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To tell this bride to go swivel?!

290 replies

Badger84 · 28/10/2016 19:30

A friend of a friend is getting married and she had asked me to do her makeup as a favour. I am not a MUA but I enjoy hair and makeup and have a huge selection of makeup. I was shocked but agreed when I highlighted the point that I am not professional and she was happy with that.

5 makeup trials later and we have come to the understanding that she has unrealistic expectations of what I can provide. Her SIL has been at each of these trials and completely picked apart what I have done. The brides style is quite errr alternative (think gothic) so I've found it incredibly hard to recreate the look she wants. We finally came to a compromise and the bride was happy.

We went to the hen do previous weekend and the SIL kept making comments about makeup. Today I have received a message from the bride basically saying if I didn't want to do the makeup then I didn't have to 🤔

Not sure how to reply? AIBU to be annoyed that I have spent over 5 hours with the bride, using my makeup FOR FREE and now she is essentially ditching me. The wedding is next week! My DH says I should be relieved but I can't help but feel really annoyed!

OP posts:
Sugarpiehoneyeye · 28/10/2016 20:26

She is offering you a way out, I'd snap her hand off ! 😄

Firsttimer82 · 28/10/2016 20:26

Fuck with her mind and just don't reply.

JenniferYellowHat1980 · 28/10/2016 20:30

Definitely tell her you're happy to do it Hmm but pin her down to an admission that she doesn't want you to. Reply with a beeezy 'I'm really happy you've been able to get the look you want. Don't worry about the trial time and the make up we've used - consider it your wedding gift with my love'. PA perfection.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 28/10/2016 20:30

I'd ignore it for a few days and then text back and say "OK, I won't then."

3luckystars · 28/10/2016 20:32

Lucky escape is right.

Badger84 · 28/10/2016 20:34

Ok so I replied with what chish said "I'm more than happy to do it...but more importantly are you happy for me to do it? I'd completely understand if you're not - I just want the day to be the best it can be for you" and she replied saying "I know what I want through our trials so I can do it myself"

OP posts:
IamalsoSpartacus · 28/10/2016 20:38

Shock what a cow!

LindyHemming · 28/10/2016 20:39

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Ta1kinpeece · 28/10/2016 20:39

go to the wedding, eat all you can, she's had her gift

WallisFrizz · 28/10/2016 20:39

Reply "glad I could help x ". Then go to the wedding and be cheap with the gift safe in the knowledge you have already provided your time and resources.

Thinnestofthinice · 28/10/2016 20:39

She's behaving like you are being paid. Don't text her about it anymore - you have tried to help out and been treat like shit! She sounds a bit thick and bad-mannered.

Only1scoop · 28/10/2016 20:40

Cheeky Cheeky Cah

tictactoad · 28/10/2016 20:42

Shock She has more neck than a swan.

Tell her the make up lessons are your present and make sure you scarf your own body weight in food and drink at the wedding Grin

LucyFuckingPevensie · 28/10/2016 20:43

Bloomin 'eck.
What a thunder cunt.

PurpleCrazyHorse · 28/10/2016 20:44

Lucky escape, you would have been blamed on the day I'm sure of it.

Token gift, if anything, and have a lovely time, safe in the knowledge any makeup issues aren't your problem.

Badger84 · 28/10/2016 20:48

I am seriously considering not going to the wedding, not only because she has totally taken the piss but every detail of her wedding has been copied of mine. Same church, same venue, same decorations (except gothic style) and her dress is almost identical to what I had. I suspect this came about because of the Spanish Inquisition she gave me at the trials about where I got this, that and the other from. I might just sack her off. I've been abit naive

OP posts:
Lottapianos · 28/10/2016 20:50

You have been more than reasonable about this, she has been a cheeky cow. Go to wedding, give no gift, she's already had plenty out of you

Lucky escape for sure. I would be hoping she looks frightful on the day!

TheDowagerCuntess · 28/10/2016 20:51

Wow. Single white female. Halloween Shock

Lottapianos · 28/10/2016 20:52

Just seen your update - feel no guilt if you do decide to ditch the wedding

TondelayaDellaVentamiglia · 28/10/2016 20:52

make sure your phone is inexplicably silent on the morning of the wedding....wouldn't do to have to actually tell her to fuck right off with her make up woes dodgy plum lipliner and stupid goth foundation on the morning of her wedding.

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 28/10/2016 20:55

What a cheeky bitch. If she turns up at her wedding looking like the bride of Frankenstein, she's only got herself to blame.

2kids2dogsnosense · 28/10/2016 20:57

What Nap said.

Also - go and enjoy the wedding. You don't need take a present. Your assistance in helping her to find the make-up styles she doesn't want is your gift.


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bimbobaggins · 28/10/2016 20:57

I too think you have dodged a bullet and I'd be glad not to have to do it , however I'd have asserted myself more and no way would I have done 5 trials for her and after the second one I'd have stepped aside then

Badger84 · 28/10/2016 20:58

She's just messaged back saying "to be honest I was always a fan of the more natural look rather than being caked in foundation" I am actually sat here like 😦

OP posts:
Lottapianos · 28/10/2016 21:00

Rude, cheeky, passive-agressive. Not a good look. Suit yourself from now on OP. It would be the end of the friendship for me. I'm really sorry that you've had your generosity thrown back in your face Sad

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