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To wonder why some people are ignored on MN

217 replies

nuttymango · 06/08/2016 08:51

Some people always seem to be inadvertent thread killers don't they?
What makes people ignore others on MN? Surely somebody who is always ignored (I'm not one of them, I'm sometimes replied to, sometimes not) is not always at fault?

Or is MN just a place for us to spout our views and not listen to the views of others? I'm often never guilty of this of course Grin

OP posts:
hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 11:47

I retweet and answer tweets frequently and am ignored
None of this angst on twitter or othet sites I use

alltouchedout · 06/08/2016 11:47

I seem to do a fair bit of thread killing judging by "I'm on", but then again also I tend to do a bit of post and run posting so in those cases, if people are responding to me I often won't know about it. I can't get too bothered tbh. It's a message board. I've been online for years and years and whilst mn is a site I enjoy reading and commenting on, it isn't a big deal to me emotionally.
The fawning threads are hilarious. I adore them. Watching people turn themselves inside out in order to get the attention and approval of a few well known posters is excellent entertainment.

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 11:49

Lilac it's not 'bitching', it is musing on my part.
I didn't say anything on that thread, so why come on this one to spread your bile?

I have a different opinion to you, I use MN differently to you, that's fine. I kept the same name here for 11 years, now I namechange. It's interesting how differently people react when you are not under an old, known name Wink

SandyPantz · 06/08/2016 11:49

I'm sometimes replied to, sometimes not

Not relying does = ignoring, in real life you'ld get a nod or a smile or a laugh.. but if I find someone's post an interesting addition to the thread I won't necessarily reply to them unless I have something to add/ask about their post, otherwise I'll nod, smile and then read on.

longdiling · 06/08/2016 11:50

The fawning threads are a bit weird and cringy. I've always assumed they are started by people who aren't actually friends with the person they're fawning over though, more that they want to be friends with them. So that doesn't really count as proof of a clique does it?

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:51

You do get rather ^excitable*, Lilac.

I think of it as such a beautiful, peaceful flower too. I connect it with regal elderly white haired ladies going to church in the summertime.

hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 11:51

"Spread your bile"

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 11:52

'Bitching' jeeze

LilacSpunkMonkey · 06/08/2016 11:53

I wasn't even talking about you Tortoise.

And I don't know which other thread you're referring to.

So it's okay for people to talk about cliques without naming names but if I call them out on it I'm spreading bile? Really?

A couple of people on this thread have a pop at regulars whenever they get the opportunity yet names are never given.

How us that acceptable?

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:53

Clique is a bad word, I agree. I preferred 'royalty' when it was said with a twinkle rather than a sneer so to speak, but people dislike that.

For whatever reason - longitude, lack of name changing - there are a smallish group of posters who carry a disproportionate amount of influence on the boards. That's fairly normal in the context of message boards as is denying that such a poster exists For the most part, they are pleasant. There are two who spring to mind I don't like, out of twenty or thirty.

LilacSpunkMonkey · 06/08/2016 11:54

I get excitable? Do I? Are you keeping tabs on me or something?

I don't even post that much.

StillStayingClassySanDiego · 06/08/2016 11:54

Bit harsh on Lilac there.

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:54

I think notice because it's always in the midst of a bun fight :)

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:54

I think I notice!

StillStayingClassySanDiego · 06/08/2016 11:55

Ignore her Lilac

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:55

What, excitable? Nah. Passion, fiery, spirited. Sometimes a tad misplaced but hardly a sneering insult!

DixieNormas · 06/08/2016 11:56

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 11:56

Calling people 'bitchy' because they have an opinion on 'favourite poster' threads is pretty harsh.

LilacSpunkMonkey · 06/08/2016 11:56

What'a always in the midst of a bunfight? Me posting?

I'm genuinely confused Confused

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 11:57

I wasn't referring to AF, didn't even know there was a thread going.

LilacSpunkMonkey · 06/08/2016 11:58

I mentioning bitching because of the clique comments Tortoise. Nothing to do with favourite posters.

And if someone happens to admire another poster because theypre helpful and supportive why is that 'fawning'?

nanetterose · 06/08/2016 11:58

I would really like the 'quote feature ' on here.
I think it would help. Smile


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callherwillow · 06/08/2016 12:00

I'm guess it is the difference between 'hey, mumsnetposter, thanks for that - that was so helpful and I'm going to do what you suggested. Thanks again :)'

and starting a thread 'AIBU to think MumsnetPoster is awesome?'

The first is nice and appreciative, the second is a little cringey and fawning - in MY view of course. But, Sparkling will be pleased to hear, I hide those threads! Grin

Sparklingbrook · 06/08/2016 12:04

Well the 'regular bashing' clique is alive and well it seems.

nanetterose · 06/08/2016 12:07

The regular ' bashing clique' are a clique of their own these days...Grin
I don't know who anyone is anymore.
I do know you sparkling though,you've been very supportive & helpful to me ( in the past) I had a different name then.

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