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To be so angry and upset by this?

178 replies

babyperks · 10/07/2013 23:21

One of my college friends was talking about booking her wedding for either next August/September. I was really happy and excited for her, and looking forward to her big day.

Then tonight I find out she's booked it for the same date as mine and OH's anniversary, when she knows full well that it's our day. Angry

I am so angry and upset about it, but don't know if I'm overreacting?


OP posts:
wigglesrock · 11/07/2013 10:49

My best friend held her sons birthday party on my birthday Shock Ffs you think she'd have planned it better - anyone would think there were only a limited number of weekends in a month Grin

It was great there were 2 cakes!

bamboobutton · 11/07/2013 10:55

How are people expected to remember the anniversarys of everyone they know?

I can't even remember my parents or sisters anniversary dates! I can't even remember my own half the time, i always think it's 2 days later thn it is.


LittleprincessinGOLDrocks · 11/07/2013 10:56

YABU - you have your anniversary on my DD's Birthday (If it is the 17th as a PP mentioned) and for that alone YABU - didn't you know it is my DDs day, how rude of you! Grin

Seriously though YABU, you do not own a day and I think I would see it as a compliment that a friend chose to marry on the same date as my anniversary. It would make me think that she saw it as a good omen for her marriage to be as happy as mine.

WafflyVersatile · 11/07/2013 10:57

Just go and spend the whole time talking about your own wedding and how it's your anniversary and how you doubt any just married couple could be as happy as you two are X years in. compare everything about this wedding unfavourably to your own. 'of course we had roses on our tables, so classic. but your tulips are nice too' etc.

saulaboutme · 11/07/2013 11:01


Err yes you are...come on it's a date, I bet it's not personal.

My son decided to arrive on my sisters birthday! Then 5 years later her daughter arrived the day before their birthday...what were they thinking????

OrangeLily · 11/07/2013 11:09

YABU we share our anniversary with friends and its absolutely lovely. We had our wedding booked for a few years in the future and they got married the year before but booked it after us. That meant that they celebrated their first anniversary at our wedding.

ThePowerof3 · 11/07/2013 11:29

If it is the 17th then you've stolen 'my day'

Sparklymommy · 11/07/2013 11:36

I have a cousin who got extremely upset because my son was born on her birthday. Sorry, yabu

tattychicken · 11/07/2013 11:50

Gubbins, I think you'll find the bank holiday weekend is MINE since 2000!! Back off bitz...

tattychicken · 11/07/2013 11:52

Ummmm...actually, mine since 2001...Blush. T'was yours first Gubbins, my apologies for stealing it.

FreudiansSlipper · 11/07/2013 12:04

our day


made me laugh

who remembers dates of their friends weddings Hmm

Cravey · 11/07/2013 12:08

It's a fake post isn't it ? Please tell me it is. No one can be that idiotic and selfish. Op if this isn't a joke I wonderif you realise that there's no doubt lots of other people who share your special day. You do realise its only an anniversary don't you ?

Cravey · 11/07/2013 12:09

Must go have a word with myself also. Our son was born on dh birthday and then to really piss the family off I decided to have second ds on dsil birthday. My bad.

DragonMamma · 11/07/2013 12:10

One of my close friends got married on the same day as dh and I, the following year. It didn't bother me in the slightest and was a great way to spend our first anniversary as all our friends were there and it was like doing it over again but without the need to mingle with old relatives.


mrssprout · 11/07/2013 12:40

We were having no end of problems trying to find a date for our wedding. The only date where everything worked was DH birthday. He has no excuse to forget our anniversary Grin

MotheringShites · 11/07/2013 13:05

Just realised OP's wedding must be this coming Aug/Sept and her friend's next year. She is clearly in the depths of bridezillahood and can't think like rational, sane person would.

ThePowerof3 · 11/07/2013 13:10

My stepmum was adamant my first child should not arrive on her birthday

PeriodMath · 11/07/2013 14:43

As an aside, do people really not know when their friends anniversaries are? I don't send cards or mark them in any way but I have just gone through a handful of my closest friends and I think I know to within a day or two the date of their anniversaries.

I think I have a good memory for dates though.

So I think people are wrong to say the friend doesn't have a clue she's booked her wedding for the same date as the OP's. Especially as it's fast approaching. She just doesn't think it will matter. And of course it shouldn't.

Boy, I hope she's prepared for the PA crap the OP is going to throw at her now.

WafflyVersatile · 11/07/2013 14:54

I do not know my parent's date or my sister's date, or my brother's date or any of my friends' dates.

I'm quite vague on birthdays too.

SoleSource · 11/07/2013 15:11

YANBU I recall one of my college friend's Birthday was the same day as mine. I never spoke to her again.

SoleSource · 11/07/2013 15:12

she under the patio, that's why

melika · 11/07/2013 15:12

Mine, mine, mine!!


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melika · 11/07/2013 15:13

16 June, that is.

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 11/07/2013 15:14

I have no idea when anyone's anniversaries are, friends or family.

I'm always surprised if we get anniversary cards, as I wouldn't expect anyone else to remember it, and why should they?

Domaby · 11/07/2013 15:18

My MIL cried when we told her we had booked our wedding for two day's after her birthday. It was a milestone birthday but it wasn't like she was planning a party or anything.

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