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about changing a nappy on a cafe table?

340 replies

Catsize · 18/04/2017 19:07

So, I usually grab something quick and cheap for lunch but decided to treat myself to a nice baked spud in an art gallery cafe.

Half way through said spud, and perusing MN, I looked up to see that the people on the table nearby were changing a baby's nappy on the table where they'd just eaten.

My face must have been a bit of a picture because one of the women looked at me as if to say 'what?'. Feeling I had to justify myself, I said 'it's just that it's a bit grim changing a baby's nappy on a cafe table'.

The woman doing the changing asked if I was a mum. Instead of saying 'what difference would that make?', I said I had two children. She said she didn't realise I was watching(?). I said it was more of a hygiene thing, but yes, it had put me off my lunch somewhat.

She replied that it was 'only a bit of wee'.

So, was I being unreasonable hygiene thing and it is 'only a bit of wee', or is this utterly grim?

For clarity, this was in an area out of sight of the staff and I was the only other customer in that area.

The loos were ten paces away, full changing facilities and pristine.

OP posts:
amaranthie · 18/04/2017 22:39

I think these people are obviously insane. I mean seriously....tables are for eating, loos are for changing nappies!

ProudAS · 18/04/2017 22:39

YANBU at all - at best it puts other customers off their food

user1489179512 · 18/04/2017 22:43

Awful awful thing to do. Ewwwww

lucyandpoppy123 · 18/04/2017 22:43

When baby was

user1489179512 · 18/04/2017 22:44

You do not use a TABLE for nappy changing.

lucyandpoppy123 · 18/04/2017 22:46

Have recently had to change her on the floor also for example at my dads funeral there were no changing facilities and she had done a poo! So had no choice but to change her in a side room with a disposible change mat underneath. Ditto also the wake

dontbesillyhenry · 18/04/2017 22:49

All disgustingness apart this thread highlights how inadequate and inaccessible some public places still are in this day and age. Fancy being a disabled adult and needing a change?

TheFairyCaravan · 18/04/2017 22:51

I can't believe so many people think it's ok to change nappies on tables. Do you tell the staff you've done it so they can disinfect them before anyone else uses them? I bet you don't.

It's bloody disgusting and there's no excuse.

IdaDown · 18/04/2017 22:54

20ish yrs ago I was at a wedding where the bride changed her baby's nappy on...

... the buffet table.

The filled with food buffet table.

I am not joking.

I didn't eat.

Flopjustwantscoffee · 18/04/2017 22:57

Changing a baby's nappy in public - fine, if it's a park where people are picnicking then don't do it right next to them/borrow their picnic blanket but outside on the grass wouldn't bother me. Doing it on the table of a cafe where the only reason for being there is to eat/drink = grim grim grim.

ArcheryAnnie · 18/04/2017 22:59

Grim, grim, grim. Parents are hardwired not to find their own offspring's effluvia too disgusting, but the rest of us don't have that luxury.


Flopjustwantscoffee · 18/04/2017 23:01

also - I did once have to change a really grim nappy on the seat of a plane once (I put lots of disposable mats down first) but there was no other option and It would have been unpleasant for the people in the rows behind/in front of me. There was no way out of it though. Completely different to a table in a cafe with the logos close by

Flopjustwantscoffee · 18/04/2017 23:05

And a side table at a mother baby meetup is completely different and fine too. At a museum a (male) friend asked where he could change his babies nappy as there were no changing facilities in the men's loos. They were really apologetic about this and opened up a side room to the cafe with a table for hi, to use. Completely different and fine as the table wasn't designated for eating at the time and didn't affect anyone else (like designating a side table in a parent meet up).

Emmastone123 · 18/04/2017 23:19

That's really unpleasant OP... well done for speaking up!

Floggingmolly · 18/04/2017 23:32

God, I can't believe you had to pm your friends, MrsK, as if the posters on this thread are some weird subset of society whose opinions don't count...

haveacupoftea · 18/04/2017 23:35

I literally couldn't care less about a baby's nappy being changed in the vicinity nesr me. Maybe I'm just disgusting Blush

Italiangreyhound · 18/04/2017 23:38

haveacupoftea it's not disgusting not to care about a nappy being changed but it is not very nice to not care about other people's feelings!

TheDowagerCuntess · 18/04/2017 23:54

Well, yes, if you'd happily sit down to eat at table that's just been used to change a nappy, and it hadn't been disinfected, that is pretty disgusting.

Bit different from seeing it happening on another table across from you, that you're not actually eating at.

Nobody's frothing. Just maintaining that tables are for eating at, not changing nappies.

mummag · 18/04/2017 23:54

I'm not sure why Mrskoala is getting a hard time. She put a,mat on the table first and DID ask others and was reassured. Changing nappy in a busy cafe on the table, surrounded by folk eating is not nice at all. But the two are different I think. First one I think with mat and just a wee okish the cafe one grim and totally unacceptable.

mummag · 18/04/2017 23:56

I think tables are cleaned at the end of an event as standard and not just if people have used them to change a nappy.

MrEBear · 18/04/2017 23:58

Henry that is it exactly it must be so so hard for disabled people and their carers. It was another thread on here a recently that drew my attention to the fact that changing stations are only designed for babies and toddlers, parents of older disabled children end up using the floor of disabled loos. I wouldn't fancy lying my child on the floor of any public loo.

TessTube · 19/04/2017 00:10

Flogging Well quite a lot of the posters on this thread can see a clear distinction in what MrsK did and the incident in the cafe - which isn't difficult.

Like she said if anyone had minded she wouldn't have done it.


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WankingMonkey · 19/04/2017 01:24

I have seen this a few times in coffee shops, never a restaurant/cafe. I think its vile even in a coffee shop tbh. Vile and lazy. Just why would you do that...especially when there are changing facilities (unoccupied, migh I if having to wait 5 mins for someone else to finish is an excuse either mind) seconds away.

WankingMonkey · 19/04/2017 01:26

*Although I was having a picnic yesterday and baby was screaming with a full nappy an wouldn't sit still so I changed his nappy on the picnic blanket, wiped my hands with a wet wipe and carried on eating. ( I would say outside, and on your own blanket is fine Smile

WankingMonkey · 19/04/2017 01:31

Nor in people's living rooms, nor in front of guests.

I am guilty of this Blush

Only in my parents sitting room (with only parents/sister there) or in mine when they are visiting though. And even then only as they get really offended if I leave the room to do it..they get all 'oh theres no need to leave the room, they are our grandkids' and that...I gave up after the first 3 times of trying to explain that I don't think its right to just whip nappies off infront of people. They asked where I do it at home and I said usually in the sitting room (when guests aren't there, otherwise my room) and they said well do the same when we are here Confused

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