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to not offer to pick up/drop off

207 replies

mommy2ash · 27/01/2016 23:34

I unfortunately don't drive. I attempted to learn but was much too nervous and most likely won't attempt to again.

My dd's friend has been asking to come play at ours for a while. The kids have given us the other mums phone number and asked us to sort out a day, they are nine. I work full time so don't have a lot of free time but this weekend my dd is having another girl over to stay and go bowling. I text the mum saying her dd was more than welcome and gave my address and times to drop her and said the next day she can stay as long as she likes whatever suited.

The mum text back saying her dd would love to come and was excited and said I can pick her up before lunch time on Saturday and drop her back before 12 on Sunday as they are going somewhere.

Once I explained I won't be able to collect or drop off her mum cancelled and said her dd is now very upset.

Now I feel awful but I don't have a car and there isn't a direct bus so would need to take two buses there and two buses home each time. It takes between 10-15 minutes by car.

This mum and her husband both drive.

I thought my original message was clear before she accepted and this mum knows I don't drive. Aibu?

OP posts:
NoSquirrels · 28/01/2016 16:28

Totally right not to engage any further. If you've never had a lift off her then it's nothing to do with you, it's her own ridiculous fault for being too stupid to see the difference between giving someone an optional lift (and then seething about it later instead of saying no at the time), and her parental responsibility to get her child from A to B.

Poor kid. Shame for your DD too, but nothing you can do about it.

DoreenLethal · 28/01/2016 17:36

She has said she is fed up if people who don't drive expecting everyone else to ferry them all over

HER CHILD over. Silly woman. Steer clear.

Aworldofmyown · 28/01/2016 17:39

I would have to say something to her. Bloody 'she wins' who does she think she is.

No more texting, I would confront her nicely and make it clear that you never expect anyone to ferry your child around despite the fact you don't drive and its a shame her opinions of other non drivers will mean her daughter misses out.

Jezebel555 · 28/01/2016 17:45

Wow. What an absolute stupid childish thundercunt that woman is. Her poor daughter Sad

Johnny5isAlive · 28/01/2016 18:42

I'd also have to respond.
Is she absolutely clear on the plan?? That YOU were offering to entertain HER child for 2days and 1 night? She didn't have to do anything for anyone else

GabiSolis · 28/01/2016 18:55

Fucking hell. My first thought was 'no way did that happen!' Then I remembered I know someone exactly like this. OP, does she have a first name beginning with L and a DD whose name begins with S?

Pepperpot99 · 28/01/2016 19:13

she is so bitter she has actually done her dd out of a lovely afternoon plus a sleepover - what a ridiculous old cow Shock.

You are doing very well to maintain your composure OP, I'd be having a right go !!

BreakfastLunchPasta · 28/01/2016 22:35

This woman is just bizarre, I'm boggling at the workings of her brain!

And lol Gabi - please let's hope there's only 1 person like this in the world 😆
But yes, her poor dd

TheWomanInTheWall · 28/01/2016 22:45

What an odd person she is!

rollonthesummer · 28/01/2016 22:53

Wow- has this woman's child ever been invited to play at someone's house before; it really doesn't sound like it?!

LovelyBath · 29/01/2016 16:22

I have (or had) a friend like this. Seemed to expect everyone to run their child around. Some people don't seem to understand their child is their responsibility. If they are like my friend they probably have this warped sense for example that you had arranged this sleepover therefore should run people around.

She does sound bonkers, possibly narcissistic and you are probably best to stay away. Shame about the children though, as they seemed to get on well. I agree with not replying further, unless you wanted to text something like the others have suggested or "Yes a taxi is fine if you want to do that, you are welcome to arrange one".

amarmai · 29/01/2016 17:40

maybe she is ''high status' and if your dd wants the honor of having her dd for a sleepover , then obv it's your job to do everything and be very grateful for being allowed to do so. Have you seen the movie Heathers? it has a nasty sleep over put you in your place episode.

mommy2ash · 31/01/2016 09:57

Well both kids came in the end and had a great time. I'm glad it worked out that way as the other little girl is lovely and none of this was her fault. They were up giggling till 2 last night and up at 8. I'm contemplating getting breakfast rolls in the shop and having a snooze on the couch while they play :)

OP posts:
HSMMaCM · 31/01/2016 10:01

Glad they had a good time. How is the other girl getting home ?

mommy2ash · 31/01/2016 10:09

My friend did the picking up and dropping off. The mum text her as her dd was so upset. My friend rang me to ask what to do and as much as we both would have liked to tell the mum to get stuffed I couldn't do it to her dd. she has been lovely and helpful and polite the entire time and didn't deserve to be left out because of her mums actions. I haven't heard anything from the mum

OP posts:
AnthonyPandy · 31/01/2016 10:10

And how did she get there? Grin

Aworldofmyown · 31/01/2016 10:37

And she did't speak to you to confirm it was still ok eat humble pie?

Jesus she's a bitch, bet you don't even get a thank you or acknowledgement from her.

Glad they had a nice time.

Fedup21 · 31/01/2016 10:52

Bloody hell-that mum is a complete bitch.

evilcherub · 31/01/2016 10:52

I wonder if the mum will say thank you for entertaining her daughter overnight?

magicsoakingmyspine · 31/01/2016 11:07

I'd text back: 'I won.'

But then I can be childish Grin

JellyTotCat · 31/01/2016 11:26

Christ. If she doesn't thank you that's terrible

mommy2ash · 31/01/2016 11:42

I more than likely won't hear anything from her. My friend will be dropping her back and the mum hasn't contacted me at all. The girls had a great time I will be in bed at six tonight though :)

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MintyChops · 31/01/2016 12:19

She is just awful and utterly, shockingly rude and unreasonable. You are lovely to have had the daughter anyway. Let us know if her revolting mother manages to bring herself to thank you. She will do it through gritted teeth and you can then be very magnanimous about it and in that sense you WILL win childish!!

JellyTotCat · 31/01/2016 12:27

You've won by not being a rude bonkers cow

mommy2ash · 31/01/2016 14:12

My friend has called and dropped the little girl home. The mum thanked her gave her a bottle of wine and chocolates and had another rant about people who don't drive taking advantage. She also apologised to my friend on my behalf.

At least it's all made for a good laugh.

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