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To not understand why teenagers are said to be quite so expensive

528 replies

theduchessstill · 16/08/2017 13:08

On here I often see it written that having teenagers is so incredibly expensive and I don't understand why.

It's actually getting me quite anxious as ds1 is 10 so the teen years are fast approaching. I followed one of those links people post last week where you put in just your income and how many dependants/adults live with you, and apparently I am better off than 81% of people now but that will plummet to 51% of people when both dc are 14 +. Obviously this is a crude tool, but it has been niggling at me.

Why are they so expensive and are none of the costs balanced by the absence of childcare fees with this age group ? Childcare is easily my biggest cost after my mortgage and I often think I will be better off when I don't need it anymore. Exactly what takes its place? I know food - and am already seeing it with ds1, but food can only cost so much, surely. What else is so expensive with teens? I know I probably sound stupid, but, hey, I want to know.

OP posts:
LadyinCement · 23/08/2017 21:44

I would think that most of us don't want to raise spoilt children. But we all have different amounts of money. Quite a few of ds's friends have received cars as presents. I don't think any the less of them or their parents. It's just that they can afford those things.

I think my dcs do all right, but they are not particularly demanding. What I do insist upon is knowing the value of money and not to waste it. I have schooled dd in "cost per wear" of clothes and scouring the internet for the best price. I expect this'll backfire and I'll turn out two of the most profligate adults ever!

FrenchRoast · 23/08/2017 22:27

wanting to do the best for your kids but we all differ in what that is - for me it's not about loads of labels, but that's easy because my kids don't feel a draw towards clothing brands (I am however having a battle with bollocks skin care crap)...other people on here feel labels are important because they felt they were bullied for not "looking cool", but that is not always the case - my kids are not bullied - they manage to look cool enough wearing New look and H&M. We are lucky in that we can afford the labels - but they are marketing hype, they wind me's just bullshit and I want my dcs to recognise the labels for what for what they are.

Tw1nsetAndPearls · 23/08/2017 22:37

For me wanting to do the best for my children has nothing to do with buying labels and I say that as somebody who likes buying clothes for my children.

Doing the best for my children means giving them a happy home, moral guidance so that they are nice to be around and can succeed in work and future relationships and giving them rich experiences including travel and extra curricular opportunities. That isn't about not spending money because some of that costs money. Of course you could include buying your children labels as doing the best for your children - it seems an odd "best" to prioritise though.

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