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What normal foods have you never eaten?

170 replies

squarepinks · 10/01/2021 20:15

I've never eaten beetroot, cauliflower or pickled eggs.

What everyday food have you never eaten ?

OP posts:
HeronLanyon · 11/01/2021 10:20

Beetroot not eaten since school dinners.
Vegetarian so obvs list of fast food things.
Christmas cake.
Ready meals other than Italian things. (Eat other things in restaurants/take away - for some reason never wanted ready Thai/Indian etc)
Truffle - hate the smell and taste.
Sweet potato - have tried.
Figs. Just not interested.

Spongebobsquarefringe · 11/01/2021 10:25

Olives and sprouts little balls of guff

AdaColeman · 11/01/2021 10:46

Mexican "kit" type meals
Super 'hot' curries
Pizza with pineapple

GreeboIsMySpiritAnimal · 11/01/2021 10:52

I've never had a pot noodle or a kebab-shop kebab. I don't feel I'm missing out.

unmarkedbythat · 11/01/2021 10:55


I've been vegetarian for almost 30 years. People always assume I miss meat terribly and go into rapture about steak, then when I tell them I never had it anyway before I stopped eating flesh they assume I had a dreadfully deprived childhood

PomBearWithoutHerOFRS · 11/01/2021 10:58

I haven't had oysters but I don't think they're ordinary are they?
Never been to a Nandos. I had subway once, but have never been in one to actually order my own.

AdaColeman · 11/01/2021 11:11

Never had a kebab from a kebab shop.
Never had a Subway sandwich.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 11/01/2021 11:26

The kind of kebab that’s slathered on to a rotisserie thing. I’d never fancied it anyway, and felt entirely justified when a Greek Cypriot friend told me about one local to him (N London) which had been totally dismantled for once. The inside was alive with maggots.🤮

RosesAndHellebores · 11/01/2021 11:29

Agree about the kebabs - always think of that rotating slab as reformed bacteria.

No Pot Noodle or Subway here either.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 11/01/2021 11:31

PomBear, you haven’t missed anything - IMO oysters are vastly overrated - raw ones anyway - it’s not all that long since they were considered poor people’s food. There’s a quote in Dickens about oysters and poverty going together.
IMO they’d be much nicer cooked.

joystir59 · 11/01/2021 11:36


joystir59 · 11/01/2021 11:38

Fresh truffle

joystir59 · 11/01/2021 11:38

Real caviar

Bluesheep8 · 11/01/2021 11:42

Are truffles and caviar 'normal' foods though?

joystir59 · 11/01/2021 11:49

Oh sorry, no truffles and caviar aren't normal foods..I don't think there are any normal foods I haven't eaten..

movingonup20 · 11/01/2021 11:56

I haven't had a pickled egg but that's because I don't like boiled eggs. I've eaten them when I was small but just went off them as a child, ditto friend me eggs and poached eggs - it's the white I can't stand but I have eaten them in the distant past. Can't think of anything else normal - eg I haven't eaten weird offal (I've had liver and kidney but avoid fried due to the texture (love pate though) but not tripe, brains etc) and I love lots of the things people here seems to detest - oysters are a particular favourite, olives and blue cheese are too more

movingonup20 · 11/01/2021 11:59


A little truffle grated onto pasta, fries etc is amazing and caviar, well I had two pots for Christmas time (Lidl cheap stuff of course) - a blini, topped with cream cheese, smoked salmon and literally 3 caviar is too die for

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 11/01/2021 13:44

Raw fish. No, I don’t want to ‘just try it’ - the mere thought makes me heave.
I’m not at all fussy in general.

Chemenger · 11/01/2021 15:37

I’ve never eaten a fig. Every time they appear on a cooking programme DH and I say as one “nobody really eats figs”. I don’t know where this came from, I just don’t like the idea of figs.

SquatBetty · 11/01/2021 16:04

Those French sausages that are supposed to smell of excrement

Kottbullar · 11/01/2021 16:15

I'm not convinced pickled egg is a normal food!"

Course it is - anything sold in a chippy is normal surely?

I've never met anyone that eats them so I don't think they are Grin
Also fried chocolate bars are not normal!

Dontforgetyourbrolly · 11/01/2021 16:20

Steak tartare. Raw mince with a raw egg on top? No thanks ! I get the feeling posh people eat it and pretend they love it just to look posh


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SimonJT · 11/01/2021 16:23

Artichoke, it doesn’t look appealing

ivykaty44 · 11/01/2021 16:23

Krispy crepe donuts 🍩 eww reminds me of poo 💩 not sure how anyone can it the brown donuts 😂

Ifailed · 11/01/2021 16:35

Any product that isn't even spelt correctly is dodgy. I don't mind the occasional doughnut.

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