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how many people REALLY voted for remain on mn ?

265 replies

mrsfuzzy · 24/06/2016 14:29

there seems to be a trend on here sometimes for some people to follow the 'popular choice' on subjects that might be controversial, some will stick their heads over the parapet and risk getting flamed but most will stick to the 'right' choice. i bet there are posters on here today who voted to leave, saw the slagging off and decided to declare themselves as remain.
just a thought - ready for my hair singeing ! Smile

OP posts:
ColdAsIceCubes · 24/06/2016 16:45

I voted remain, and passionately so!!

Aliiiii · 24/06/2016 16:45

I voted leave and am happy with my decision and I am neither a fuckwit or a racist

VenusOfWillendorf · 24/06/2016 16:46

There is no indication that the remain/leave vote was determined by ethnicity,age or gender as the ballot is secret! and the only indication of voting intentions come from geopgraphical area.

The voter demographics (eg. age, income, education) are calculated by plotting how an area voted against its socioeconomic factors. These factors are taken from the 2011 census and mapped to the vote in that Local Authority. It won't give the exact figures, but it does give a good estimate. Well, it's more complicated than that, but that's the gist of how it's calculated.
There's lots of tables and charts in the Telegraph.
Also this from the Economist:

WorraLiberty · 24/06/2016 16:46

What bugs me about this thread is the suggestion by Mrsfuzzy that people on here are moral cowards and liars, who 'stick to the 'right' choice rather than risking saying something unpopular. I think that is a nasty thing to say.

It's a bit of a silly thing to say too, considering this is a website that encourages name changing.

Why wouldn't people simply say they voted to leave Confused

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 24/06/2016 16:46

Maybe you're not. But people who are don't tend to know they are (not saying you are, I don't know you)

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 24/06/2016 16:47

X posted,,I was addressing alliiii

motherinferior · 24/06/2016 16:48

I voted remain. So did my partner, my friends, my sister, my cousin and my 82-year-old father.

teaandcake789 · 24/06/2016 16:48

I voted remain, dh voted leave.

thebigmummabear · 24/06/2016 16:50

I voted leave, i studied European Law at university. However, I was undecided until the day. Big decision to make with a lot of implications. My dad voted leave but my dh and dm voted stay. I did honestly believe we would stay in the EU though, as everyone I spoke to said they voted remain.

HahahahaFuckYou · 24/06/2016 16:50

I voted leave.

BeckerLleytonNever · 24/06/2016 16:51

I voted leave, have no reservations whatsoever in revealing it, either. I'm proud of my choice and believe it was the right one for the long term. I'm not racist, nor am I uneducated. I am shocked at the hysteria and name calling from some of the remain camp

^^ I wonder if the vote had gone the other way would the leavers be throwing their toys out of the pram today, or accepting it and just carrying on as normal.

I voted leave too and while I worry about the immediate future, Im glad of the result. NOT gloating or smug.just accepting.

dailymaillazyjournos · 24/06/2016 16:52

Me. I'm 55 so in the demographic where leave votes were increasing.

StandoutMop · 24/06/2016 16:52

I voted Remain, as did all my local friends and colleagues. But we live in a strongly remain city - fair amount of upset and anger over the result today.

No one I know, except possibly Mil, voted leave AFAIK. But several friendsfamily or of friends did, looking at FB.

Mrskeats · 24/06/2016 16:53

Move away. What a crass remark from someone who has robbed the next generations of the ability to work and live in 27 other countries
This referendum has made me realise the level of stupidity in this country

Uiscebeatha85 · 24/06/2016 16:53

I voted remain and so did DP. Irish and living in UK, my baby is due in a matter of weeks and am thankful I will be able to get him/her an Irish passport.

BeckerLleytonNever · 24/06/2016 16:53

so now all leavers are rascist/islamophobic/benefit scroungers/scum.

Really????????? FFS.

RolandaHooch · 24/06/2016 16:55

I voted remain. I only know 2 people who voted to leave and they've both gone very quiet today after being very vocal for the past 3 weeks!

MeAndTheMajor · 24/06/2016 16:56

I voted to remain, as did the LA I live in.

HopeArden · 24/06/2016 16:56

Voted leave. Am not ashamed of my choice and will tell anyone who asks. Fed up of being called thick and racist because I have demonstrated my democratic right to an opinion which does not conform to the MN majority.

Still, I console myself with thought that if I am in fact thick, at least I am not as thick as the remain poster who started a thread about the sky crying yesterday because of the result Confused

BeckerLleytonNever · 24/06/2016 16:56

robbed the next generations of the ability to work and live in 27 other countries


so now we don't care about our kids and future generations.- -trying SOOOO hard not to rise to the bait.....-.

My family for generations ahev lived and worked around the world with no problems BEFORE the whole EU thing.

stop being so bloody accusing and judgy.

Mrskeats · 24/06/2016 16:56

Oh and Remain obviously
Major cull on my Facebook today
Never seen so much racist drivel

whathaveiforgottentoday · 24/06/2016 16:59

I voted remain and so did my DH.


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Mrskeats · 24/06/2016 17:00

Have you seen the markets
I am judging
I judge that this was a terrible idea
That's my prerogative in a democracy
You know free speech and all that
Not that Farage and your other poster boys would know anything about that

Ormally · 24/06/2016 17:00

Er, what? What would be the point in lying? Your vote's anonymous and believe me, 33,000 slips look very much the same after you count them all in 20s for 5 hours in the middle of the night; your profile and username's anonymous; you don't actually have to disclose anything to do with your political affiliation to anyone if you choose not to; it's an issue that seems to have really polarised people in the UK but we're not about to descend into civil war (just headless - literally - chickenism while we get the ship vaguely stable again). This sounds like trying to go along with the 'popular girls' when you're about 12. Think for yourself, OP, and stick up for what you think is right, or you might just believe anything you are sold.

TobleroneBoo · 24/06/2016 17:02

I would have voted remain, had it not pissed down and my polling card not been at my old address and had electricity to have a shower after being saturated.

But I didn't bother and I was right not to as my area had almost 70% vote in favour of leave so it would have been a waste of my time

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