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To think that shops and pubs are no place for dogs?

382 replies

Misssss · 02/04/2016 18:02

We went to the pub for dinner last night. It is a naice pub with a good menu. When we walked in at about 7.30pm there was a cacophony of barking because at least four dogs, owned by different people, had decided to "play," with each other.

This afternoon we were shopping at a little retail park. Lots of little handbag type dogs were being paraded round. One woman even let her two dogs walk all over the rugs on display.

Aibu to think that they shouldn't be there? Why can't the dogs be left at home. Obviously these weren't guide dogs, just pets.

OP posts:
Vintage45 · 02/04/2016 23:30

Disagree with dogs in shops.

Dogs in pubs is fine, you probably just walked into a uncommon situation.

TooOldForGlitter · 02/04/2016 23:35

Of all the mammals on the planet why are humans so convinced that they have the most right to it? I've never understood it.

wonkybumcrack · 02/04/2016 23:36

Yabu this is my childhood memory an old dog by the fire in a pub. The pub we used to go to had pigs, goats and rabbits wondering about as as child I was my best memory.

TooOldForGlitter · 02/04/2016 23:37

Why are dogs in ships a problem? They aren't going to be anymore of a problem than the average 2 year old.

BeastofCraggyIsland · 02/04/2016 23:37

We don't often take the dogs into shops, unless it's a pet shop or we're somewhere like the Lake District or Betws Y Coed where a lot of the outdoor gear shops are dog friendly. We take them to pubs regularly though - we and our dogs met up with a couple of friends and their dog today for a walk and then went to a dog friendly pub for some food. The dogs are all very well behaved and everyone who walked past made a fuss of them. I've never come across anyone who has had a problem with them being in a pub - but seeing as they're dog friendly places I wouldn't expect to. If you really object to dogs there are plenty of places to go that don't allow them.

TooOldForGlitter · 02/04/2016 23:38

Bugger, dogs in shops, not ships. I'm not sure how I feel about dogs in ships 😂

wonkybumcrack · 02/04/2016 23:38

Toooldforglitter. Dogs in ships are the Pirates?

Silverfoxofwarwick1953 · 02/04/2016 23:39

I see a lot of dogs in pubs and shops around here.

wonkybumcrack · 02/04/2016 23:39

Let's hope they got good sea legs

Greydog · 02/04/2016 23:40

I love taking our dog on holiday, and when we've been down in the southwest of England she's been welcomed in all sorts of shops, cafes and pubs. It's lovely that you can take them into places. I did, however, leave her outside with DH when I went into a shop selling china - and even then the owner said i could bring her in! But the damage that a happy greyhound tail could do was too dreadful to contemplate, so she stayed outside! The lady who owned it did say that unruly children were more of a problem than a wagging tail!

Leeds2 · 03/04/2016 00:07

My friend used to "train" puppies before they went onto police dog training. She was encouraged to take the dogs into shops, so that they could get used to people (dogs were, I think, ultimately being trained to be sniffer dogs at airports). She was regularly challenged, by staff and members of the public, but I think these dogs have the same rights of admittance as guide dogs.

I have no issues at all with well behaved dogs in pubs. Don't really welcome them in shops though.

YaySirNaySir · 03/04/2016 00:17

Loads of shop owners see one of us waiting outside and invite us in. Cafés, pubs, hotels, attractions, b and b's etc that welcome dogs also get our custom, which means lots of money for them.

oohlalala · 03/04/2016 01:25

I don't mind them in pubs, but I don't get the shop business. I've noticed this recently too, small handbag dogs (not guidedogs I'd like to add) being carted round gift shops wtf? I've grown up with pet dogs and we never did this. Someone would always have to stand outside with the dog whilst the other popped in. Smacks of rudeness to me.

GingerLDN · 03/04/2016 01:38

I hate having my tea out in a pub and a dog sitting next to me slobbering and stinky (not all but some) especially if they've just been wooed in the wet/mud. Unfortunately more and more places are dog friendly these days. I won't stay in a pet friendly hotel either.

herecomethepotatoes · 03/04/2016 03:57

"She was regularly challenged, by staff and members of the public, but I think these dogs have the same rights of admittance as guide dogs."

And she carried on doing so. How entitled is she?

Guide dogs don't have any right of admittance; it's that you can't discriminate against their owners.

I grew up in the country so am used to dogs in pubs but shops had those loops for dogs' leads so they could wait outside.

Want2bSupermum · 03/04/2016 04:16

Here in the US guide dogs in training are treated as guide dogs used by the blind. I thought the rules were the same in the UK. We used to live close to a place that trains guide dogs and we tried in vain to adopt one of their 'failures'.

We have a lovely golden. He is extremely hairy and has no place in a shop or feeding establishment unless you are ok with having dog hair on your new items or on your food. It gets everywhere and with one dog it's an uphill battle to control it at home.

MissusWrex · 03/04/2016 04:38

Depends on the dog.

I wouldn't bat an eye lash at a well trained and friendly dog.

If they try to nick some of my dinner though then they've got a fight on their hands. Grin

bearleftmonkeyright · 03/04/2016 04:41

I am not a massive dog lover but I think that it is probably best that dogs are allowed in more places. I don't really agree with leaving dogs on their own for long periods of time and if you are going out at the weekend you should be able to take your dog with you.

IslandCanary · 03/04/2016 05:42

I'm nervous around dogs and I hate it when they are in pubs or the outdoor areas of coffee shops. I can't relax and don't want to squeeze past them.

Also they smell bad.


Higge · 03/04/2016 08:02

We never assume we can take our dog into a pub or a shop - for pubs we will check before we enter and for shops, someone always stands at the entrance with the door, we never ask to come in but we are often surprised at the shops that are happy and positively want my dog to enter - they invite our dog in.
It must be so hard being allergic to dogs - I have a horse allergy which even extends to being allergic to people who have been on a horse but not changed clothing, it can be very restrictive at times - but dogs are everywhere!

Eeyore86 · 03/04/2016 08:24

I love seeing dogs in pubs probably because I desperately want a dog however our lifestyle doesn't allow for one at the moment, most of the time unless the dog moves you don't know it's there as they've always been well behaved in the local dog friendly bars where we live. Dogs running around as in the OP isn't on though given some people don't like them.

My friend has an assistance dog and he is allowed anywhere (shops restaurants etc) he's highly trained and has never caused any issues and the vast vast majority of the time people love seeing him in shops the only problem is that people (both adults and children) see him in a shop and rush over to stroke him not stopping to think that it's wrong to do so, just like with a guide dog

UmbongoUnchained · 03/04/2016 08:30

I wouldn't buy clothes from a shop that allows dogs in.
And I wouldn't eat somewhere that allows dogs.
I used to work in a dog friendly restaurant and floating dog hairs were a real problem when walking past them with food.


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LaurieFairyCake · 03/04/2016 08:34

We're on holiday at the British seaside and there are hundreds of dogs in the pubs and shops.

My niece and I had a game yesterday where we got to 87 on the high stress Smile

LaurieFairyCake · 03/04/2016 08:36

High street obvs

Twowrongsdontmakearight · 03/04/2016 08:59

Our dog loves the pub. He 'outed' DH by rushing up and scratching the pub door on one of our regular routes. So that's why some walks are so long.

He is welcome in a few of our local pubs, a couple of trendy bars, cafe Nero and our local Royal Bank of Scotland (he's given treats there). All places make it clear they're dog-friendly or we ask before we go in.

Plenty of places don't allow dogs so that's where we go if we're with dog-allergic friends.

That's the great thing. We all have a choice.

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