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What just happened to me!?

449 replies

2wombraiders · 13/02/2023 10:43

I’m prepared to be told I’m mentally unwell and need to see a doctor (last resort) but I’m certain I just entered a time glitch.

I was driving into the countryside to collect my daughter from a sleepover and everything felt like it was really slow. I pulled over as I thought it was the car. I looked up and saw a Concorde flying above me. The type that were a common sight in the 90s and before. I’m 100% it was a Concorde and not a similar looking plane as I grew up near air fields and ports and watched them daily.

The car that was driving behind me had vanished. There was no where for it to go as we were on a very narrow country lane and over taking would have been very difficult. Even the birds were moving slower, like they were hovering not gliding.
I got back in the car and after 10 minutes or so everything was back to normal. I arrived late to collect my daughter so I’m not sure what happened with the time as I set off early. I saw the car behind me as I was pulling into the driveway of the house I was going to.

My husband thinks I’m pranking him, my best friend laughed and said I clearly drank too much last night (I didn’t), I’m confident I didn’t faint or black out so I don’t know what the explanation is.
I’ve Googled this specific place to see if there is anything ‘wrong’ but I can’t find any stories and no mention of Concorde sights. Ive seen a few stories of time stopping still for people but I’m sceptical about this sort of stuff. I just can’t shake the creepiness of it! Has this happened to anyone else?

OP posts:
Gemzee · 13/02/2023 10:46

It's not happened to me but I do believe in stuff like this. It sounds very odd and a bit scary tbh but also facinating!
Sorry nothing helpful to add.

Purpleavocado · 13/02/2023 10:47

That's really weird!

AutumnScream · 13/02/2023 10:47

How weird! Everyone will be along in a minute to tell you you're having a stroke. But theres a certain station in Liverpool and one specific area every single time i walk through it i feel like everything slows right down, all my movements slow right down and everything goes into slow mo its most peculiar. Only in one particular area once i get through that part everyone speeds up to normal again.

LickYouLikeACrispPacket · 13/02/2023 10:48

I’d be worried it was some sort of seizure like issue.

Cornettoninja · 13/02/2023 10:48

I mean, maybe that is actually what happened, but you would benefit from consulting a doctor to rule out seizures/hallucinations. Especially as it happened whilst you were driving.

picklemewalnuts · 13/02/2023 10:49

An intense daydream.

Don't you get lost in flights of fancy?

ouch321 · 13/02/2023 10:51

I think you fell asleep at the wheel.

There is no such thing as time travel.

2wombraiders · 13/02/2023 10:51

Thing is I was fully conscience and felt medically fine. If it was a stroke/seizure wouldn’t I feel something physically happening with my body? I felt like I’d been placed elsewhere and was observing a real event as opposed to it happening to me, if that makes sense. The Concorde thing made me feel like I’d travelled back in time. I drove a different way home as I didn’t fancy a repeat!

OP posts:
Kerfuffler · 13/02/2023 10:52

Could you hear as well as see it?
I remember Concorde going over our house a fair few times and it was loud.

Januaryisthelongestyear · 13/02/2023 10:52

I think I'd want to check if that was actually a type that concorde flew when it was active...

Januaryisthelongestyear · 13/02/2023 10:53

*route, not type. Stupid phone thinks it knows better than me what I mean to type

Franklin2000 · 13/02/2023 10:53

Something similar happened to me last month. Was out with DH and driving back on the motorway. DH drives a lot for work, totally familiar route. We have 3 very specific landmarks for driving home prior to our exit. We were chatting and the next thing we knew we were 3-4 exits past ours on our way to another city!! We both can’t work out what happened, DH very sceptical about things like this but even he has no explanation. Neither of us saw any of the landmarks we would have otherwise seen. You could say we both lost track due to the conversation but I’m sure it wasn’t that exciting 😂

CandleInTheStorm · 13/02/2023 10:53

I've heard of similar stories like this on mn but couldn't tell you which thread/s it was on?

