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To wonder why some people are ignored on MN

217 replies

nuttymango · 06/08/2016 08:51

Some people always seem to be inadvertent thread killers don't they?
What makes people ignore others on MN? Surely somebody who is always ignored (I'm not one of them, I'm sometimes replied to, sometimes not) is not always at fault?

Or is MN just a place for us to spout our views and not listen to the views of others? I'm often never guilty of this of course Grin

OP posts:
callherwillow · 06/08/2016 12:08

I must have missed the posts 'bashing' the clique :)

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 12:09

I find the 'who is your favourite mumsnetter' threads odd, I think about why people would do it and wonder why.

That is a genuine pondering, I don't storm on to those threads and say that, it would be nice to be able to say it somewhere else though without being attacked (as a couple of posters were on that thread).

I really do think that they are fawning and in my opinion a nice pm or thank you on the thread that they helped you on is nice.

There are some lovely quiet posters on here who keep MN ticking over.

I repeat though, I was completely unaware of a thread about one particular poster, totally oblivious and this is not about her. I have no issue with any individual on here, I just feel as if I am in a parallel universe sometimes and don't see things the same as the loud majority.

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 12:10

Oh how funny, I was just going to say that someone will come on and say 'is it bashing royalty/regular day'

I post here every day Smile

MissMoo22 · 06/08/2016 12:12

I suppose it depends on the post, doesn't it? If you post something that isn't of interest to anyone then there won't be many replies. Maybe it's why some people are so goady, it guarantees them a reply at least!

I don't often start threads but when I do, I end up embarrassed when nobody AT ALL fucking posts on them. Thanks you bunch of fuckers Grin Last one I started had no responses whatsoever, it was a bit boring but I thought something loads of people would have had tips on. I just felt like a fart in a spacesuit when I went to check the replies and there were none!

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 12:14

Missmoo it's hit and miss, don't take it personally. Shall I search it and bump it for you?

hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 12:16

Still waiting to hear where my cliquey posts are

Sparklingbrook · 06/08/2016 12:16

TBF it's been a little while since there was a regular bashing thread AFAIK.

But I am not on MN half as much as I used to be these days. MN is hard work lately.

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 12:17

But where has anyone bashed on this thread, Sparkling? :)

Saying 'yes, there's a core of posters' isn't saying they are horrible, is it?

In fact, I believe I said the opposite!

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 12:18

The gardening clique are lovely, I visit about once every three years and they always answer me Star

Dontyoulovecalpol · 06/08/2016 12:18

I never notice who anyone is on here. I don't even know the names of regulars. I don't look at names and the layout of MN as a forum is so poor there is nothing to draw your attention to users, like avatars etc.

IonaMumsnet · 06/08/2016 12:19
callherwillow · 06/08/2016 12:20

Yum. Quiche.

Mines cheese & onion :)

KittyKrap · 06/08/2016 12:21

I'm a one man band.
Post and don't care. There are only a handful of names I recognise due to threads I've been on but I'm not going to refresh or bump if I'm ignored. Which is most of the time - I just chuckle at my own jokes Grin

MissMoo22 · 06/08/2016 12:21

Oh god, no, tortoise that would be even worse (but thanks for the offer!)! although I still haven't found a good hair dye

nuttymango · 06/08/2016 12:21

Long hahaha, yes, I haven't answered - I had to take the dog to the vet and buy milk. I know how to live :)

OP posts:
hobnobsaremyfavourite · 06/08/2016 12:22

That's the word I was looking for

TortoiseVTurtle · 06/08/2016 12:22

It would make you look like a right loser Missmoo Grin

acasualobserver · 06/08/2016 12:24

Of course some posters will make a significant effort not to be ignored. For example, by presenting rather improbable personal stories and inviting responses from others.

MissMoo22 · 06/08/2016 12:24

It's the same with every forum I've ever been on though, you just have to throw yourself in and comment when you like and how you like without worrying about how many replies etc you will get. Bit shit to get none at all but it shouldn't stop you from posting again and again. Just be careful about what you post as PP's have said because when you divulge and it's ignored then that's a bit more hurtful.

callherwillow · 06/08/2016 12:25

That would be a troll, would it not?

MissMoo22 · 06/08/2016 12:25

It wouldn't take much Tortiose


DIYTopTits · 06/08/2016 12:55

I'm often "ignored" or my threads fizzle to nothing but I recently posted one that I thought would get a couple of replies but nothing much and it ended up being featured on the MN Daily email update and on their Facebook page. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

I saw the thread about the specific posters and (if I am thinking of the right ones) I didn't think anything of them. The very specific one, I read and came off again. The one about favourite names I thought was about favourite puns in the names. I contributed and left.


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Roussette · 06/08/2016 12:59
  • I've been online for years and years and whilst mn is a site I enjoy reading and commenting on, it isn't a big deal to me emotionally.
    The fawning threads are hilarious. I adore them. Watching people turn themselves inside out in order to get the attention and approval of a few well known posters is excellent entertainment*
    alltouchedout you are a woman after my own heart, this is exactly how I feel. I did larf at the I luffs AF thread as I felt some on there were just jumping up and down like little children saying "and me, and me, don't forget me, I luv AF too" !

    I've only ever changed my NN once (around about the time of the hack) so i've had 6 years with one name and then 5 with this, I still don't get noticed particularly but who cares! If someone started a thread fawning over me (like the AF one) I would honestly die of embarrassment!
DIYTopTits · 06/08/2016 13:02

Feeling like a div! What is AF and NN? Confused I know NN is something to do with Name but I can't figure it out.

NeedACleverNN · 06/08/2016 13:11

AF is AnyFucker. A popular poster
NN is nickname. The name you are poster under

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