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To think it's not on for DD's teacher to pull her part in the nativity to make room for another child?

323 replies

KarenOfArc64 · 04/12/2013 19:32

It's another nativity thread, sorry. DD is year 2 and has one of the "main" parts in the nativity this year. The school organises it with the year 2s taking the main parts and any leftover year 2s in the choir, a select number of the year 1s having a minor part and the majority in the choir, and the reception children split into angels and shepherds. DD was told today that she has been demoted to choir, because another mother has complained her daughter (year 2) is upset at not having a part. Dd was one of the year 1 chosen for a minor part last year and her teacher "knew she wouldn't mind". Had DD been told that from the start I wouldn't have a problem with it, but it seems cruel to pull her part this late in the day. We've had a few other incidents this term in which this teacher doesn't seem to have treated DD completely fairly and DD is now convinced her teacher doesn't like her. AIBU to think this is a bit mean?

OP posts:
SigningGirl · 05/12/2013 21:35

I'd personally (if I could with childcare, etc) threaten to pull her out of school for all rehearsals that don't involve her, as it clearly upsets her... then see what the absence figures look like...

But that is me...

StanleyLambchop · 05/12/2013 21:37

I would reply to the Mum as follows:

'Sorry, my DD is already so upset that her part has been taken away from her, I certainly will not be giving her costume away as well.'

Lj8893 · 05/12/2013 21:37

I am shocked at reading this thread!!!

My lecturer at college tried demoting my part and that was upsetting enough for me at 17, I can't imagine how it must feel for a 6yr old!!

Go OP, kick up a right fuss!!!

Littlegreyauditor · 05/12/2013 21:41

Teacher sounds like an idiot. Other mum sounds like a whining, entitled little bitch. I would make it my business to piss on their chips...who does that to a wee child? Hmm

IamInvisible · 05/12/2013 21:44

No, Karen you must send her in an Angel costume, and if all the other angels have silver halos, she must have a bloody great gold one!

KarenOfArc64 · 05/12/2013 21:46

I haven't replied to the other mother yet- was too speechless!

The start of the complaint email. I don't normally make a fuss, honest Blush

I would like to make a complaint about the way parts in this year's nativity have been handled by Mrs X, as well as other issues dd has had in her class this term. When parts were allocated a couple of weeks ago, dd was told she was playing Angel Gabriel. Since then she has been rehearsing this part and excited about playing it in the nativity. Her aunt is visiting from Australia for Christmas and dd has been looking forward to her aunt seeing her perform. I understand that yesterday dd was told she would no longer have a part and would be in the choir instead. When my husband collected her after school yesterday Mrs X told him dd was "a bit upset" about this and assured him she had not done anything wrong, but that another parent had complained their child felt excluded as they did not have a part, and she had chosen to give her dd's part as she had a minor role in last year's nativity.

Predictably, dd is very upset about this. While I appreciate perhaps it isn't fair for her to have a speaking part two years in a row when other children haven't had one at all, I do not think it is fair on dd to take away her part at this late stage. When I spoke to Mrs X this afternoon I was told the child now playing her par would be upset if her part was taken away. I suggested one of the girls play the part in each of the performances and was told there will be one performance for the junior school only and one for the parents only, so this would inevitably lead to a dispute as to whose child played the part at which performance.

A couple of weeks ago there was another incident in which I feel dd was treated unfairly by Mrs X on the year 2 trip. I understand from dd that the class were told by Mrs X she would pair them up with a partner to sit next to on the coach there and swap these on the way back. Due to an odd number dd was left without a partner on the way there and assumed she would be given one on the way back. On the way back a new list was read out of partners, still with dd sat by herself, which she was very upset by. I have never been made aware of any issues with dd's behaviour which could explain this decision. Obviously I only have dd's version of events; I emailed Mrs X at the time asking for clarification this was what had happened but received no reply.

OP posts:
IamInvisible · 05/12/2013 21:48

Signing when I pulled DS2 from the play, because they did similar to my friend's DD, I told them he wasn't to go to rehearsals. He spent every afternoon for a week in the HT's office doing colouring, with my friend's DD. It made things difficult for them, but tbh I didn't care, they were wrong and unreasonable doing what they did.

MidniteScribbler · 05/12/2013 21:48

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe that the teacher could be such an idiot, and the other mother could be so fucking dense to think that you'll hand over a costume.

I would actually pull my child out of school when any rehearsals were on, and take my child out for the day of the concert and not attend. And they can shove their attendance stats where the sun doesn't shine. They cannot expect her to sit there and smile happily after what they have done to her. Bastards.

KarenOfArc64 · 05/12/2013 21:48

The other mother has my email from the class contact list. Love the elaborate angel costume ideas, although dd would rather pull out of the whole thing :(

OP posts:
ilovesmurfs · 05/12/2013 21:50


You have named your dd btw you may want to get that edited?

The cheek of the other mother?!!

PointyChristmasFairyWand · 05/12/2013 21:50

OP, can you contact MNHQ as you have named your DD in your last post? I'm sure you didn't mean to...