UB40andaglassofwine · 13/02/2023 10:54

I don't know what happened but following with interest. Did you feel calm in the moment? How late were you picking your daughter up? Did time stand still for long?

Cornettoninja · 13/02/2023 10:55

If it was a stroke/seizure wouldn’t I feel something physically happening with my body?

not necessarily.

It’s also worth checking the carbon monoxide levels in your home/work. Low oxygen can do some funky things to your brain.

AmberGer · 13/02/2023 10:56


2wombraiders · 13/02/2023 10:57

If it was a long drive I’d maybe consider tiredness, but it’s a 10 minute drive and with a child free night last night I slept for almost 9 hours. Doesn’t explain the vanishing and reappearing car behind me, If I’d fallen asleep wouldn’t there have been a crash?

I could hear it yes and felt the force too, I thought my car engine was about to explode because of the slowness and noise I could hear. I’m not sure on specific names and types that existed, but it was identical to the ones that flew over my house as a child. I’ve posted on my local Facebook group to see if anyone heard or saw it.

OP posts:
Happysalley · 13/02/2023 10:58

There are companies working on bringing back concorde type planes. You may have seen a test flight.

The car behind you could have stopped for a moment. Then carried on once they'd used the phone/adjusted seat belt/peed.

When I get weirded out things feel like they're in slow motion. I think it's the adrenalin or fight/flight response. Hope you're ok.

2wombraiders · 13/02/2023 10:59

I was calm yes, just very confused. It felt around 10 minutes altogether but seems like time jumped by 30 minutes as I didn’t arrive until 20 minutes after I was supposed to, I was on target to be 10 minutes early for a chat.

OP posts:
Ohyoudodoyou · 13/02/2023 11:01

AutumnScream · 13/02/2023 10:47

How weird! Everyone will be along in a minute to tell you you're having a stroke. But theres a certain station in Liverpool and one specific area every single time i walk through it i feel like everything slows right down, all my movements slow right down and everything goes into slow mo its most peculiar. Only in one particular area once i get through that part everyone speeds up to normal again.

Google Bold Street time slip!

henchhen · 13/02/2023 11:03

Sounds like you fell asleep to me. Or in that weird sleep/awake stage.

henchhen · 13/02/2023 11:05

2wombraiders · 13/02/2023 10:57

If it was a long drive I’d maybe consider tiredness, but it’s a 10 minute drive and with a child free night last night I slept for almost 9 hours. Doesn’t explain the vanishing and reappearing car behind me, If I’d fallen asleep wouldn’t there have been a crash?

I could hear it yes and felt the force too, I thought my car engine was about to explode because of the slowness and noise I could hear. I’m not sure on specific names and types that existed, but it was identical to the ones that flew over my house as a child. I’ve posted on my local Facebook group to see if anyone heard or saw it.

It explains it if you imagined/dreamt the entire event and actually had carried on driving. I'm not sure how you didn't crash though


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Scaevola · 13/02/2023 11:06

Sometimes epileptic seizures are accompanied by hallucinations.

It is very common for those with epilepsy to remember nothing of their seizures

You need to see a doctor as a matter of some priority.

And it would be prudent to avoid driving until potential medical causes have been either found or excluded

UnfinishedBusiness · 13/02/2023 11:12

Transient global amnesia maybe🤷‍♀️ or some form of seizure. I’d be wanting to discuss it with a Dr, you lost a chunk of time, that’s rather concerning.

PrincessOfWaiIs · 13/02/2023 11:15

There are loads of Flight Radar nerds on MN (myself included!) - if it were a privately owned Concorde test flight type thing as a PP suggested, perhaps someone spotted it. Maybe you could start another thread with an FR appeal in the title to draw attention? It's also possible that someone might have seen what sort of aircraft were in the area at the time.

The only other thing I can think of is some sort of seizure, again as PPs have said. Might be worth seeing your GP.

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