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Anyone else have disgusting guilty good pleasures?

374 replies

threesocksmeghan · 03/04/2017 21:05

Probably just me. But mine is raw mushrooms, with garlic squeezed straight from the tube. Straight in the gob. It's better than sex.

Everyone thinks I'm a dog. Please tell me yours!

OP posts:
echidna1 · 03/04/2017 23:09

Custard powder in a cup with warm milk before it's added to the rest in the saucepan

Cheese and tomato ketchup sarnies

Making butter icing in a eat, not put in a cake!

Weetabix with butter......and soft brown sugar!! Grin

ClaryBeanHorshAndMe · 03/04/2017 23:09

with *mayo and barbecue sauce...

ladymariner · 03/04/2017 23:10

Fish fingers and plastic cheese slices on cheap white bread

Really strong cheddar and strawberry jam sandwiches

Can of ravioli with loads of grated cheese melted in, then runny poached eggs on top, on thick buttered toast

nicetoseeyoutoseeyounice · 03/04/2017 23:13

It's not a weird combination of food...but I lick the flavour off my crisps before I eat them. It's really disgusting but I think they taste better that way.

Dianetheartist · 03/04/2017 23:13

banana wrapped with streaky bacon and done on BBQ or in oven,, cheddar cheese on ginger nut biscuits,, salad cream on thick cut ,crusty tiger breadno butter... diet coke chicken with noodles... had for tea tonightbloody lovely!

MistressMolecules · 03/04/2017 23:16 I want a butter pie, I haven't had one in ages, may have to treat myself tomorrow if I can get to the chippy before it closes!

DJBaggySmalls · 03/04/2017 23:17

A bite of sharp cheddar, fruit cake and a slug of whiskey all in one go.

julietbat · 03/04/2017 23:17

I'm with WashBaskets - condensed milk squeezed straight into the mouth. Or even better (because it reminds me of my childhood) a tin of condensed milk and a spoon Smile

julietbat · 03/04/2017 23:19

Oh and toasted sandwiches with peanut butter (crunchy) and golden syrup. Like peanut brittle!

Apairofsparklingeyes · 03/04/2017 23:20

Tomato cup a soup with maltesers dipped into it as croutons

RiversrunWoodville · 03/04/2017 23:21

Thinkingblonde are you from Northern Ireland? Yy to all and as a child I even remember the fried banana sandwich which was only if we did something good at my Nanny's house (much to my Grandas disgust, he didn't get it!)

Ooh I like peanutbutter and digestives sandwiched together but chocolate digestives takes it to another level

TheWalkingTiger · 03/04/2017 23:25

Tinned potatoes fried in olive oil. Optional side of supernoodles, must be chicken or Chinese chicken.

Scottish sushi- chips wrapped in smoked salmon.

Tortilla chips dipped in ice cream (ice-cream has to be all smooshed up like a chilly dip).

TheMysteriousJackelope · 03/04/2017 23:27

nicetoseeyou when my DC were babies I once treated myself to some crisps. They had just learned to crawl and started honing in on me when they saw a new thing - the bowl of crisps. While fending them off I put the bowl behind me on the sofa. When I turned around I found the cat had crept through the bannisters onto the sofa and was busy licking the flavor off all the crisps. So I guess I know the cat's guilty pleasure now. We give her tortilla chips and crackers to lick once in a while too, and DH dips his finger in beer and lets her lick it off.

I think my DC were in pre-school before I got to eat more crisps.

Lime19 · 03/04/2017 23:27

Mixing malteasers with salted cinema popcorn

ladymariner · 03/04/2017 23:28

Oooh and mascarpone ice cream with lemon curd.....heaven!

mimiasovitch · 03/04/2017 23:32

For those enjoying Nutella off the spoon, I recommend funking the spoon in the just boiled kettle first. It slides off beautifully into the mouth then. I sometimes like to alternate with spoons of peanut butter too.

mimiasovitch · 03/04/2017 23:32

That would be dunking.

Waitingforsherlock · 03/04/2017 23:47

Cream cheese dollop covered in chilli dipping sauce with tortilla chips to dip in.

Cheese and pineapple. Has to be 'itchy mouth' strength cheddar

Homemade ice-cream cake filled with honey roast peanuts, Crunchie and caramel centre chocolate buttons, the freezing of the latter in particular makes them taste amazing. With a hot caramel sauce over the top just to melt the cake slightly.... Mmmm

TheWalkingTiger · 03/04/2017 23:48

Just remembered there's a big bag of crisps in the boot of the car! For emergency snacking.

Jooni · 04/04/2017 00:00

I spread peanut butter on cake (chocolate or banana bread works best) and have it for breakfast. I like to think the PB makes it more "balanced" Hmm

My mum always has Cheddar and strawberry jam on croissants. She has strawberry jam on most things, actually - I've even seen her add a big dollop to a lovely fish pie! Envy (vom)

Uiscebeatha85 · 04/04/2017 00:05

I eat cheese and onion crisps and chocolate together 🤤 Preferably The crisps would be Tayto but as I live in the Uk have learned to settle for Walkers. Always Cadbury's Dairy Milk.

ShinyAsIWannaBe · 04/04/2017 00:16

I love eatimg hot baked beans mixed up with cold corned beef Confused


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Ricecrispies16 · 04/04/2017 00:25

Wotsits dipped in cream cheese!

Flumpernickel · 04/04/2017 00:29

Onion ring sandwiches. The frozen then fried/baked kind, sandwiched between shitty white processed bread slathered in butter. Food heaven.

VanellopeVonSchweetz99 · 04/04/2017 00:33

Someone I went to college with mixed red wine with coke.
Same person also mixed cheesy wotsits into half melted neopolitan ice cream.

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