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To think that shops and pubs are no place for dogs?

382 replies

Misssss · 02/04/2016 18:02

We went to the pub for dinner last night. It is a naice pub with a good menu. When we walked in at about 7.30pm there was a cacophony of barking because at least four dogs, owned by different people, had decided to "play," with each other.

This afternoon we were shopping at a little retail park. Lots of little handbag type dogs were being paraded round. One woman even let her two dogs walk all over the rugs on display.

Aibu to think that they shouldn't be there? Why can't the dogs be left at home. Obviously these weren't guide dogs, just pets.

OP posts:
Lockheart · 03/04/2016 11:11

In my not inconsiderable experience flirty, more often than not dogs are NOT allowed in pubs. I have spent many a holiday going around the local pubs to find one that allows dogs. And beaches, walks, attractions etc. I think you will survive - people without dogs generally have much more choice than those with them! But that's the chance we take when we own one.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 11:14

most places don't allow dogs, schools don't allow them, even to be tied near them, I think it's okay that rural pubs let them in, they have always been part of country life.

ForalltheSaints · 03/04/2016 11:47

Dogs in a corner of a pub sitting quietly can be lovely in my view. Shows a good dog owner and a walk will have taken place to get there.

Alisvolatpropiis · 03/04/2016 11:50

I'm sure you'll cope, flirty.

The pubs will always service their most reliable clientele over visitors anyway, so really won't be bothered if you don't frequent them.

Scaredycat3000 · 03/04/2016 11:50

schools don't allow them, even to be tied near them
This is the entrance to our infants school. This is the only way in, note the child walking behind his father, he was walking beside him until he saw the dog. Every child who had to walk past did the same. The many dogs are usually tied to the same fence a meter away, not actually across the entrance like this one. That is of course after the HT allowed then a few months later banned dogs from the playground Hmm
YANBU, I don't bother going shopping in town much. Dogs in Waterstones, the wool shop, card shops, fucking everywhere. I actually heard one couple discussing in a shop that if there was no sign saying no dogs then they must be allowed. We're moving, as far away as possible, back to civilization, where I can walk down the street without some little old lady sticking their dog in my kids faces* or shouting mind the dog poo!
*I actually had to shout at one woman as she veered, grinning, off the path away from her friend toward my DS who was backing off with a shear drop behind him to get away from her dog. She looked shocked as I shouted to get away from my child.

To think that shops and pubs are no place for dogs?
Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 11:52

Gosh how awful, must be horrendous to interact with animals, especially for children. Our post office banned dogs a year ago after it had a refurb, I know I have bored mumsnet with this story before but a toddler pulled his trousers down and did a big poo by the photo booth on the floor.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 11:53

That dog does look vicious to be fair.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 11:54

Did you report Scaredy? I guess you took the photo with the purpose of reporting it to someone?

Scaredycat3000 · 03/04/2016 12:17

Firstly I took it as I guessed nobody would believe me that a parent would be so selfish and stupid. I saw little point reporting (to whom?!) as after googleing the only official advise is to do a risk assessment for dogs in the playground, (not done) and I'd already spoken to the HT once about dogs being allowed in the playground and been ignored. Dogs got banned a few months later, I have no idea what changed. I was seen taking the photo by the owners friends and this was enough for her to be a little less selfish and not do it again. It doesn't matter how dangerous the dog was or clearly wasn't, nursery and infant children should be able to enter their school feeling safe.
And I wish they would ban dogs from the main post office here, you can't really get away from them when you're in a slow queue and the owner has left them on the soft comfy chair.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:19

I think you are hysterical and it's a shame that you are teaching your children to be the same. Humans are the worse species by far but I will never understand someone who has such hatred for an animal. So be it, you reported it and the owner got told off, job done.

JapanNextYear · 03/04/2016 12:23

I love a pub with dogs, or a pub cat. I get dog envy as we can't have one...

Scaredycat3000 · 03/04/2016 12:29

You think that's hysterical Peace, fuck me, you must be unbearable IRL, did you not get to go to your DN 1st birthday party the other week because your fur babies weren't allowed?
I'm off to buy a panther, I'm going to take it with me everywhere because I have the right to take my pet with me, fuck every body else they should just suck it up, it will love me so won't hurt you and if it does it will be your fault anyway!

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:31

Yes, you have just confirmed how hysterical you are if you are taking photos of a little dog waiting by a post with (gasp) bagged dog poo next to it.
Bet the school loves you on the phone every week.

GraysAnalogy · 03/04/2016 12:32

I'm expected to put up with your little dears screaming and shouting, running around etc but you can't put up with a dog's presence.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:36

16 deaths from dogs in the UK since 2008, 1800 deaths from cars in 2014 in UK. Dogs are used for terrorism exposure, autism therapy, hospital therapy, police work, guiding the blind, the deaf, epilepsy alert.

I think it's very sad that you have such animosity and are clearly transferring this to your children, I won't make a judgement on what sort of a parent you are and how you think the world should adore your beloved offspring though. Unlike your rather silly 'fur baby' comment.

Scaredycat3000 · 03/04/2016 12:39

There's a bag of dog poo? So MNer's are happy for dog poo to be left by a nursery and infant school gate?
And no they don't like children here, one of the many reasons we are leaving, woo hoo Ican'twait. Does entitled dog ownership go hand in hand with selfish religious nuts, racism and general bigotry, or is that just here?

GraysAnalogy · 03/04/2016 12:40

I'm assuming the dog owner will have picked the bagged dog poo up yes? So what's the problem?

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:41

Grin you are a very angry person. It's bagged up, it's okay. Your previous DC are safe.

I think that you are showing signs of being the bigot but am feeling I should step away from the thread. I should think the school are glad you are leaving, you don't sound like a happy person to have around and to mix with the community.
Wishing you all the best in your dog free move.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:42
  • precious
Scaredycat3000 · 03/04/2016 12:50

I never complained about the poo it was Peace that pointed it out! Besides I'm more concerned about the piles of dog shit that litter the pavement, playgrounds and fields. And could you answer my question, Does entitled dog ownership go hand in hand with selfish religious nuts, racism and general bigotry, or is that just here? See I'm used to my choice, my business, shouldn't affect you type of life.

herecomethepotatoes · 03/04/2016 12:50

" Does entitled dog ownership go hand in hand with selfish religious nuts, racism and general bigotry"

Yes. Absolutely every dog owner goes to church where they're taught to hate Asians and gays. Fact.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:52

Does entitled child bearing? Could you answer that please? It's just that all the racist bigots that I have met, seem to think it's okay to procreate.
So I link racist bigots with children, not dogs.



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GraysAnalogy · 03/04/2016 12:52

It's you who said 'So MNer's are happy for dog poo to be left by a nursery and infant school gate'. It's not left though is it, it's bagged up to be picked up on exit. It's not touching the floor.

I'm not going to answer your question because it's ridiculous. You're the one taking photos of random dogs doing absolutely fuck all to harm you.

Peaceandloveeveryone · 03/04/2016 12:53

I mean Nigel Farage has four children and no dogs, completely proving my point I think.

GraysAnalogy · 03/04/2016 12:54

peace Grin

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