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To think I’m still huge? Photo included

199 replies

LolitaChi · 20/01/2018 11:30

I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still feel huge and that I have a lot of body fat

Would you look at me and think Shock she’s so overweight?

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
OP posts:
BonnesVacances · 23/01/2018 07:59

If you head over to the 5:2 board that seems to be a good way to lose belly fat if that's what you'd like to focus on. I've been doing it and it's the first "diet" where it's not come off my hips first.

madeyemoodysmum · 23/01/2018 07:54

I don't think you are op but I understand as I have the same issues. Lost 2 stone 3 years ago and been gym/swim twice a week for last two years

I still feel fat around my tummy. 2 c sections and I do t think there's a lot more I can do bare surgery.

I guess I need to accept my shape.
Your tum looks better than mine op.

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
TheWeatherGirl1 · 23/01/2018 07:32


TheDailyMailIsADisgustingRag · 23/01/2018 07:29

Yes, you do need to lose more body fat if you want to be able to see your abs underneath. Why the hell are you posting? You sound really knowledgeable about this and sure of your decision. Good! Stick to your goals and stop asking other people for validation.

Unless, are you worried that you’re wrong to pursue these goals? I don’t think you are btw. As long as you stay a healthy weight and it isn’t becoming an unhealthy obsession, then crack on!

LemonysSnicket · 22/01/2018 22:42

If your relationship with your weight is unhealthy then no matter how much weight you lose you’ll always think you’re too big. Trust

TakeMeToTheUSA · 22/01/2018 20:29

No you're slim. You could maybe tone up a bit if you wanted to but you are definately not fat by a long shot and you're more toned than I am

SummerRoberts · 22/01/2018 20:27

I'd pay good money for my body to look like yours.
You look like the after to my before!

RidingWindhorses · 22/01/2018 20:21

It's the last bit that's really hard to shift.

I can trim my stomach by various different means but to tone the last bit, the only thing that worked for me was Pilates as it's very specific.

DavetheCat2001 · 22/01/2018 18:23

Run..honestly it's the best thing for burning fat.

LolitaChi · 22/01/2018 17:10

Oh I see well I don't do either. I'd say from the pics that squats and deadlifts aren't working as well for your tummy as they could

I’ve lost 6 inches off my stomach though so I feel it is working. Just need to lose more body fat to be able to see my abs.

OP posts:
Alittleconcerned1980 · 22/01/2018 06:28

Sort up should read sit up

Alittleconcerned1980 · 22/01/2018 06:28

Sort up done the wrong way. Awful.

Sit ups done the correct way WILL help you tone up your Abs. Check out you tube.

They helped my stomach after terrible stomach separation following birth of my son (you could fit a fist through the gap).

I’m 37 and I’m pretty proud of my stomach after two children.

To think I’m still huge? Photo included
RidingWindhorses · 21/01/2018 21:09

Oh I see well I don't do either. I'd say from the pics that squats and deadlifts aren't working as well for your tummy as they could. If your PT is male they're not always so good on female fat distribution.

However, you don't need to tone. You're fine as you are.

LolitaChi · 21/01/2018 19:25

Why is your PT against sit ups? Are they not good for your back?

Because you just don’t need to do them .. squats, deadlifts etc you’re already targeting that area.

OP posts:
HaudYerWheeshtBawbag · 21/01/2018 19:21

You need to tone, but your are not huge by any description!

HaudYerWheeshtBawbag · 21/01/2018 19:21

You need to tone, but your are not huge by any description!

RidingWindhorses · 21/01/2018 19:19

Why is your PT against sit ups? Are they not good for your back?

(That's the reason I can't do them - back pain.)

Pilates can and genuinely does target specific fat deposits. There's no question you can get your tummy down if you want.

But at the same time you really don't need to you're fine as you are.

Your tummy is the same size as mine as I have previously said, but if I lost weight I'd be underweight. I'm ill so I can only do the most gentle exercise and I feel under no obligation to do anything about my tummy whatsoever!

LolitaChi · 21/01/2018 17:59

The most irritating and potentially damaging part for me, taking into account the image shown, is the volume of posters suggesting the requirement for 'toning' when OP says she does several cardio and heavy weight sessions a week and the idea of toning is pretty much bollocks - visibility of muscle definition depends largely on individual fat storage patterns - so 'toning' effectively requires further weight loss that can't be targeted.

I understand where you’re coming from. I could do 1000 sit ups every day and have fantastic abs ... but still have the layer of fat covering them.

I am overweight and I’d like to lose 17kg more but I know now my nutrition is key to be able to see the results I want.

Also I have had abuse hurled at me in the street for being fat. I’ve had knee pain when walking. Not dated anyone because I didn’t think myself worthy enough ... so I’m not fishing for compliments ... I’m just finding it difficult to believe I am slimmer.

OP posts:
LastOneDancing · 21/01/2018 13:19

No you're not 'still huge'. You look like me & I'm ok. Im fit, healthy and look nice dressed up. I have lumps and bumps because that what nature intended me to have - even my collarbones are a bit lumpy - not straight like all the models in magazines.

I'd be less concerned by my fat % and much more concerned by my need to post a photo seeking validation from strangers. You can make all the changes you want to your body but if you compare & yearn for perfection you'll never find peace.

The 'ideal' photo you posted - there's a video on instagram showing a model 'losing 10lb in 30 seconds' by changing her pose to one like that. It's brilliant. Modeling is all smoke & mirrors, you know that, right?

fascicle · 21/01/2018 12:22

'Cant believe how many people are entertaining this!!!'

This. Encouraging the obsession with size and weight that blights the lives of so many women on here and sometimes ends up with them passing it on to their daughters.


The most irritating and potentially damaging part for me, taking into account the image shown, is the volume of posters suggesting the requirement for 'toning' when OP says she does several cardio and heavy weight sessions a week and the idea of toning is pretty much bollocks - visibility of muscle definition depends largely on individual fat storage patterns - so 'toning' effectively requires further weight loss that can't be targeted.

Appraiser · 21/01/2018 11:11

@Farmerswife36 same here. Everyone thinks I’m a size 8 and I’m a size 12/14, but being 5’11 helps, along with dressing for my shape which is quite column / boy like.

Farmerswife36 · 21/01/2018 09:50

People always say I'm skinny but I'm just tall . I'm a size 14


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TheDailyMailIsADisgustingRag · 21/01/2018 08:11

You look fine. Not huge, but not teeny . If you have another goal (fat percentage for example), then go for it. You don’t need to be told what to do by MN Wink!

ZoopDragon · 21/01/2018 08:07

No you don't look overweight!

AnElderlyLadyOfMediumHeight · 21/01/2018 07:57

'Cant believe how many people are entertaining this!!!'

This. Encouraging the obsession with size and weight that blights the lives of so many women on here and sometimes ends up with them passing it on to their daughters.


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