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Having for show items in the house...

235 replies

Unreasonablebetty · 27/11/2015 00:34

I might be being a bit... Or a lot U,
But I like to buy certain things for show,
Like I've got certain tea towels, for show.
Certain knives to show
Towels to show,
Cushions also to show.

We have slightly less pretty versions of all these things that are for use, but I do like to keep some things looking nice, like the tea towels that hang in the kitchen and bathroom that look nice and crisp,

I just bought new cushions that were only put on the sofa today. My husband came home and flopped down in his paint covered work clothes, took his boots and socks off, and tried to use one of my new cushions as a footrest.
Not five foot away is a perfectly good foot rest. But he wants to use my cushions.
This set me off, squealing like a banshee that his sweaty smelly feet do not belong on my new cushions, in fact they were moved away so DD didn't cost them in felt tip. And why is he laying on one of them?

He thinks it's U to have cushions that he can't lay on, or rub his feet all over,
I think it's perfectly fine, there are other cushions too, another 6 or 7 in total in the living room, but he surely shouldn't expect to rub his feet on my cushions?? No one wants foot smelling cushions surrounding them??
I might be being quite pedantic, and it might just be that other stuff he does is getting to me, but this is really annoying me as when it gets cold I love to make the house homely and buy nice new cushions and generally nicer for us, and he seems to lack respect for our home.
It's not like he didn't know that I have for show items, I've always been the same the five years I've known him.

Is it that mad to say, them few cushions are for you to pick up sit with on your lap or on the floor, but they're love hearts, I don't want you distorting the shape??

OP posts:
Travelledtheworld · 27/11/2015 06:04

I think you are being slightly Unreasonable. Perhaps cut down on the "show things" a little ? But some men can be gross and need a reminder about how to behave in the home.

Don't really have things on show but I do have some decent furniture so was NOT pleased to come in and find DH with his feet up on the coffee table. Or even worse sitting on the sofa in sweaty, muddy running gear...

Kittykatmacbill · 27/11/2015 07:00

Show knives? So you have global knives in a rack and supermarket ones in a drawer? That's bonkers.

ShatnersBassoon · 27/11/2015 07:07

My mum is like this with bloody everything. Not only the small things, like precious tea towels and bath mats, but her bloody cooker is for show. She spends a small fortune on a great whopping Aga, but eats nothing but toast and cereal Hmm

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 27/11/2015 07:10

I think having show things that you don't use is very strange, I don't do that with anything, in fact I hate overly dressed sofas, beds etc, makes the place look sterile and hotel like. However I do expect "in use" items to be treated with respect, this doesn't come naturally to DH but he ismuch better now thsn he used to be.

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 27/11/2015 07:14

What do you do with the show cushions when you want to sit on the sofa BTW? When I stay in a hotel the first thing I do is gather up all the cushions and runners off the bed and chuck them in the wardrobe, do you have somewhere in your living room to stash them?

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 27/11/2015 07:15

Also what do you do if a guest uses your teatowel or sits on one of these cushions?

gamerwidow · 27/11/2015 07:22

I don't have things for show. If I buy something lovely I want to use it everyday to get the most out of it. That said I do expect dh and DC to treat everything in house with respect. Not to the extent that they can't use it but just not to be overly rough or careless with them.

Oysterbabe · 27/11/2015 07:23

My now DH lived in a swanky bachelor pad when we first got together, he kept it looking like a show home and it has show tea towels. Since I moved in things have taken a bit of a turn for the worst and I think it stresses him out a bit. Wait til I pop this baby out and everything gets covered in puke Grin

BoboChic · 27/11/2015 07:24

Filthy/stinky men on soft furnishings is a definite no-no. Nothing to do with "show" and everything to do with hygiene and respect.

gingerdad · 27/11/2015 07:25

Nothing for show here. Don't see the point. Show tea towels and knives is just bonkers. - cushions don't get it. My oh has a cushion obession.

