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how many people REALLY voted for remain on mn ?

265 replies

mrsfuzzy · 24/06/2016 14:29

there seems to be a trend on here sometimes for some people to follow the 'popular choice' on subjects that might be controversial, some will stick their heads over the parapet and risk getting flamed but most will stick to the 'right' choice. i bet there are posters on here today who voted to leave, saw the slagging off and decided to declare themselves as remain.
just a thought - ready for my hair singeing ! Smile

OP posts:
Ferragamo1951 · 24/06/2016 16:24

I voted remain

onemorecupofcoffeefortheroad · 24/06/2016 16:25

We both voted remain - our 16 yr old son would have voted remain if he'd been given the chance to vote like the 16 + were able to do in the Scottish referendum. Yes, there is a lot of vitriol unsurprisingly towards the leave voters - the economy has plummeted, we've lost the right to work in Europe, Scotland are about to have another referendum to break up the union. And for what? I can't see any benefits and no one has been able to suggest any. No wonder there's vitriol - people are angry.

absolutelynotfabulous · 24/06/2016 16:26

Remain, along with most people I know.

YouAreMySweetestDownfall · 24/06/2016 16:30

I voted remain. I know my inlaws would have voted out, but other than them I don't know anyone voting out.

OneFlewOverTheDodosNest · 24/06/2016 16:31

I voted leave - I had buyer's remorse first thing this morning but I'm feeling more confident in my decision again.

That being said I definitely understand why people wouldn't want to admit to it on MN. I believe the reaction from some remain voters this morning explains why the remain campaign was unsuccessful - they chose to dismiss 17m people as racists rather than engaging with the fact that very many people feel disenfranchised and listening to their concerns.

MsWorthington · 24/06/2016 16:32

I voted remain, as did DH, and 54% of my town.

WorraLiberty · 24/06/2016 16:32

I voted remain, as did my DH.

Over 60% of those who voted in our borough, voted leave.

WittgensteinsBunny · 24/06/2016 16:33

I voted remain, Dh voted remain, the vast majority of friends voted remain, parents voted remain...

... Extended family all voted leave.

imwithspud · 24/06/2016 16:33

The remain voters that are full of abuse and vitriol are the ones that should be embarrassed more than anyone else.

It's not just remain voters who are full of abuse and vitrol. There's been plenty of that coming from both sides. I said it on another thread, but let's not pretend that one side is somehow morally better than the other. Certain people from both sides have acted appallingly and no doubt if remain had won there would be abuse coming from the Leave side and claims of the vote being fixed Hmm

Ginslinger · 24/06/2016 16:34

DH is German, DS is at university in Germany, I have family scattered across Europe - I definitely voted remain

OneFlewOverTheDodosNest · 24/06/2016 16:35

Also, I'd like to say that the use of white van man as a pejorative from elements of the remain campaign both in the lead up and the aftermath of the vote has been truly upsetting. It didn't influence my vote but it has made me very wary of the supposedly liberal Labour voters who apparently despise their traditional working class core.

CiderwithBuda · 24/06/2016 16:36

I voted remain.

Irish immigrant who has lived in two other EU countries.

Can't believe the result. Feeling sad and sick.

But given 52% voted Leave (whatever their reasons may have been) the result shows a huge disconnect with politicians/politics both in this country and Europe.

That needs addressing. But I feel it could be better addressed if we were still in the EU. Whether it would have been I don't know.

And as well as the disconnect there was so much mis-information and lack of clarity.

LittleJeanDoddles · 24/06/2016 16:37

I voted remain.

Agree that this has been an IQ test on a grand scale.

I was talking to a couple at school this afternoon, they are celebrating tonight, they also agree with every word Trump spouts and truly believe he says what everyone is thinking.
He's not saying what I think at all, and without intending to sound melodramatic, I am terrified as to where this is going to lead us.

sixinabed · 24/06/2016 16:38

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BlunderWomansCat · 24/06/2016 16:38

I voted remain. 70% voted leave where I live Confused

FoggyBottom · 24/06/2016 16:38

The remain voters that are full of abuse and vitriol are the ones that should be embarrassed more than anyone else

As opposed to the people who ran the Leave campaign, who lied? For example, Mr Farage now backtracking on his statements about the NHS?

I voted Remain. I am an internationalist, not a narrow-minded xenophobe. We have a wonderful country with a strong culture. We don't need to be scared of difference.

The city I live in voted to Remain. Again, a confident culture with an outward looking aspect.

RufusTheReindeer · 24/06/2016 16:38

I told ds1 (17) that i would vote whatever he wanted me to...luckily for me he wanted to vote remain

Dh voted remain

I would put money on his parents, my dad and my brother voting leave

I havent spoken about it much in real life but out of three people who have mentioned it to me 2 were leave

Arcadia · 24/06/2016 16:39

I voted remain as did 70% of my city, 99% of my friends and family, I have only heard of a handful of people who voted leave in my social circle. Feeling shocked and dismayed. Some of my closest friends are from overseas and feeling insecure and rejected by this country. I feel like the rug has been pulled from under me, I didn't realise I cared so much Sad

RufusTheReindeer · 24/06/2016 16:40

And along the same lines as six i just wouldnt say what i had voted...wouldnt post in the thread

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 24/06/2016 16:41

I voted Remain.

What bugs me about this thread is the suggestion by Mrsfuzzy that people on here are moral cowards and liars, who 'stick to the 'right' choice rather than risking saying something unpopular. I think that is a nasty thing to say.

SfaOkaySuperFurryAnimals · 24/06/2016 16:42

I voted remain, I'm gutted, Cameron has resigned though, so every cloud......

RaptorInaPorkPieHat · 24/06/2016 16:43

I voted remain.

Despite being in one of the highest 'Leave' areas (70.7%) I only personally know of 2 people who were voting Leave, I obviously only hang around with people with similar values as myself.


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HavingAnOffDAy · 24/06/2016 16:43

I voted remain.

Babysafari · 24/06/2016 16:44

I feel like Michael Heseltine summed it all up well.

The kind of people that I know who voted leave are the type who shout at people with foreign accents as though talking louder will make them understand.

HunterHearstHelmsley · 24/06/2016 16:45

I voted leave as did 66% of my borough. I'm pretty evenly split between remain and leave amongst my friends and family though.

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