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To have told dd2 the truth in a public loo?

513 replies

HattyMonkey · 21/07/2014 22:48

I am on my period, dd2 aged 3 nearly 4 is aware that I bleed sometimes and I have always answered honestly to any questions. In Debenhams today we went to the toilet and she saw I was "on" she said loudly (she has a very carrying voice) "Mummy you have blood does that mean you are not having a baby?" I replied quietly ( I thought) "that's right".

We left the cubicle and woman confronted me in quite an angry manner saying "next time you want to discuss the facts of life with your kid check who is about, my Son is traumatised"

I was so shocked I said nothing, did I do something wrong? I know everyone parents differently but I don't think I did anything wrong.

OP posts:
VerityWaves · 21/07/2014 23:09

Stupid woman.

I told DD from four - she called it my " red"

Pooka · 21/07/2014 23:09

We also don't have bathroom locks at home. Took the last lock off after I had to climb like Spider-man, shimmying along a windowsill, to get into the bedroom that ds2 had managed to look himself into.

Shouldwego · 21/07/2014 23:09

Another one here who has raised two normal well adjusted kids without changing tampax in front of them. Really, I can't see why you would do it in front of them. Even when they were tiny and had to share a cubicle, I managed to distract them while I did it.

HattyMonkey · 21/07/2014 23:09

Worra I am surprised at your response. I usually find myself agreeing with many of your points. I wanted to know if I should tone down my frankness but instead now I am not being being taken seriously, cheers for that.

OP posts:
hellymelly · 21/07/2014 23:09

I have been in a lot of public loos, trains etc, where it really would be impossible to hide changing a towel from my dds. There is often hardly enough room to fit in with a tiny child, certainly not enough to turn around. It is only a bit of blood anyway, not a big deal at all. OP I agree that the woman was unreasonable, not you. If you don't want your male child to overhear wimmin's issues in loos then he needs to go the gents.

LiberalLibertines · 21/07/2014 23:10

Have all the OMGers never had a pee in front of their young children? (Won't believe you if you say no) there's absolutely no difference.

lettertoherms · 21/07/2014 23:11

I had the miscarriage thought too - it sounds like that out of the context of knowing how you've explained periods to your child.

Either way the woman was out of line to say anything. And some attitudes on this thread are bizarre.

Pagwatch · 21/07/2014 23:11

I've had three children, bathrooms with no lock and went and I have never changed a tampon/towel in front of them

I am a fucking marvel . I never knew it was impossible!

HattyMonkey · 21/07/2014 23:12

Shouldwego If you read my replies you would see it was a pad not a tampon. Yes a tampon would be more discreet but I can't use them.

OP posts:
Pooka · 21/07/2014 23:13

Of course it's not impossible.

Unnecessary. IMO. But not impossible.

SallyMcgally · 21/07/2014 23:13

Surely if you thought someone was having a miscarriage, you'd want to find out that they were ok rather than bollock them?

Bearbehind · 21/07/2014 23:14

Have all the OMGers never had a pee in front of their young children?

From the day you are born til the day you die everyone will poo and wee- it is not the same as periods and whilst I agree it is not right to make the subject taboo, it is not necessary to change your Sanpro in full sight of your children.

HattyMonkey · 21/07/2014 23:14

Oh well, next time I am bleeding through on a day out I will either blindfold my youngest or leave her outside the cubicle and risk being a topic of another thread Grin

OP posts:
DragonMamma · 21/07/2014 23:15

I've peed in front of my kids but I certainly haven't taken a big old poo in front of them nor changed my tampon.

Just because it's natural doesn't mean we have to lay it all out to them from the year dot. Let them have a bit if innocence about things fgs!

I thought my mum didn't poo when I was younger, I've never known her to go off for one, or fart. Doesn't mean we are emotionally stunted as a result of not seeing her do any of that.

Pagwatch · 21/07/2014 23:15

Sure. I have no issue with how people do anything bathroom/ period related . I'm just reacting to the 'bit we have no loo doorlock/ how is that possible ' tone

RevoltingPeasant · 21/07/2014 23:15

Okay, but for all those saying the woman thought MC, who the fuck would shout in public at a woman having a MC? It's not like she brought it up, her curious child asked and she said that's right.

I can't imagine anything more despicable than choosing to shout at someone in the middle of losing a baby.

Bigbottomtwirl · 21/07/2014 23:16

Well if she did think the op was having a MC and she said that then she's an idiot. I always change in front of DD1 &2 if I have no choice. They know what periods are and not to be ashamed of them.

TurboWithAKick · 21/07/2014 23:17

Op..... Interesting that you are mainly resounding to the posters who don't believe this happened

FidelineAndBombazine · 21/07/2014 23:17

Bit confused by the scepticism.

I can't smell duck poo.

SiennaBlake · 21/07/2014 23:18

Maybe the woman panicked and overreacted due to her own experiences. If she had lost a baby maybe hearing someone describe it to a toddler after she'd protected her child from knowing about hers made her angry and not consider what she was doing.

Or she was just a dick.

We shall never know

Pooka · 21/07/2014 23:18

I suppose I don't equate the glimpse of a tampon as resulting in a loss of innocence. It's just blood.

HattyMonkey · 21/07/2014 23:18

Pagwatch it is possible of course but today it wasn't. Believe me sometimes the only 5 mins I get alone are in the loo with the lock on!

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madwomanacrosstheroad · 21/07/2014 23:18

Think the miscarriage idea is too complex for a small child but would think the explanation that body gets ready to grow a baby and if that does not happen flushes ot out to start again is fairly middle of the road. My youngest (4) was with me in a public loo the other day and we had a similar conversation.

JohnFarleysRuskin · 21/07/2014 23:19

Um, so when you and small child are in a public loo, do you just leave them outside the cubicle? Is that what normal people do?

Eek, mine learnt same as you op! It's never been a big deal. And I am as discreet as possible in a one metre square space...

SandorClegane · 21/07/2014 23:20

How would knowing your mum has periods or shits make you lose your innocence?! Is there something corrupting about knowing about menstruation or that just like every other person your mum poos? This place is bonkers at times.

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