01/2018 12:06

I do exercise ... I do maybe 2/3 cardio sessions and 4 heavy weight sessions

You'll get better results using one of the proven programmes.

You've got a good mix of cardio to strength training there. Your results will come, patience.

I currently can't lift due to surgery and I can already tell I am losing muscle mass. It is driving me nuts so I feel your pain.

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