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To think my old schoolfriend should not have brought her family to reunion

182 replies

Summerbreezing · 04/05/2014 09:49

A group of us who hung around together at school have kept in intermittent touch over the years. However, due to distance, family commitments and work we haven't managed to meet up as a full group in years. Recently, however, circumstances meant we were all going to be in our home town on the same weekend and arranged to meet up for an early dinner on the Sat. before one of the group had to catch a train home.

Five of us arrived and were seated with glasses of wine wondering where no 6 was. Next thing in she arrived with a buggy, two other kids and her DH. She was all smiles and 'hope you don't mind, but we were at the art gallery and it was much handier for us all to come. Kids haven't eaten blah blah'. So instead of a nice couple of hours reminiscing and having a good laugh, we spent the time having to try and include her DH, put up with constant interruptions from her DC aged 10 ,8 and 2 and watch our Ps & Qs.

AIBU to think her DH could have taken the kids to McDs or somewhere (there was actually a family friendly pizza place right beside the restaurant we were in) rather than her entire family gatecrashing what was supposed to be a girls only reunion?

OP posts:
RufusTheReindeer · 05/05/2014 17:27


I would have been disappointed and probably whinged for days maybe even weeks

Summerbreezing · 05/05/2014 20:48

I thought we'd clarified this Stealth. We had texted re table booked for six, and just to reinforce - myself and others had also texted ' yes DM can babysit' 'DH will come home early from golf and collect kids from soccer so I can be there at 5.30' etc. There was no ambiguity.

OP posts:
Ragwort · 05/05/2014 21:05

Surely the DH and DC would have been bored senseless at this sort of occasion - can't bear 'extras' turning up like that. But I have a really close friend who finds it hard to do anything without her DH - it annoys me intensly - I would love to spend an evening with her, out for a meal or similar, but she always brings her DH along (even though I leave my DH at home Grin) - he is a lovely chap but it just changes the dynamics of the evening.

StealthPolarBear · 05/05/2014 21:09

Summer did you mean that for me? I admitted I was wrong early yesterday :) All my posts since have been silliness

Summerbreezing · 05/05/2014 21:16

Really sorry stealth Blush. Glitch on my internet and one of your old posts came up as a recent one. Then internet froze on me so couldn't apologise quickly before you saw my last, totally out of kilter post. Sorry!

OP posts:
StealthPolarBear · 05/05/2014 21:31

ahhh gremlins. I work in IT and that is a technical term

Summerbreezing · 05/05/2014 21:38

Well thanks for being so nice about it. Am a bit mortified (but end of bank holiday wine numbing that a bit. If you were here would offer you Wine).

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