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how many people REALLY voted for remain on mn ?

265 replies

mrsfuzzy · 24/06/2016 14:29

there seems to be a trend on here sometimes for some people to follow the 'popular choice' on subjects that might be controversial, some will stick their heads over the parapet and risk getting flamed but most will stick to the 'right' choice. i bet there are posters on here today who voted to leave, saw the slagging off and decided to declare themselves as remain.
just a thought - ready for my hair singeing ! Smile

OP posts:
HormonalHeap · 25/06/2016 15:47

I think when push comes to shove, the moral high ground takes the high road and most people vote for whatever benefits their personal situation, not necessarily the well being of the country.

Dh is in the top 1% earning bracket and he spent weeks convincing me into voting remain- which in the end I did. He was not a happy bunny yesterday.

TurquoiseDress · 25/06/2016 15:50

I voted remain- never wavered from that decision, despite reading all the information I could get my hands on during the run up to the referendum (including the Daily Mail shite, just to see what they had to say- no source of informaion was left out!).

BrieAndChilli · 25/06/2016 15:56

I voted remain and judging by Facebook so did 95% of my friends. I guess this is because we fit into a same demographic that was more likely to vote remain.

NellysKnickers · 25/06/2016 16:02

I voted remain. We most definitely are not well off but are considered 'lefties'. I did research it beforehand and made my decision on what information I collected.

lazysummer · 25/06/2016 16:16

Remain, along with all of my family and most of my friends.

iloveredwine · 25/06/2016 16:35

I voted remain

SeekEveryEveryKnownHidingPlace · 25/06/2016 16:37

I REALLY voted for remain - but can quite see that anyone who voted leave might be ashamed to admit it.

Kitla · 25/06/2016 16:41

I voted remain and publicly said so on here before the referendum.

I started neutral, spent weeks trying to get my head around the debate, reading as much as possible, including foreign media to try and avoid British bias and lots from full Also listened to my colleagues - the politics lecturers and asked them lots of questions.

By the end, I was and am still totally convinced to have voted remain.

Suzeyshoes · 25/06/2016 16:42

Agree. Lots of people who voted Leave are being very bashful all of a sudden. I would be ashamed to be linked to Boris and Farage. They're such vile characters.

HisNameWasPrinceAndHeWasFunky · 25/06/2016 18:19

Remain along with 99% of people I know. I have felt for weeks that Leave would win. It wasn't really a shock. I'm surprised to find out that remain voters I know were confident remain would win.

HopeArden · 25/06/2016 20:05

As opposed to throwing your lot in with Cameron and Blair? Because they are not vile characters at all Hmm

NancyJoan · 25/06/2016 20:20

I know what you mean, but we are a 3x Remain vote household.

Crinkle77 · 25/06/2016 20:53

I voted remain. If I was worried about getting a flaming I just wouldn't comment.

Crinkle77 · 25/06/2016 21:01

I voted remain. If I was worried about getting a flaming I just wouldn't comment.

bangingmyheadoffabrickwall · 25/06/2016 22:54

My family all voted REMAIN.

DH did for work reasons mainly. I did because it is what i have always known and quite frankly, life for me was okay. I had no 'quarrel' with the EU.

DM did in the end despite being very much a LEAVE voter. I asked her why, sort of disappointed that she didn't stay true to herself, and unlike many over 50's, as the analysis has shown, she decided that because she doesn't have much time left compared to me, DH and DCs. She decided that if DH and I were absolutely sure it was the best thing to do, then she would rather believe in us than politicians.

Not sure about MIL. No DF, FIL, siblings, sister/brother-in-laws to speak of; we're a small family!

TBH, I have no ill feeling against those who chose to leave. I made a choice based upon what I believed to be right and so did the 'leave voters'. Nobody did what they did to intentionally screw over the 'others'. Everyone did their best to make the right choice. Nobody knows for sure (yet!) whether BREXIT was the correct path to take. Time will tell.

So, I am not in the camp of blaming others and getting into the trend of name calling. What is done is done. Keep calm and crack on! Everyone now needs to ensure the best is sought and we don't f**k things up!

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