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To be annoyed I get given less food because the cook thinks I need to lose weight?

207 replies

MrsAttending · 10/05/2016 07:21

We have catering on site and the lady who serves it (2 days a week) always gives me less than my colleagues. On other days a different lady serves and I get the same amount.

She's very slim and always talking about diets etc. I need to lose weight and it's very noticeable that she agrees when she serves up my food. It's a set menu e.g. I'll be given two sausages and one scoop of mash) and my colleagues would get three sausages and two mash.

I know it sounds petty but I am just as hungry as they are!!

She came into the staff room about 5 hours after lunch and I was having a snack and she said "you're not eating again"Shock as if I couldn't possibly be hungry after the tiny meal she gave me.
Then yesterday I was eaten a homemade biscuit given to me as a thank you and she saw me and said "I've seen you" like I had been caught doing something wrong.

AIBU to be annoyed she is treating me noticeably differently? I pay the same as everyone else! It's a small environment so can't really complain.


OP posts:
AuntDotsie · 10/05/2016 09:20

If this was me, you'd find me bringing in a chocolate cake every single day and eating it, with icing and crumbs smeared around my fat face, right in front of her, licking my chops and making orgasmic noises.

She's not the body or diet police. This is not on!

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 10/05/2016 09:22

Gwenhwyfar Tue 10-May-16 09:14:14
"Not relevant to the topic, but that's a pretty big meal isn't it! 3 sausages and 2 scoops of mash and veg."

Exactly. Why do you need 3 sausages?

She needs 3 sausages because that is the standard portion and it is up to her whether or not she eats the full portion. It is not the right of a member of catering staff to decide for the OP how much she wants to eat and serve her less than her colleagues. Its about having autonomy to make your own decisions as an adult rather than being infantalised and having your food intake controlled by a random third party.

FishWithABicycle · 10/05/2016 09:23

Everyone who is griping about 3 sausages being a large serving just stop it. There isn't a universal set size for a sausage. They come in different sizes. Some sausages are large and 2 is a reasonable serving. Some sausages are skinny and small and 3 is a reasonable serving. Everyone else who is paying the same amount as the OP is getting 3 so we can assume that for these sausages, a serving is 3.

Yanbu op and you need to challenge this body shaming discrimination and tell this horrible woman that she is not in charge of your eating.

Applejack29 · 10/05/2016 09:24

It doesn't matter whether it's considered a large meal or a small meal - the point is that OP deserves to be treated exactly the same as her colleagues, without being discriminated against due to her size.

kelda · 10/05/2016 09:27

I would say :

'I'll have the full amount THAT I'VE PAID FOR'

I am angry on your behalf. I've often had comments about the amount I ate, simply because I dare to enjoy my food in front of other people.

teafortoads · 10/05/2016 09:27

Tell her you don't want a child's portion.

DailyMailAreArses · 10/05/2016 09:27

I would be furious too. Could you speak to her supervisor - it would mean that she was kept an eye on and also be a bit more humiliating for her (she deserves it!). It is just totally ignorant and inappropriate in so many ways. You could always blame medical reasons for needing to keep your energy levels up.

wallybantersjunkbox · 10/05/2016 09:29

I would go in with someone else, they get served first, you get your measly portion and both just stand there and stare at the plates and then hand back to her and request the correct portion, the same as your colleague has.

Tell her clearly It's absolutely none of her business to make judgement on your eating habits, just to serve the portion that's been budgeted.

WorraLiberty · 10/05/2016 09:29

That's absolutely outrageous OP Shock

Why have you let her do this more than once though?

There's no need for talk of appetite or diet. You just need to tell her you'd like the same amount as your colleagues.

If she says anything about that, point out that you're paying the same price.

LookJustCancelTheCheque · 10/05/2016 09:29

Bollocks to saying 'you're hungry today so you'd like the full amount'. You don't have to explain yourself.

'I'd like the full amount, please, like everyone else' should suffice.

