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To wonder why some people are ignored on MN

217 replies

nuttymango · 06/08/2016 08:51

Some people always seem to be inadvertent thread killers don't they?
What makes people ignore others on MN? Surely somebody who is always ignored (I'm not one of them, I'm sometimes replied to, sometimes not) is not always at fault?

Or is MN just a place for us to spout our views and not listen to the views of others? I'm often never guilty of this of course Grin

OP posts:
DixieNormas · 06/08/2016 20:30

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DixieNormas · 06/08/2016 20:38

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longdiling · 06/08/2016 21:32

Well at the risk of sounding like I'm fawning, I really like your posts fanjo. You're a fantastic champion of kids/people with sen. You make people think and force them to confront their prejudices and assumptions. This kick arse attitude is always going to piss off people who don't want their viewpoint to be challenged.

IamtheZombie · 06/08/2016 21:41

fanjo, don't you DARE change your name. Zombie will find you and drop disgusting bits of bodies on your head if you do.

Returning to the OP's question: Zombie would be shocked if there's a single poster (other than Justine or Carrie) who could honestly say they've never started a thread that received no replies whatsoever and/or killed a thread.

DixieNormas · 06/08/2016 21:47

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WorraLiberty · 06/08/2016 21:54

I don't even look at my own name when reading a thread.

I was lurking the other week on a zombie thread and wasn't signed in. Therefore my post wasn't highlighted.

I sat there thinking 'yes, I agree with every word of that', until I realised it was my post Blush

Would have been worse if I'd thought, 'what a pile of bollocks, silly cow' Grin

derxa · 06/08/2016 21:55

Roussette I want to say that your help not so long ago helped me through a very difficult time. I'm sorry to hear you feel ignored on MN. FWIW Every time I see one of your posts I feel a heart warming glow. I'm not fawning either since I'm far too cynical. Flowers

NeedACleverNN · 06/08/2016 21:56

Would have been worse if I'd thought, 'what a pile of bollocks, silly cow

Imagine if you actually wrote that and then wondered why people were laughing Grin

WorraLiberty · 06/08/2016 21:59

Thank god for post highlighting Need Grin

Roussette · 06/08/2016 22:17

derxa you sweetie, I do remember your thread and I hope things have improved. What a lovely thing to say and I feel all warm and fuzzy now Grin

I sat there thinking 'yes, I agree with every word of that', until I realised it was my post

Worra you are responsible for me choking on a very nice gulp sip of white wine with that post, that has really made me PMSL!

SanityClause · 06/08/2016 22:20

Actually, user, you're the only "userthennumbers" poster I ever read. I ignore the rest, because I can't tell them apart. Some of them are really nasty, and I can never work out which is which, so I just pay no attention to any of them. Which is a pity, as I'm sure many of them are lovely.

But your name is easily recognisable, so I don't lump you in with them.

(I hope that doesn't sound patronising. Blush)

user7755 · 06/08/2016 22:26

Sanity Chocolate for you, thanks Grin

usual · 06/08/2016 22:29

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user7755 · 06/08/2016 23:01

I haven't, everything I own is Apple - I don't think I can get different browsers on that can I?

Thanks for the suggestion though Smile

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 07/08/2016 01:21

User7755 (See, even I can manage yours Wink) - have you tried going in through a different device? Sometimes stuff I can't do on my laptop, I have to go through the tablet to do instead - same browser, just the laptop has some weird issues with some sites and I've tried EVERYTHING wrt to deleting history, cookies etc. - only thing I haven't tried is changing browser because I CBA to lose all my bookmarked sites again! So while the tablet does the job, I can cope.

daisychain01 · 07/08/2016 02:48

If I honestly don't know an answer, I won't reply.

I'm far more likely to post a load of inane rambling bollix. I really should learn. I still mostly get ignored, I have it down to a fine art now.

daisychain01 · 07/08/2016 02:57

I'd love to know the technique for recognising someone's posting style. How do some people know a person who's NCd, are they using advanced analytics or summut?

Only posting style I recognise is AF, it's normally 1 sentence which includes wonderfully descriptive vocab like he's an utter arse wipe kick him into touch, manchild Or similar.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 07/08/2016 04:22

No idea, daisychain - I can't do it!

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 07/08/2016 06:42

Aww thanks longdiling. Means a lot Flowers

wombattoo · 07/08/2016 12:09

fanjo I have never engaged with you directly on a thread, but have seen many of your posts. I don't think I have ever seen you being mean to anyone. It sad that someone can even be arsed to point out that no-one pays attention to your posts. How would they know? Confused
Stay as you are Thanks

wombattoo · 07/08/2016 12:09

It is*

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 07/08/2016 12:10

Aww thanks.

Hope you engage lots with me now.Flowers


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wombattoo · 07/08/2016 12:11
A11TheSmallTh1ngs · 07/08/2016 15:49

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TortoiseVTurtle · 07/08/2016 15:50

You are not allowed to say fawning, it means that you are bitter and nasty. This thread has been taken over and love bombed Grin

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