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To wonder why some people are ignored on MN

217 replies

nuttymango · 06/08/2016 08:51

Some people always seem to be inadvertent thread killers don't they?
What makes people ignore others on MN? Surely somebody who is always ignored (I'm not one of them, I'm sometimes replied to, sometimes not) is not always at fault?

Or is MN just a place for us to spout our views and not listen to the views of others? I'm often never guilty of this of course Grin

OP posts:
hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 10:58

I am intrigued who the mysterious "clique" is
It always gets mentioned on threads like this

PerpendicularVincent · 06/08/2016 10:59

That exact same thing happened to me Balloon. Early on I shared something quite personal to support a poster who had suffered a loss. It was completely ignored in favour of chatting to a more well known poster, so I got it deleted.

I see MN like work. Some people you love, some are dicks, most are somewhere in the middle. But there are so many people that you will find some people that respond, or that you click with.

Friendship groups will be made, as they are in RL. There's nothing wrong with that.

I do agree though that sometimes valid contributions are ignored in favour of similar views aired by more well known people.

longdiling · 06/08/2016 11:01

Yes, who are the clique? As I say, I've been here 7 years and not noticed one. Regulars, yes but not an actual cohesive clique who go out of their way to leave out non-members.

CaptainCrunch · 06/08/2016 11:10

I've never understood "nc as this will out me", I always want to respond, "no it won't, nobody knows who you are in rl and they don't care who you "are" on mn either". It seems a little bit arrogant.

I'm not sure what you mean by cliques or royalty, I think the site is so big now posters aren't as noticeable or remarkable as they believe themselves to be.

happyandsingle · 06/08/2016 11:14

I've started genuine threads on here and have had little or unfriendly replies so I feel less bothered to reply to other posts now.

ButteredToastAndStrawberryJam · 06/08/2016 11:19

Anyone asking where the clique is, you're probably in it.

ButteredToastAndStrawberryJam · 06/08/2016 11:22

I'm not sure what you mean by cliques or royalty, I think the site is so big now posters aren't as noticeable or remarkable as they believe themselves to be. yes Grin
There are two fawning threads running at the moment though, nauseating.

hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 11:23

Am I jeez I hadnt noticed
Can you point me to threads where I have been in the clique?
Given that I barely post on here in anymore I'm utterly intrigued
Who are my fellow qlique members?
I really would like my clique posts pointed out to me so I can mend my ways.

MadisonAvenue · 06/08/2016 11:24

I'm pretty much ignored on here, although I did have an unfriendly response from one poster on a thread I replied to the other day.

That's how real life is for me too though, I often think I'm invisible. We have an ongoing Facebook private message between our immediate neighbours and one of them posted a query about the mail the other day. I asked her a specific question in response and although the conversation carried on over the course of the night my question went unanswered.

acasualobserver · 06/08/2016 11:25

It would help, I think, if posters who only want their friends' advice put something to that effect in the thread title. Would save everyone else a lot of time.

laidbackneko · 06/08/2016 11:26

I once inadvertently started a bun fight when I first joined mn. Because I asked what mn royalty meant and who they were Blush
It was a naive but genuine question.

Ghanagirl · 06/08/2016 11:27

What's a "ninja thread"?

CaptainCrunch · 06/08/2016 11:27

Hahaha, pretty sure I'm not in the clique toast Grin.
Some responses to posters are plain weird though. I started a thread last week and someone wrote "hmmm, interesting use of inverted commas" when I asked them what they meant I got no reply, but someone else brought it up. I suggested dragging up punctuation was derailing the thread only for someone else to say I had an attitude problem! Fortunately quite a few posters supported me and told the quote marks police to pipe down.
I think it all depends on whose around a thread at any given time.

Roussette · 06/08/2016 11:28

I'm going to answer your post Madison! It's pretty horrible being ignored but do not think you are invisible. I just think people are lazy and honestly can't be bothered to read properly (your FB msg thing - it wouldn't be intentional, it would however be carelessness, laziness etc) I'm a stickler for detail so don't really get it but I now realise people are like this.

CaptainCrunch · 06/08/2016 11:30

Now I want to know what threads are fawning???? Also don't know what ninja threads are, care to share Grin??

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 11:31

Buttered I can't bear those threads and usually completely disagree with the namechecked. I think it's the quiet ones on here who spend a lot of time being unassuming and helpful on here who make MN.

I find it fascinating that these threads exist though and wonder about the pyschology of it all.

I have been here 13 years and namechange a lot because I don't want to build up a pattern of posting.

NeedACleverNN · 06/08/2016 11:31

Ninja threads is a thread in chat called the ninjabarn

It's just a thread where people are having a nice conversation. No arguing, no judging. Just talking. It's lovely

StillStayingClassySanDiego · 06/08/2016 11:33

Captain I agree with you on your last point.

CaptainCrunch · 06/08/2016 11:34

Thankyou for the explanation.

CaptainCrunch · 06/08/2016 11:36

Yes classy, it's got so many members, it really can't be "one" thing anymore.

StorminaBcup · 06/08/2016 11:38

Playduh absolutely. Shall we start a thread called the Old Jokes Home where can have outlet for our hilarious quips? Grin

LilacSpunkMonkey · 06/08/2016 11:38

Gosh there are some bitter people in the world.

Anyone bitching about 'cliques' and 'fawning' really needs to get over themselves.

Oh, and name names. Because whenever anyone has a moan about regulars they're always reluctant to name names.


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DixieNormas · 06/08/2016 11:40

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 11:42

The clique have been quiet of late.

I think a FB group has been set up. I quite miss some Grin

longdiling · 06/08/2016 11:44

Interesting that the Op hasn't been back much to reply to all the people who have replied to her. I'm sure that real life is just getting in the way which is fair enough but if you do want to build friendships with people on here then it takes time and effort I imagine.

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