Definitely complain, it sounds as if they are disadvantaging your DD because they know she is quiet and won't kick up a fuss.

KarenOfArc64 · 05/12/2013 21:52

Damn, thought I'd changed them all to DDs- how to I edit it?

OP posts:
MerryMarigold · 05/12/2013 21:55

Good letter. Needs sending.

I can't actually believe a teacher did this. My ds1 never had a part and the same kids always had parts (they are usually the more mature ones). I wouldn't complain about it. That mother has some cheek.

I think your suggestion for one performance each is good, and it should be the 'second' girl who does the school performance and maybe her Mum can be allowed to come and watch it.

PointyChristmasFairyWand · 05/12/2013 21:55

I think you can report your own post to MNHQ and they will help - just click on the 'Report' button next to your post and they will sort it.

I am seconding the idea of a huge fuck-off gold halo, but I totally understand why your DD wouldn't want to.

I'd fight and fight this, but if the school persist in their lunacy I'd take your DD out for the day with her auntie and do something really fun together. She'd be genuinely off sick - sick of being treated so badly, that is...

I also think you should keep your complaints about this play separate from the bus issue, because there's more immediate urgency about the play time wise.

Keep us posted, we're all behind you!

Justforlaughs · 05/12/2013 21:56

Message mnhq, they'll do it for you

MerryMarigold · 05/12/2013 21:56

Oh, and also to protect your kid from obvious discrimination, I would start being the kind of mum teachers don't like to mess with. She probably won't like you much, but you still have 2 terms of your dd being with this woman. Tbh, I think the school trip/ partners thing is just as bad.

MerryMarigold · 05/12/2013 21:59

I don't think you should keep the 2 issues separate, but perhaps something which links them eg. "These 2 incidents, relatively close together, have really upset my dd." I think they are both relevant as they show the teacher is being consistently unkind to your dd.

breatheslowly · 05/12/2013 21:59

This teacher has obviously demonstrated to you what happens when parents complain. So it follows that you need to shout loudest. Good luck.

sandfrog · 05/12/2013 22:00

YANBU. Why should the pushy mother get her way at your DD's expense?

PointyChristmasFairyWand · 05/12/2013 22:01

Actually Merry I agree with you. If the teacher is showing reverse favouritism it needs to be dealt with. Ignore me, OP.

Musicaltheatremum · 05/12/2013 22:03

I would not let the other mum have the costume. It was her complaining that has led to this. I would be tempted to send your DD in the costume. I'm so sorry for your daughter. I think this has been handled really badly.

Whatisaweekend · 05/12/2013 22:06

Utterly seething on your behalf! I can't believe this is how they have thought it best to handle it! Why is one mum's complaint and child more important than yours?? And as for asking you for your costume.....I don't think I could type a reply, it would be so full of swear words. Frankly I wouldn't bother with an email,I would go down there to the school and flip my lid. Can't quite believe how angry this has made me but I think it's the thought of your dd - she is 6, the poor little thing!! I don't blame her for wanting to pull out at all!


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MerryMarigold · 05/12/2013 22:12

I know what you mean whatisaweekend. I think I am seething more at a 6yo being left sat on her own on the way there and back on a school trip. OP, you should've made a lot more trouble with that incident. I don't think this nativity one would have happened if you'd really got stuck in on that one. I know what it's like though, trying to be pleasant and reasonable when you really shouldn't be! My ds1 is Y3 and I am only just starting to really stick up for him in school.

emptychair · 05/12/2013 22:15

I'm seething on your behalf!

I'd reword email a bit like this and be a bit more stern:

^I am writing to make a formal complaint about the way parts in this year's nativity have been handled by Mrs X.

When parts were allocated a couple of weeks ago, dd was told she was playing Angel Gabriel. Since then she has been rehearsing this part and excited about playing it in the nativity. Not only have we already arranged her costume, her aunt is visiting from Australia for Christmas and dd has been looking forward to her aunt seeing her perform. I understand that yesterday dd was told she would no longer have a part and would be in the choir instead. When my husband collected her after school yesterday Mrs X told him dd was "a bit upset" about this and assured him she had not done anything wrong, but that another parent had complained their child felt excluded as they did not have a part, and she had chosen to give her DD’s part as she had a minor role in last year's nativity. This is a completely unacceptable way to treat a child especially as they are too young to be able to understand that excuse and predictably, dd is very upset about this.

It is not fair on dd to take away her part at this late stage. When I spoke to Mrs X this afternoon I was told the child now playing her part would be upset if her part was taken away. I would like you to explain to me why it is acceptable to upset my child but not the other child?

I am also concerned at the lack of response to another query I had a few weeks ago regarding DD’s school trip where she was left without a partner on both the outward and return journey which led to DD feeling upset and isolated. I have not been made aware of any behaviour issues which may have necessitated this. I emailed Mrs X at the time and received no reply. ^

MrsWobble · 05/12/2013 22:17

This happened to me. I was going to be Mary at the age of 6 but then another girl got very upset because she wanted to be Mary so the teacher said she could be and told me she was sure I wouldn't mInd. I did - terribly. And still do and I'm now 48! So please fight for your daughter. I never t

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