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IABU to ask you to guess my pay from my job description?

188 replies

upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:03

If I describe my job, could you tell me what you think my pay might be/what would be fair remuneration?

Highly specialised role within a not-for-profit sector
Most jobs in London/south of UK, so had to relocate to get into the industry
Required to travel overseas 4-6 times per year
Manage a small team, which is the department for the whole company
Present our product to international clients; most of our business is in Asia
High level of expertise and 8 years of experience in the industry
Take part in several senior committees within the company
Daily international meetings via conference
Originate, authorise, and sign contracts
Report on trends, achieve a set target revenue (increasing every year despite a difficult market)

High academic qualifications are required and many colleagues are Oxbridge/Ivy League educated.

And... out of curiosity, what is your profession and do you feel adequately compensated for your time?

OP posts:
upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:19

And I bring in less than half a million dollars net. I may be taking over another revenue stream next year which would take it to over $1 million.

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ThinkAboutItTomorrow · 24/07/2014 19:19

Depends on budget really. Small company and small budgets to raise / sign off might make it lower. Maybe £35-50k

OneLittleToddleTerror · 24/07/2014 19:20

Um based on the fact many Oxbridge grads are in it and that it's in the south east, I'm guessing £60-70k? But being NGO makes it hard to guess.

ThinkAboutItTomorrow · 24/07/2014 19:20

Cross post! With £500k revenue I'd say about £45k

upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:20

Oh and a bit more info - last year I brought in $40k more revenue than budgeted. Similar in the two years before that. I work hard and it was a shambles before I took over Confused

OP posts:
upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:21

Sorry, not intending to drip feed; you're just raising some questions I didn't think to address in my OP.

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ThinkIveBeenHacked · 24/07/2014 19:22


mcdog · 24/07/2014 19:22


upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:23

What an amazing range of salaries you're guessing!

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Picklepest · 24/07/2014 19:24

South? Could be anything really from £50k-£100k+.

Better question, do you think you are fairly paid?

arethereanyleftatall · 24/07/2014 19:24

The job description sounds fancy, but that doesn't mean it's difficult;
For example 'international meetings' - I could say that when I liaise with my polish cleaner.
Are you good at the job?

nippey · 24/07/2014 19:24

I would say £30k outside of London, £40k inside London based on a few roles I have recruited for in the past but really depends on sector and size of company.

nigerdelta · 24/07/2014 19:25

In a different sector I could see you being paid 3-4x what I guessed.

vestandknickers · 24/07/2014 19:26

£30K ?

mcdog · 24/07/2014 19:26


ClearlyMoo · 24/07/2014 19:26


LRDtheFeministDragon · 24/07/2014 19:26

I would have thought high academic qualifications and Oxbridge doesn't mean a great deal. Plenty of people like that earn a pittance. I wouldn't know about the rest but that bit jumped out at me, because to me it wouldn't suggest high earning and I think it's expected to.

Ilovenewts · 24/07/2014 19:27

So go on what do you earn ?

upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:27

Good point arethereanyleft - international meetings range from with colleagues, agents, my counterparts in other countries, and with people from directors to managers.

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AvonCallingBarksdale · 24/07/2014 19:27

£40K. Can you tell us now, please?

I'm a counsellor. Working for agencies, not adequately compensated, working privately, yes. However, I retrained to do this, and sometimes a lot at the moment regret not staying in my previous field.

pommedeterre · 24/07/2014 19:28

500k gross profit in dollars?

Quite interesting!

Know nothing about not for profit. I'd say 50k £ ish.

I work in fresh food Europe wide. Yes adequately rewarded (family business though so all totally transparent) bit very very difficult juggling it around young children as it is a bit 24/7 and always urgent.

upyourninja · 24/07/2014 19:28

Have you had enough guessing now? It will spoil my fun Grin

I am very good at my job. Everyone agrees Wink

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watchingthedetectives · 24/07/2014 19:29

It's getting a bit boring here maybe time to answer the questions?

ChickenFajitaAndNachos · 24/07/2014 19:29


HandMini · 24/07/2014 19:30

As a PP said, job specs are not a good indicator of what your worth is.

Are you indispensable to the team? Expected to stay late, take calls in the evening, truly be the "end of the line" for sign offs and responsibility? If so, I'd expect more.

My guess is 70k.

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