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Anyone else have disgusting guilty good pleasures?

374 replies

threesocksmeghan · 03/04/2017 21:05

Probably just me. But mine is raw mushrooms, with garlic squeezed straight from the tube. Straight in the gob. It's better than sex.

Everyone thinks I'm a dog. Please tell me yours!

OP posts:
FloatyCat · 03/04/2017 21:25

Beetroot with tartare sauce on. Very pickly and lovely. My silly family don't appreciate how gorgeous this is.

mygorgeousmilo · 03/04/2017 21:25

McDonalds chips dipped in their thick strawberry milkshake...accompanied by two Big Macs.... this coming from a person who otherwise is a bit of an all organic, knit-your-own yoghurt, annoying foodie type. Yes, I am Jekyl and Hyde.

FloatyCat · 03/04/2017 21:26

Oh yes, Nutella & peanut butter in a cracker, like a home made snickers bar. Yum.

threesocksmeghan · 03/04/2017 21:26

LapinR0se the Doritos with honey sounds bizarre but kind of intriguing... like a sweet/savoury combo that could actually work!!

OP posts:
WhooooAmI24601 · 03/04/2017 21:27

Digestive biscuits sandwiched around a thick slab of that nasty Mexicana cheese. Batshit but it is amazing. I got onto it when I was pregnant with DS2 and never quite got over it.

EdmundCleverClogs · 03/04/2017 21:27

I eat butter.... right out of the packet Blush. I used to drink vinegar as a child, I'm surprised my insides didn't melt!

Hewillalwaysbemyman · 03/04/2017 21:27

A packet of Walkers Ready Salted crisps with vinegar and a pickled onion

MontyPythonsFlyingFuck · 03/04/2017 21:27

Raw (baby button only, OBVIOUSLY) mushrooms with prawny Primula cheese spread.

Room-temperature cheese strings, eaten very slowly in small bites by dismantling them with your tongue.

Strawberry Bear Yoyos.

DuvetSofaTelly · 03/04/2017 21:27

Supernoodles (chicken obv!), courgette, chilli and a fuckton of cheese.

ItsNachoCheese · 03/04/2017 21:30

The last "confessions" thread started as a food thread... just saying y'know GrinWink. And my guilty pleasure is eating some of the oxo cube/bisto before i put the water in. Ive been known to eat dry cuppa soup too

threesocksmeghan · 03/04/2017 21:30

Laura2507 I've done this and love it!!

EggysMom done this too, until it bleached my lips!

OP posts:
EdmundCleverClogs · 03/04/2017 21:31

DuvetSofaTelly, I love chicken flavour Supernoodles! I usually just mix in quite a bit of lea and perrins sauce, then eat with a side of ready salted crisps (just pile some up on to a crisp and eat). Then I wonder why I'm overweight Blush.

glueandstick · 03/04/2017 21:33

Fries dipped in banana milkshake. Has to be McDonalds

PunkrockerGirl · 03/04/2017 21:33

Ds2 has been known to have baked beans on toast topped with a Kitkat chunky Smile

Wishiwasmoiradingle2017 · 03/04/2017 21:33

When I was a dc i used to eat raw bacon rinds!
And ovaltine from the jar!
(not together)
Raw mushrooms are divine!!

SaucyJack · 03/04/2017 21:35

Bombay Badboy pot noodles with sweet chilli sauce, and as much Insanity sauce as I can stand without shitting out my vital organs.

I love chilli.

Crookshanks24 · 03/04/2017 21:35

I buy Betty Crocker icing tubs and eat it with a spoon
BlushBlushBlush's amazing

ALemonyPea · 03/04/2017 21:35

Peanut butter straight out the jar with a spoon.

DrFoxtrot · 03/04/2017 21:38


So amazing it needs capitals. Although I don't really count it as a guilty pleasure, it's the finest midnight snack in the world.

timeforabrewnow · 03/04/2017 21:39

Chocolate digestives with crunchy peanut butter on, preferably Skippy peanut butter 😘😋

Tiptoethr0ughthetulips · 03/04/2017 21:39

Jam and cheese sandwiches on brown bread.

DoloresAbernathy · 03/04/2017 21:40

I love raw mushrooms 🍄
Soft boiled eggs with vinegar and salt... soldiers to mop up the vinegar egg goodness!


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nursy1 · 03/04/2017 21:42

Mashed potato sandwiches heavily buttered with HP sauce

CheckpointCharlie2 · 03/04/2017 21:42

Any kind of crisps dipped into cottage cheese

SpidersWithBellsOn · 03/04/2017 21:43

Savoury cheese twists dipped in Nutella. DP thinks I'm batshit.

Nutella and peanut butter on crackers sounds heavenly!

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