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how many people REALLY voted for remain on mn ?

265 replies

mrsfuzzy · 24/06/2016 14:29

there seems to be a trend on here sometimes for some people to follow the 'popular choice' on subjects that might be controversial, some will stick their heads over the parapet and risk getting flamed but most will stick to the 'right' choice. i bet there are posters on here today who voted to leave, saw the slagging off and decided to declare themselves as remain.
just a thought - ready for my hair singeing ! Smile

OP posts:
BishopBrennansArse · 24/06/2016 17:03

I'm on income support, a carer looking after my disabled kids, educated to A level standard and voted remain.

Egosumquisum · 24/06/2016 17:04

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Aliiiii · 24/06/2016 17:04

Fanjo-maybe,but there has been some very unpleasant comments made on this site today implying that anyone who voted leave is either thick as shit or a racist

JugglingFromHereToThere · 24/06/2016 17:05

At least 48% of us, probably a lot more as we're a certain demographic ... intelligent, witty, charming, and mostly mothers!

The vote was very close IMO, everyone always forgets that after an election I think, and acts like everyone voted for the winning side.

Most times less than half of people did.
Still true this time ... 37% of people did I believe (28% non voters)

TobleroneBoo · 24/06/2016 17:05

I still don't think my vote would have swayed it to be fair

cressetmama · 24/06/2016 17:06

I asked my 17 yo which option; the choice was to Leave. I have been wavering back and forth for a long time. Voted In in 75 for a free trade zone, but nowhere was the prospect of a union of states mentioned. However, there are issues that transcend the capability of individual nation states which require international co-operation, and we should remain actively engaged in those.

On a tangent, I am nonplussed at all the talk of Europe as the engine of social reform, and equal rights and opportunities. Being older than many on here, I seem to remember the passage of a great deal of liberal social legislation back in the 1960s, long before comparable laws were enacted elsewhere in Europe. I understand parts of Germany still prohibit the hanging out of washing on Sunday!

Petal40 · 24/06/2016 17:11

We all had equal sway..each vote had the same weight..could of gone either way.. irrelivent now ,who voted what,and it's not like we can prove what we voted...or in deed why should we....I am proud I voted to was the right choice for we need to move on and see what the future holds for us all.

purplevase4 · 24/06/2016 17:14

The next generation has just lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries

I think this is what we have to fight against. 48% of this country voted to stay. If we can somehow stay in the EEA, that may be enough to keep Scotland and NI in the EU. I can live without being in the EU. But I do not want my son to have lost the life chances I benefited from. And I think this is what we need to do - campaign to stay in the EEA.

Some EU people have said "out is out". They need to recognise that 48% voted to remain and we don't deserve to have that thrown in our faces. If they screw us over, they are also screwing their own nationals over.

purplevase4 · 24/06/2016 17:15

Sorry I meant to keep Scotland and NI in the UK.

HopeArden · 24/06/2016 17:16

In Germany you are only deemed to have bern raped if you actively try to fight off your attacker. Hardly a forward thinking nation.

Bit perplexed by the notion that the EU has kept Europe peaceful and avoided wars. Not invading countries is the way to do that - not convinced we need a EU to achieve this.

StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 24/06/2016 17:17

DH and I voted remain.

We know an awful lot of people who did vote leave, though.

Mrsantithetic · 24/06/2016 17:17

I voted remain. I'm in the north east and my town was 70 percent turn out. Majority to leave.

I can't even believe that 70 percent of the fuckers got dressed and went and voted. So many people in my fb said they had never voted before but they were today.

I don't understand much about politics. I'm not very well educated and I'm not particularly wealthy although probably am by the standards of my town but not averaged over the country.

The general consensus is its to do with getting the Great back into Britain and getting rid of the immigrants who take their jobs that they've never applied for.

I don't think they are actually racist I just think the leave campaign hit their spot with their deluded thoughts.

It's a shame.

Sleepingbunnies · 24/06/2016 17:19

I voted remain

tiggytape · 24/06/2016 17:21

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Egosumquisum · 24/06/2016 17:26

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UhtredRagnorsson · 24/06/2016 17:26

I only know one person who voted leave. That person is one of the few people I was at school with who didn't even take A levels let alone get a degree. I'm not in the least bit surprised that she voted leave, she is very dissatisfied with the way her life has panned out and she has fixated on leaving the EU as the magic bullet that will transform her life. It may well transform her life but not, I dare say, for the better.

UhtredRagnorsson · 24/06/2016 17:28

Egosum - opportunities are available right now. That's how migrants get jobs - by taking up opportunities. All the opportunities in the world can be offered to people who voted leave but if they aren't qualified to take them up (and not having a degree was the strongest correlation for a leave vote. Well, that and being past retirement age) then they won't be able to take them up. That won't change.

allnewredfairy · 24/06/2016 17:30

I voted leave. I didn't feel it was right to carry on the course we going. I had no faith that things would change.and that a leave vote would force change. I didn't take that decision lightly and I know it has caused anguish to many.

Babysafari · 24/06/2016 17:31

Mrsantithetic that pretty much sums up what went on round here.

Hughes32 · 24/06/2016 17:32

I voted remain and I'm neither well off or highly educated. It was the right choice for me personally and that's that.

paddingtonbear1 · 24/06/2016 17:33

DH and I both voted remain

NerrSnerr · 24/06/2016 17:38

My husband and I both voted remain. Most of our friends did too.


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FoggyBottom · 24/06/2016 17:47

But I didn't bother and I was right not to as my area had almost 70% vote in favour of leave so it would have been a waste of my time

How ignorant - it was a total national vote, not the election of a local representative in an electorate. Probably just as well you didn't vote, really.

shelleybee · 24/06/2016 18:01

I voted leave. I have a degree, QTS, and am a teacher.

HereIAm20 · 24/06/2016 18:02

I am one of the 74% of people living in Cambridge who voted remain.

We have failed our youngsters :

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