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to think that guests should receive a meal at a wedding

406 replies

Roversandrhodes · 06/05/2016 14:52

Oh and I recently attended the wedding of good old friends of mine ,oh has met them a handful of times.
Wedding was at 12 and night guests arrived at 7.After the ceremony we were shown to a room for a 'mingle' whilst the wedding party had their photos.We were then taken to our assigned tables and sat down to a scone and jam.This was it ,all day.

Until about 9pm when a burger van arrived .

Aibu to think this was a little rude ?Some guests had travelled from Germany and Scotland to be there ,it was Friday so many guests inc myself and oh had taken time off work ,no kids were aloud so we (and many other guests had arranged childcare) ,we travelled an hour to get there ,brought a gift ,etc.I don't resent doing any of this ,I was happy to be invited but I just think it's a little unreasonable to expect guests to go from morning til 8pm on one scone each and a spoonful of jam.

Thoughts ?

OP posts:
ThumbWitchesAbroad · 10/05/2016 07:42

Lweji - I would imagine half the reason that people often don't leave is because they have expectations that there WILL be food at some point, as is reasonable - they just can't quite believe that they won't be fed properly! Unless they ask about food and are told that "this is it", and most people won't ask.

I think it's appalling - apart from general people suffering from hunger etc., what if there are diabetics invited who NEED to eat within certain intervals? And children, who seem to be constantly in need of sustenance? I mean, most diabetics will provide themselves with emergency snacks; and most parents will bring extra for their hangry children just because, but they shouldn't have to rely on those measures!

If I ever have the misfortune to go to one of these lacking-in-food weddings, I think I'd be calling up the nearest pizza place and getting them to deliver pizza - just so that the B&G realise what tightfisted cunts they've been.

DustOffYourHighestHopes · 10/05/2016 07:51

Our wedding was unorganised, chaotic, rough around the edges.

But there was lots of food. Midday ceremony, cocktails and canapés (substantial. Mini burgers etc) for an hour during photos, sit down afternoon cream tea with champagne, then fruit in the garden, then 5 course meal at 7pm. No evening snacks, but there were sweeties around and a free bar.

123MothergotafleA · 10/05/2016 08:05

Brutal to hold people hostage for a whole day and starve them. I bet those guests will remember that wedding all right! Why do people think it's ok to do this? If you can't afford to get married,fine. Just cut your coat according to your cloth, and tell people that they will be responsible for their own food for the day. Or just wait and get married when you have the readies to pay for it

bubblegurl252 · 10/05/2016 14:51

That's crazy!
I had icecream being served outside the venue before and after the ceremony. A hog roast with all the extras for the reception and a light buffet with cakes and sandwiches in the evening.
It was boiling that day so everyone was very happy with the icecream, it also meant they could have it while photos were being done :)

Inshock73 · 11/05/2016 07:30

I know I've already commented but I cannot stress enough, I've probably organised and run over 200 weddings and I can assure you everyone remembers and comments on the food! Rightly or wrongly guests expect to be fed and watered throughout the day. If guests are hungry that will override any other memory. It won't matter how beautiful the venue/bride/bridesmaids were or how funny the speeches were etc all the guests will be commenting on was how hungry they were.

If money is tight as it is for many people, reduce your number of guests. You can have an intimate ceremony and wedding breakfast and invite the majority of your guests to your evening reception where you can have a buffet and a pay bar. It's still worth noting even evening guests arrive expecting there to be food.

CallieG · 11/05/2016 07:56

It sounds like they were hoping everyone one would get sick of waiting and just bugger off because they were starving. Who the hell has Seven Hours between the Ceremony & Reception? A burger van arrived at 9 PM? NINE PM 9 hours after the ceremony, OMG they probably spent 2 frantic hours on the phone to find a Van that would come in a hurry because they finally realized that when people pay a LOT of Money for a new dress, A not cheap gift & then to travel to a Wedding & pay for plane tickets? They have a more than reasonable expectation of getting a meal or at least something to stop their stomach imploding. What a pair of cheapskates, they make Scrooge look like the good fairy. My ex & I did our Summer wedding on a tight budget but our guests got a great feed, a Buffet, Hot entree, 7 kinds of cold meats, every type of salad you could think of, & a choice of 3 desserts. A wedding is about celebrating your joy with family & friends, not about showing off a stupidly expensive dress & making a grab for tons of gifts.

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