And if she comes out with "you're not eating again" type comments just tell her mind her own business.

KinkyAfro · 10/05/2016 09:30

Fuck off with your 3 sausages is too much, what utter fucking bollocks.

That has made me so fucking, fucking AngryAngryAngry

SideOrderofChip · 10/05/2016 09:32

I would just stand there next time smiling with your plate and if she asks you whats wrong just say 'I'm waiting for the rest of my lunch'

WorraLiberty · 10/05/2016 09:33

The portion size is completely irrelevant.

What is relevant is the fact the OP isn't being served the same amount as everyone else.

Personally I couldn't manage 3 sausages, 2 scoops of mash and veg... but the point is I would like the option of asking for less... not having to ask for more.

Baconyum · 10/05/2016 09:34

"I would have words, 'My diet is no business of yours. Please stop commenting on what I'm eating and taking it upon yourself to police my food.'" THIS!!

Cheeky cow!

Those of you banging on about how many sausages/scoops of mash are a portion DO realise you're as bad as the cook yes? Hmm

Ambroxide · 10/05/2016 09:36

I could happily eat 3 sausages, two scoops of mash and veg. And I am not a particularly big eater, nor am I fat or even average-sized. My DD wouldn't eat all that mash but she could certainly manage 3 sausages. She is below the 1st percentile for weight.

And OP, how you have restrained yourself from giving this rude person a piece of your mind, I have no idea. You need to tell her very clearly that you will be making a complaint about her unless she stops it pronto.

Catmuffin · 10/05/2016 09:39

I would say :
'I'll have the full amount THAT I'VE PAID FOR'

Yes say this.

DailyMailEthicalFail · 10/05/2016 09:43

I'd go in after colleagues so you can point out difference.
I'd say: 'please serve me the same meal as my colleagues'
If that fails I'd say: 'you are deliberately treating me differently, that feels like discrimination to me?'

If she comments on your eating / not eating in ANY other circumstance I would say: 'please do not make personal comments, it is unprofessional'.

Good luck. How dare she - I am angry on your behalf!

gabbyevs · 10/05/2016 09:45

it doesnt matter if its five sausages or three the point is shes paying the same amount and getting less

MoonfaceAndSilky · 10/05/2016 09:51

Not relevant to the topic, but that's a pretty big meal isn't it! 3 sausages and 2 scoops of mash and veg.
Exactly. Why do you need 3 sausages?

Is this a good time to say I could easily manage 4 sausages Grin

corythatwas · 10/05/2016 09:55

expatinscotland Tue 10-May-16 08:51:35

"Bodyshaming is a form of bullying and she needs pulled up on it, no matter how small the environment is."

This. I would have words with her supervisor about this.

pinkyredrose · 10/05/2016 09:56

That's awful OP, I'd be so upset if that happened to me. Sounds like she's got food issues but she has no right to body shame you. Does she give different portions to the men depending on what size they are? I bet not. She needs to be called out on it, publicly if possible, she's a bullying bitch.

ParrotFashion · 10/05/2016 10:01

2 sausages and 1 ice cream scoop of mash with veg could be as little as 20g protein and 400 cals even if you assume the sausages are high meat content. I think that really does count as a tiny meal. Any smaller and it would be a snack.

In any case the OP should get the same as others, she's paid for it and it's not up to the server to put her on a diet Hmm


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StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 10/05/2016 10:10

Are people so dim as to assume automatically that 3 sausages is a big portion? Not all sausages are created equal. 3 "normal" sized sausages can be anything from 75g to 200g of raw sausage.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 10/05/2016 10:19

I'm not sure that the OP is actually paying for her meal - she hasn't said she was - I suspect if she was, she would have said something long since? I know I would, if I were paying for it - but if it's a free meal at work, then maybe that's why she hasn't said anything yet.

angelos02 · 10/05/2016 10:21

I would be fuming if I were you OP. I'd speak to her supervisor as you aren't getting what you are paying for.

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