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To think it's not on for DD's teacher to pull her part in the nativity to make room for another child?

323 replies

KarenOfArc64 · 04/12/2013 19:32

It's another nativity thread, sorry. DD is year 2 and has one of the "main" parts in the nativity this year. The school organises it with the year 2s taking the main parts and any leftover year 2s in the choir, a select number of the year 1s having a minor part and the majority in the choir, and the reception children split into angels and shepherds. DD was told today that she has been demoted to choir, because another mother has complained her daughter (year 2) is upset at not having a part. Dd was one of the year 1 chosen for a minor part last year and her teacher "knew she wouldn't mind". Had DD been told that from the start I wouldn't have a problem with it, but it seems cruel to pull her part this late in the day. We've had a few other incidents this term in which this teacher doesn't seem to have treated DD completely fairly and DD is now convinced her teacher doesn't like her. AIBU to think this is a bit mean?

OP posts:
WooWooOwl · 05/12/2013 20:59

The other mum demanded that her child gets to steal your child's part, and then she has the bare faced cheek to ask if she can borrow your costume??

Shock fuck me backwards! Shock

Do people that stupid really exist?

IamInvisible · 05/12/2013 21:00

I would have asked why it was ok for your DD to be upset, but not the other girl? I would, also, tell the other mother to fuck off sort her own costume.

I can be quite petty, so would probably pull DD from the whole thing if I had no other DC involved.

ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 05/12/2013 21:02

Un fucking believable.

Actually. No it is not.

But so so wrong.

And the cheek of the woman!!!

KarenOfArc64 · 05/12/2013 21:06

Would it be really petty to send dd in full angel costume amidst a choir in school uniform? Grin

OP posts:
diddl · 05/12/2013 21:06

Bloody hell!

AlpacaPicnic · 05/12/2013 21:08

Not only would I put her in an angel costume, I would put her in the best fucking angel costume ever seen. Lights, feather wings, diamond halo... No expense spared....

AlpacaPicnic · 05/12/2013 21:09

Could you bribe your dd to do a full on daily mail sad face?

MarthasHarbour · 05/12/2013 21:12

Oh wow. Just wow Shock

Shamelessly marking place

Thanks for your DD

OddBoots · 05/12/2013 21:14

Oh, that seems really unfair, your poor dd. I'm someone who thinks you should usually just get on with it when it comes to being given parts in school plays etc but to have the part taken away through no fault of her own is really unacceptable.

OddBoots · 05/12/2013 21:15

How on earth did you reply to that email (or haven't you)?

youarewinning · 05/12/2013 21:15

Yanbu. I'm even more shocked at the other mother.

Keep us posted.

I'd be tempted yo do something else far more fun with your dd when the play is on.

PointyChristmasFairyWand · 05/12/2013 21:16

I'd be sending her in in full angel costume and bringing a banner or placard for yourself for the performance stating 'KarenOfArc'sDD - the best angel EVER' or something along those lines. But then I'm a confrontational bitch sort of person when I'm roused. Grin

waltermittymissus · 05/12/2013 21:20

YWBU to send her as an angel, only because you should demand her fucking part back!

I am so irrationally angry for you and dd!

DrankSangriaInThePark · 05/12/2013 21:21

Is this other woman a human rhinoceros? Is she so thick skinned to even think for one nanosecond that emailing you for the costume would be remotely acceptable?

Please do not let this drop....we are all behind you and dd.

The teacher sounds pathetic. (and I am one)

DontmindifIdo · 05/12/2013 21:22

Complain to the head! Did you tell the teacher you aren't going to drop this? (I'd be livid)

E-mail back a one word "no" answer to the other mother. Don't bother explaining any further.

DontmindifIdo · 05/12/2013 21:24

oh and I do hope you've told every other parent in the school you know, lots of loud complaining, lots of people saying how disgusting it is. There's nowt like whipping up a bit of a mob mentality... Wink

ChristmasJumperWearer · 05/12/2013 21:25

Attach a big fuck-off flashing sign to the halo saying ANGEL.

Cannot believe the brass neck of the other mum!

LEMisafucker · 05/12/2013 21:26

Tell the HT you will write to the governors - that should galvinise them

KarenOfArc64 · 05/12/2013 21:27

How many incidents is acceptable for a complaint email? Blush

OP posts:
Kyrptonite · 05/12/2013 21:27

Fucking hell. My flabber has been well and truly gasted. The cheek of that mother!

ExitPursuedByAChristmasGrinch · 05/12/2013 21:28

Oi. My dd was demoted to a rhino in her y6 leaving play ad the teacher hated me her. I made her a head out of bed pans

Justforlaughs · 05/12/2013 21:28

Bookmarking place! Let us know how you get on tomorrow. Get up a mumsnet petition/ show head teacher this thread. I'm longing to see what headteachers reaction is.


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PuppyMonkey · 05/12/2013 21:29

Do you know the other mum? How come she has your email address? Confused

MrsWeasley · 05/12/2013 21:32

I would speak to head about this or even higher! You cant give a role to a 6 year old and then take it away for no reason!

I personally wouldn't have sent my dc into school to sit and watch the others I would have kept them home and given the reason as DC too upset after her part being taken away from her for no reason. These days all schools need to explain all absences so maybe it would make them think!!

DontmindifIdo · 05/12/2013 21:32

Do you have a lot of incidents? List the ones that are the most important to you, not the too petty ones.

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