Mrsbird311 · 27/11/2015 07:26

Ha OP are you my mum??
We had show pillows, towels, tea towels, mugs, seasonally themed doormats that we weren't allowed to step on, she even used to come in and tidy up our beds as we slept as she couldn't bare it if our duvets were creased!!!
However your dh sounds like a dirty disrespectful git, you are trying to make a nice home and him plopping down in his work clothes rubbing his feet into a cushion( who does that?) LTB or at least make sure he chucks himself in the shower when he gets in from work , I can't stand grotty people

Unreasonablebetty · 27/11/2015 07:26

I have read the replies to this past, and I've got to be honest they've kind of made me laugh, cos it seems that maybe I have been a bit U but so has DH,
I need to relax the show things... Possibly.
I will answer a few things tho, it's not that I use subpar knives when cooking my cooking knives are actually better but because my whole kitchen is black and white, I got all the accessories in a colour I wanted to use in the kitchen, I was aware that they wouldn't wash well as they had a rubber coating that wouldn't wash well... I feared that it would peel off and make the ends of the knife look naff.... But it is possibly a bit nutty, I just committed to the colour when in next, and bought everything in the same colour.
And with the tea towel, I have one that's dropped on the handle of the cooker door, and another that sits between WM and counter which gets used.
All who have agreed with that husband should wash when he gets home, I agree, he used to but he stopped just after we got married. It's really quite annoying

OP posts:
Krampus · 27/11/2015 07:31

Yab quite quite bonkers Grin

WendyTorrance · 27/11/2015 07:35

My Dh has the audacity to light candles. Not the Yankee ones that make the house smell nice, oh no. My just for decoration candles on the mantelpiece.

We had to have a talk about it. He just doesn't understand why he's only allowed to light certain candles.

He's so bloody unreasonable. I should LTB.

Mrsbird311 · 27/11/2015 07:42

Noooooo Wendy unlit show candles look terribly common you must light them just the once to blacken the wick and then have them for show, this is according to my mum who we call hyacinth Grin

ToffeeForEveryone · 27/11/2015 07:43

YABVU. Don't keep things for best. Only live once and all that. What are you saving them for if not your family?

Cushions that no one is allowed to sit on is bonkers.

And who are you expecting round that will judge you on the quality of your tea towels Confused

catfordbetty · 27/11/2015 07:46

This thread reminds me of my grandparents' front room. I sat in there only twice: at each of their funerals.

PiperIsTerrysChoclateOrange · 27/11/2015 07:51

The only thing I don't use is my decorative candles. They live on my mantle piece dead centre.

Every thing else is for use.

TheoriginalLEM · 27/11/2015 07:52

is it not his house too?? or is he a lodger?

honestly, that sort of obsession with "show" would make me uncomfortable.

manicinsomniac · 27/11/2015 07:55

Oh, I'm with you. I do this. One of many reasons why I don't think I could ever live with another adult.

Books that are for show - all arrange by them, colour, author or size with their proper place in the bookshelves. I get a lump in my throat and my palms start sweating if someone takes one out to read and leaves a hole in the shelf. And if they put it back in the wrong place .... !!

Mugs that are for show. My favourite ones are displayed on a shelf in the kitchen and don't get used (mainly ones from travelling or with quotes on or something like that). Mugs for use are in the cupboard. I walked into the kitchen once to find my sister drinking from a show mug and gasped something about it not being for using. She thought I meant it had a crack in it or was dirty or something.

Towels in the bathroom all match the bathroom and don't leave it except to be washed. Towels for baths and showers are cheaper and a different colour.

If you're mad so am I

Kampeki · 27/11/2015 07:55

You sound bonkers, OP. Who wants to live in a museum!

Your OH should get clean when he comes home though!

febreeze · 27/11/2015 07:56

I assume that you don't have any children? I couldn't live my life like this. Have you ever thought that you may have OCD? Maybe speak to the GP about it?


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chrome100 · 27/11/2015 07:58

You sound quite hard work. Why have things that you don't use? FWIW, we don't even have cushions in our house. They don't do anything.

LillianGish · 27/11/2015 08:00

Why not keep the plastic covers on all your soft furnishings? Or put all the new stuff you buy in storage and just keep on using all the old stuff? This thread is a joke right? Bonkers. A tea towel - for best? Walks away shaking head....

Micah · 27/11/2015 08:01


I grew up with "for best" and hate it. My mum has bought me doubles of lots of stuff and it just clutters up the place, I've nowhere to keep it, it's just a waste. Always using the second best stuff, and the precious rigmarole of getting "the best" out for guests and treating them like royalty. Always walking on eggshells because I was I to know what was there to impress people and which to use. A cushion is a cushion!

Buy things you love, use them, replace at the end of their life.

This thread is starting to read like sweaty stinky dirty men vs. well mannered, delicate little ladies.

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