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Would you wash mouth out with soap of 12 year old Son

322 replies

SilverStreak7 · 16/09/2013 17:38

He KEEPS using the C word .. Out of all swear words I hate that the most .. Would you wash his mouth out with soap ? I am aware he may swear outside (which Im not pleased with) but in front of me disgusts me . .

OP posts:
MakeHayIsAWhaleNow · 16/09/2013 18:03

She was probably angry and stressed anyway, which is why it didn't take long to snap. I was getting angry with those comments, and I agree that it is not an acceptable punishment!

MadBusLady · 16/09/2013 18:04

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DesperatelySeekingSedatives · 16/09/2013 18:05

Sorry OP I'm a slow typer so didn't see your updates although presumably one was VERY rude [hmm

Glad you're not going to do that.

AnyFucker · 16/09/2013 18:05

Hay, she didn't give anyone any actual time to come back and say "glad you have decided to not go ahead with this, now have you tried X, Y, X or Z?..."

She went straight to the "YOU CAN ALL FUCK OFF I HATE YOU ALL YOU FUCKING COWS" within moments

YouTheCat · 16/09/2013 18:05

I took a bite out of some apple scented soap once but I think I was just hungry. Grin

MakeHayIsAWhaleNow · 16/09/2013 18:05

All agreed? Don't speak for me, thanks.

allforoneandoneforall · 16/09/2013 18:05

If you are physically strong enough to do it (as i imagine he will resist) then i would - he sure wont forget it in a hurry and i bet he stops using the C word sharpish! I remember having my face almost torn off by being held down and scrubbed til i was bleeding with soap for wearing make up when i was about 8 or 9 - I never touched my mums make up again! My parents still laugh about that now!

Fenton · 16/09/2013 18:06

Hey OP, 1870 just called - they want their morals back.

MakeHayIsAWhaleNow · 16/09/2013 18:06

But no-one actually has come back with that, have they? Given that everyone managed to ignore the initial retraction of the punishment, I find it astonishing that everyone managed to respond to her perhaps slightly over the top but also understandable response!

LeGavrOrf · 16/09/2013 18:06

Haha anyfucker I thought you were starting your posts 'hay' as you were saying 'hey' and trying to be down with the kids like the Fonz. Grin

AnyFucker · 16/09/2013 18:07

allfor, that is horrible child abuse you were subjected to

usualsuspect · 16/09/2013 18:07

OP, come back.

Ignore this bunch of counts.

YouTheCat · 16/09/2013 18:07

Allfor [shocked] seriously?!

MadBusLady · 16/09/2013 18:07

Well, you're the only one who seems to think the OP's responses are in any way reasonable, Makehay, so in a sense I am speaking only for you.

AnyFucker · 16/09/2013 18:07

shurrup, Gav, I am trying to be serious 'ere Smile

usualsuspect · 16/09/2013 18:07

Or cunts, bloody kindle doesn't like that word either.

YouTheCat · 16/09/2013 18:08

Usual, wash it's mouth out. Wink

LeGavrOrf · 16/09/2013 18:09

Lol at counts


MakeHayIsAWhaleNow · 16/09/2013 18:09

And I am not sure many on this thread can talk about morals. I'd be ashamed to have some of these comments on my MN record. Hiding thread now, I'm glad the OP has not been back to be bullied.

Fenton · 16/09/2013 18:09

My parents still laugh about that now!

yeah, hilarious Hmm

MadBusLady · 16/09/2013 18:09

allforone fucking hell. Seriously?

MakeHayIsAWhaleNow · 16/09/2013 18:10

And no, I don't think her comments were reasonable, but trying to walk a mile in her shoes and all that, I do think that perhaps they were understandable. And no, don't speak for me. Ever.


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SilverApples · 16/09/2013 18:10

'Anyway, how do you actually wash a child's mouth out?'

You get them in a headlock and you put the soap on their toothbrush.
You hold their nose so that they have to open their mouth to breath, and then you scrub the brush over their teeth. Be careful not to push the brush too far back in their mouth or they may end up vomiting and choking.
Keep it up as long as you have the strength to hold the child.
That's how it was done to me.

YouTheCat · 16/09/2013 18:10

Hay, some people did offer advice (me included) and the OP ignored it and chose to concentrate on having a rant at anyone who said washing her ds's mouth out was wrong.

Fenton · 16/09/2013 18:10

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