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To be annoyed I get given less food because the cook thinks I need to lose weight?

207 replies

MrsAttending · 10/05/2016 07:21

We have catering on site and the lady who serves it (2 days a week) always gives me less than my colleagues. On other days a different lady serves and I get the same amount.

She's very slim and always talking about diets etc. I need to lose weight and it's very noticeable that she agrees when she serves up my food. It's a set menu e.g. I'll be given two sausages and one scoop of mash) and my colleagues would get three sausages and two mash.

I know it sounds petty but I am just as hungry as they are!!

She came into the staff room about 5 hours after lunch and I was having a snack and she said "you're not eating again"Shock as if I couldn't possibly be hungry after the tiny meal she gave me.
Then yesterday I was eaten a homemade biscuit given to me as a thank you and she saw me and said "I've seen you" like I had been caught doing something wrong.

AIBU to be annoyed she is treating me noticeably differently? I pay the same as everyone else! It's a small environment so can't really complain.


OP posts:
PalaceResident · 10/05/2016 10:22

She did say they pay for it

lougle · 10/05/2016 10:26

From the OP:

"AIBU to be annoyed she is treating me noticeably differently? I pay the same as everyone else!"

She pays Smile

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 10/05/2016 10:26

Oh sorry, you're right, I've just seen it (after missing it about 4 times!)

In which case, DEFINITELY say something OP!! How come you haven't already pointed out that you're being done out of something you're paying for?

powershowerforanhour · 10/05/2016 10:33

The "I've seen you" biscuit comment would annoy the daylights out of me. I'd do what somebody upthread suggested - force her to explain herself. Give her a puzzled but steady stare and say, "Sorry, what?" If she says it again then keep acting like you don't know what she means. Say as little as possible and keep up the laser eye contact- this makes people uncomfortable and she deserves to squirm a bit for this.

newdocket · 10/05/2016 10:37

That's horrendous, what a horrible woman. You need to call her out on it.

FanofFlan · 10/05/2016 10:41

Agree with PP that you should ask for the full amount (that everyone else receives).

Cheeky cow has no right to police your food!

BoatyMcBoat · 10/05/2016 10:42

Angry on your behalf. Is she your mum? Can you ask someone else to collect your meal for you and then take it to her and say "this is what everyone else gets, and I expect the same".

As for remarks in passing, "did you mean to be so rude?" would work pretty well.

Catinthecorner · 10/05/2016 10:42

But if it's free it's not actually free - it's part of the compensation package. Perhaps the op should also accept only 60% of her wage, or 70% of her holiday entitlement?

OP; I love the idea of standing there waiting, don't accept the plate back until it has a full meal on it. 'No, I'll have a full portion please' every time.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 10/05/2016 10:44

Yeah sorry, Cat, it's not free, I missed the bit where the OP said she paid for it.
Am just shocked even more that the OP hasn't actually said anything about getting less for her money than the others!

Goingtobeawesome · 10/05/2016 10:44

OP, please educate this rude woman and tell her in no uncertain terms that your diet is none of her business.

I've seen you, FFS 😡

ExitPursuedByABear · 10/05/2016 10:45

I'd ask for the extra sausage for my dog.

And then eat it myself.

I am fat

CarolH78 · 10/05/2016 10:45

OP she is totally out of order. Disgusting way to behave.

I'd do what powershower suggests, that's a great way to call her out.

SantasLittleMonkeyButler · 10/05/2016 10:49


What would happen if she worked in a restaurant and tried this? "Well, yes, the menu says three sausages but I noticed you're a bit fatter than me madam so I've brought you two" Shock.

She wouldn't last a shift!

Unbearably rude. You decide what you eat - just like everyone else!

FeckOfffCup · 10/05/2016 10:52

Fucking hell ShockAngry
Your weight is irrelevant and none of her business. You can't decide to put someone else on a diet!
Please complain about her OP. Hope she gets sacked, nasty cow.

gabbyevs · 10/05/2016 11:02

yes i would complain the more i think about this-its none of her business what your diet or weight is-im big and if someone done that to me id be horrified

QuimReaper · 10/05/2016 11:04

Arrrgh she sounds like a nightmare!

I used to work with someone who gave me colossal portions because I "needed feeding up" and then bellyache about my not finishing it all and "wasting food" Angry Looking back on it it was definitely a form of bullying, it was a free meal at a job that paid peanuts but I was always tempted to start taking in sandwiches or buying lunch elsewhere rather than go through the stress every sodding time!

Elledouble · 10/05/2016 11:09

What an incredible fucking cheek! Definitely say something. If you're paying as much as anyone else you deserve to get the same as anyone else. Absolutely zero to do with her. What a bitch!

ThoraGruntwhistle · 10/05/2016 11:09

This is so bloody rude! Angry What on earth makes people act like this? That biscuit thing is unbelievable, sneaking around watching what you're eating like its a crime.
I agree with the tactic of questioning everything she says to you and making her explain exactly what she means.

bibbitybobbityyhat · 10/05/2016 11:19

I operate a zero tolerance policy for this sort of behaviour. I'm amazed you don't feel able to say "where is my third sausage?".

My dh's extremely skinny uncle made a sarcastic comment to me (6 months after dd was born, still breastfeeding, about a stone overweight) because I was eating a piece of cake. It was mil's birthday cake, ffs, and we were at her birthday party and I wouldn't be eating it otherwise (not a cake fan). I have refused to be in the same room as him ever since. 15 years and counting ...

AuntDotsie · 10/05/2016 11:26

I'm proper fat (thanks PCOS!), and I remember one time I was at my mum's having dinner with extended family. Nothing special, bread, meat, cheese, salad sorta thing. My brother's (now ex) girlfriend was watching me eat the whole way through with this look of horrified fascination on her face. On my second slice of bread I just looked her right in the eye and took enormous bites, then gave her the shit-eating grin. Silly bint.

Fuck 'em, fuck other people's perceptions, they haven't a clue and it's all about making themselves feel better. Some people will disapprove of fat people even if they're just sat quietly in a corner, minding their own business. It just brings out my 'fuck you' attitude these days.

PerryHatter · 10/05/2016 11:29

I assume a scoop of mash is an ice cream scoop. A primary school portion, if so.

kelda · 10/05/2016 11:52

'I'm amazed you don't feel able to say "where is my third sausage?".

Please don't blame her. There is a lot of this on this thread, people telling her why on earth hasn't she stood up for herself.

She hasn't stood up for herself because she feel embarrassed and humiliated. And this is made worse by the posters on her suggesting she needs to apologise and justify why she wants the full portion by saying she feels hungry or has a medical condition, and those telling her three sausages is too much anyway.

MrsAttending you have no need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. No need to feel embarrassed by the caterer's bullying and petty behaviour.

To stand up to her you will need to be strong and I believe you do have the strength to do that, because you are right, and because we are all behind you.


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lotbyname · 10/05/2016 11:55

Could you swop plates with someone else in front of her?

bibbitybobbityyhat · 10/05/2016 11:55

Kelda - I am not blaming anyone! I am just saying that I find it amazing that people can be so timid.

AdrenalineFudge · 10/05/2016 12:00

Whether or not the portion is too big or too small is not the issue here. You've paid the same amount as everyone else and should be served equally.
Complain to her supervisor.

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