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how many people REALLY voted for remain on mn ?

265 replies

mrsfuzzy · 24/06/2016 14:29

there seems to be a trend on here sometimes for some people to follow the 'popular choice' on subjects that might be controversial, some will stick their heads over the parapet and risk getting flamed but most will stick to the 'right' choice. i bet there are posters on here today who voted to leave, saw the slagging off and decided to declare themselves as remain.
just a thought - ready for my hair singeing ! Smile

OP posts:
nellifurtardo · 24/06/2016 15:50

I voted remain. It is very scary to think Boris Johnson might be our next pm.

imwithspud · 24/06/2016 15:50

I voted remain, it would never occur to me to tell anyone otherwise when asked. Very odd.

WorldsBiggestGrotbag · 24/06/2016 15:52

I voted remain. I've told anyone who asks that I'm voting remain.

fourquenelles · 24/06/2016 15:52


MyNewBearTotoro · 24/06/2016 15:52

I voted Remain and as far as I know so did everyone in my family (including both my and DP's patents, all in their 60s, and our Grandparents in their 80s!) and all of my friends and ex-colleagues. Everybody on my Facebook was very vocal about voting Remain this week, lots of people posting links to articles and videos etc on the remain side. Everyone is expressing lots of disappointment this morning.

I honestly don't know anybody who voted Leave so this genuinely did come as a bit of a shock.

ErgonomicallyUnsound · 24/06/2016 15:52

Remain. DH and one of my best friends voted Leave. Everyone else I know including DM DF and DSis voted Remain.

ROFL @ country closing its borders. France are moving the border from Calais to Dover now we aren't in the EU. Watch the racist frothers deal with that.

StopShoutingAtYourBrother · 24/06/2016 15:53

Remain! I thought the whole leave camp was naive about consequences of us leaving. It gives me no joy to be beginning to be proved right on all fronts. Fools.

IJustLostTheGame · 24/06/2016 15:55

I voted remain.
I'm frightened about what will happen.
If Nissan do pull out of the uk that's potentially 32000 jobs gone.
HSBC said they will leave.
How many other mass employers will jump if they do?
How will these potential losses be compensated? More public spending cuts? Benefits cuts? NHS cuts?
It wasnt about taking control for me but keeping what we have.

grumpysquash · 24/06/2016 15:55

DH and I both voted remain. We are in biotech in Cambridge though, so are in a very big majority locally.

Scuttle22 · 24/06/2016 15:55

I voted Leave as did DH. I felt very awkward today talking to friends who presumed I had voted to Stay. One friend talked to me for 10 mins about how we both should move to Scotland etc. I couldn't tell her the truth as she was already a broken woman.Confused

MyLlamasGoneBananas · 24/06/2016 15:57

The remain voters that are full of abuse and vitriol are the ones that should be embarrassed more than anyone else.

Friolero · 24/06/2016 15:57

I voted remain, it was a no-brainer. Feeling very angry today.

grumpysquash · 24/06/2016 15:58

I honestly don't know anybody who voted Leave so this genuinely did come as a bit of a shock

Me too..

mrscee · 24/06/2016 15:59

I voted remain because it was the right decision.

TheFairyCaravan · 24/06/2016 16:02

I voted remain for me and DS1(by proxy), DH&DS2 voted remain too.

I feel sick. I'm terrified about what's going to happen going forward. DS2 is very angry and I don't bloody blame him.

mollie123 · 24/06/2016 16:02

there is no indication that the remain/leave vote was determined by ethnicity,age or gender as the ballot is secret! and the only indication of voting intentions come from geopgraphical area.
I am so tired of saying this on every thread when someone attacks the 'old' for stealing their children's future.
oh - and mumsnet is not representative of any superior intelligence and I expect most of you are well off and live in London and the SE and therefore are 'right-on' in terms of your beliefs.

wheresthel1ght · 24/06/2016 16:06

I voted remain.

The leave campaign was not succinct enough with answers to key issues. The racist bigotry of some of its campaigners was also another reason I voted remain.

The remain camp was also unable to answer questions, but by remaining we can seek out those answers and potentially review again then.

Pootles2010 · 24/06/2016 16:09

I don't think anyone's said anyone has superior intelligence mollie - you say yourself there's a tendency for greater affluence on here, which goes hand in hand with higher education.

I'm in the NE and about average in terms of wealth as it happens.

deepdarkwood · 24/06/2016 16:11

I voted remain. From comments on my fb this morning, I only have two person on my fb who are openly/actively Leave, so I'm assuming a good number of ppl keeping quiet - or more realistically that the demographic of my fb friends (mostly South, degree educated, plus few ex-pats ) fits the Remain profile pretty well.

juneau · 24/06/2016 16:14

I did.

And so did my DH, 3 DBs, 2 SILs, DF and all the other mums I've spoken to today at school - all of whom, bar none - are as appalled as I am.

juneau · 24/06/2016 16:16

And yes, all the above are educated and reasonably affluent, so typical Remain voters.

mimbleandlittlemy · 24/06/2016 16:19

Everyone I know voted remain, but then I live in London so hardly surprising as London voted to stay.


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Janeymoo50 · 24/06/2016 16:21

I voted remain and was shocked this morning. That said, the people of the UK voted and Brixit won. I'll survive, will still eat tea tonight, cuddle my partner, watch telly and go out for the day tomorrow. Que sera, sera I can't change anything now. Onwards we go.

ICanSeeForMiles · 24/06/2016 16:21

I voted remain, and in the last independence referendum I voted Yes.
Will do so again if the opportunity presents itself.

ThisPanCanCan · 24/06/2016 16:22

I said I would vote Remain and did. This really was the IQ test some said it was and we received an embarrassingly low score.

I was distressed this morning and all day. Am just coming round to not feeling out of sorts and yukky.

I am going to invest in negotiators recognising a shared interest with European countries and seeking as favourable arrangements as possible by way of passports/visa/ease of travel and work, in the round. We maintain cultural ties and shared agencies and funding for mutually beneficial projects. ( WTF is Cornwall doing voting Leave when their local economy is reliant on Euro Social Fund money??).

And to learn a major European language.

and yes I need to apologise to my 16 yo DD who wanted to vote Remain but couldn't.

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