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To think that shops and pubs are no place for dogs?

382 replies

Misssss · 02/04/2016 18:02

We went to the pub for dinner last night. It is a naice pub with a good menu. When we walked in at about 7.30pm there was a cacophony of barking because at least four dogs, owned by different people, had decided to "play," with each other.

This afternoon we were shopping at a little retail park. Lots of little handbag type dogs were being paraded round. One woman even let her two dogs walk all over the rugs on display.

Aibu to think that they shouldn't be there? Why can't the dogs be left at home. Obviously these weren't guide dogs, just pets.

OP posts:
BolshierAryaStark · 02/04/2016 18:53

Dogs in pubs are fine.
As far as I'm aware most shops only allow assistance dogs? They're the only ones I've ever seen in a shop anyway.

betsyderek · 02/04/2016 18:57

I take my dog on the plane as well. Didn't realise it was a thing Blush as someone up thread mentioned. But the seat is kind of self sufficient anyway so nobody should know. I sat next to a falcon on my way home the other night.

Topseyt · 02/04/2016 19:04

I have no problem with dogs in pubs. Nor in shops if well behaved.

I have heard some people wish that children could be banned from such places.

Dogs are not actually banned from places which serve food. Just from food preparation areas. Whether or not they are allowed in the restaurant or pub itself is a matter for the owner/landlord.

bloodynoris · 02/04/2016 19:07

My dog comes to quite a lot of places with us. Just not food shops. We took him b&q last week we asked if he come in and they was fine but while we was in there 2 kids was chasing each other screaming while they parents shop then knocked a glass light on the floor. So my dog actually cause less of a problem then those with kids.

Jaimx86 · 02/04/2016 19:07

To people questioning dogs in shops... This week whilst on Anglesey, DP fancied some new shorts from Fat Face and I saw a dress I like in the the window. We took our dog in (just popped into Beaumaris before s day of walking) whilst we tried on the clothes and she was no problem - just sat and watched. As places like Fat Face sell the kind of clothes you just walk the dog in, surely there using a problem with them letting dogs in.

Lighteningirll · 02/04/2016 19:09

I love the fact that we share our space with animals I find all this don't you know I own this planet guff really annoying. There are lots of places that don't accept dogs just go to them yabvu

Lovelydiscusfish · 02/04/2016 19:09

As a dog owner, I actually wish more pubs and shops were dog friendly! But I guess as long as there remains choice - some which allow dogs and some which are dog-free - then everyone is catered for.

OttiliaVonBCup · 02/04/2016 19:10

Well behaved dogs in pubs are fine, mine love it.
I wouldn't let them off the lead and if they never bark there, never had any problems.

OttiliaVonBCup · 02/04/2016 19:11

Sorry, meant that if they would never bark in a pub.

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 02/04/2016 19:13


Dogs and pubs go together.

BennyTheBall · 02/04/2016 19:15

No! I love a dog friendly pub. We go to lunch in one and our dog (who thinks he is human and refuses to sit on the floor) sits next to us, on dh's coat.

whois · 02/04/2016 19:19

Dogs asleep under a table in a pub = fine.

Dogs 'playing' = not fine.

Just like kids sitting nicely st the table and talking = OK, kids shouting and running round not ok.

waitingimpatient · 02/04/2016 19:21


Guide dogs not a problem at all, tbh i don't often see many

Recently though I've noticed a lot more places are dog friendly. I'm terribly allergic to dogs so it's a nightmare. There's a local cafe that is now dog friendly. Often see dogs on buses now and like you say in your OP quite a lot of pubs. I think it's unnecessary to allow dogs in to all these places.

tinymeteor · 02/04/2016 19:21

Yes. YABU.

cruikshank · 02/04/2016 19:21

Good places for dogs to go to:

a) a kennel somewhere very far away from me;
b) err, that's it.

Certainly not a pub - wtf is a dog going to get out of being in a pub? Is it going to play darts? Have a go on the karaoke? Appreciate a pint of craft beer? No. It's just going to be a dog, same as it could quite happily be anywhere that isn't actually built specifically for humans, with the added bonus of paying customers in the pub not having to put up with some smelly fucking dribbling hairy beast cluttering the place up.

cruikshank · 02/04/2016 19:22

Just like kids sitting nicely st the table and talking = OK, kids shouting and running round not ok.

Yes, it's exactly the same. Given that kids are actually dogs.

Oh, wait, they're not.

Tessticklesyourfancy · 02/04/2016 19:30

I've got two small dogs and occasional take them to pubs, only if we've been out walking and we tend to sit outside if it's nice weather. I've no problems with dogs being there. We were once staying at a travel lodge, they allow dogs ans we were eating, dogs allowed in restaurant too. We had got a couple of funny looks from the next table of two people. . A large group sat opposite , maybe three families all together with several children all quite noisy, one of the children threw up, I'm talking everywhere, table, floor and the bank seat where he was sat. After that the chap on the table who'd given us a funny look said he thought the dogs were ok there.

Higge · 02/04/2016 19:30

Took my dog out with us today, lunch then run around the park. While I was sorting him, he started sniffing the people sitting behind us - I apologised, it was not acceptable. But he lay beside me sleeping for the rest of the meal. I can fully understand why someone doesn't wish to have a dog in the room while they eat - but some of us do - isn't there enough pubs of sufficient variety to suit us all?

DonttouchthatLarry · 02/04/2016 19:34

We take our dogs in pubs in the Lake District all the time - they lie quietly under the table while we eat, and mostly when we get up to leave people are surprised when they emerge, not even realising they were there! Better behaved than the majority of children we've seen in pubs Wink

And they're allowed in most of the shops in the Lake District too - but I suppose it is a rural, outdoorsy place with plenty of walkers, I wouldn't expect to take them in shops and pubs in cities.

TooOldForGlitter · 02/04/2016 19:35

Aren't you a ray of sunshine cruikshank.

Higge · 02/04/2016 19:35

wtf is a dog going to get out of being in a pub

My dog is known by the bar staff who all come over to fuss over him - he likes this - sometimes they give him doggy treats - he likes this too!
The landlord's dogs roam freely around the pub, he likes to sniff them.
He generally is happy anywhere I am - if I'm in the pub with him - he is happy.
He likes the walk to the pub and he likes lying in front of the log fire when we get there.
When we walk past the pub on our daily walks he attempts to go in and has to be encouraged to move on - that suggests to me that he is very happy going to the pub!

Sadik · 02/04/2016 19:48

"wtf is a dog going to get out of being in a pub"
I think pubs are dog heaven . . . lots of friendly people, illicit crisps snuck under the table by old men, nice fire - I've never known a dog that didn't love a pub.


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insan1tyscartching · 02/04/2016 20:20

We've been on holiday all week, our dog has been to pubs and cafes each day. He's small and lies under the table.Generally people don't know he's there unless they see us arrive or leave. So long as the dogs are behaving I don't see a problem tbh.

Lockheart · 02/04/2016 20:30

Pubs, yes - a good pub always has a dog or cat somewhere - restaurants, no.

We let dogs in our antiques shop and never have a problem (children on the other hand....), but I wouldn't want to see one in a clothes store, for example. Hair on the clothes etc.

cruikshank · 02/04/2016 20:42

So, Higge, what your dog seems to enjoy about being in a pub is getting treats, lying in front of the fire and sniffing other dogs' bums.

Oh well, I suppose there isn't anywhere else that these activities could be undertaken so maybe it's fair enough to piss off all of the non 'it's my furbaby and anyway children misbehave which is exactly the same even though they're not dogs' crowd, who are paying customers, in order to ensure that your animal has access to such things.

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