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What normal foods have you never eaten?

170 replies

squarepinks · 10/01/2021 20:15

I've never eaten beetroot, cauliflower or pickled eggs.

What everyday food have you never eaten ?

OP posts:
Josiemac93 · 10/01/2021 21:43

Steak, lamb, most sea food, pickled eggs, pickled onions

Josiemac93 · 10/01/2021 21:44

(vegetarian from a young age, vegan for the last 8 years) hence the meat ones haha.

Inextremis · 10/01/2021 21:46

Sushi doesn't necessarily have fish in it. T can be entirely veggie.

I've never eaten Nando's. I've eaten chicken with Nando's sauce from the supermarket, but never actually been in a Nando's. I've eaten McDonald's once, 20 years ago. The nearest one (McD's, Nando's isn't even in this country as far as I know) to me is 30 miles away, so it's not something I'm likely to eat any time soon, either!

I've eaten every single thing that people have listed on this thread though :) Snails aren't slimy, and oysters just taste of a fresh sea breeze.

Karmatime · 10/01/2021 21:52

Marmalade, my mum used to make gallons of it and I hated the smell of it cooking from an early age. I’ve never actually tried it.

Ginfordinner · 10/01/2021 21:53

[quote Chocforthewin]@Ginfordinner erm well yea bits of fish hahaa I sound so ignorant 🙈 I can eat tuna Mayo but the thought of sushi being really cold & salty. I need to try some with some of the sauce on this year will be the year lol [/quote]
Sushi is just rice, cooked, seasoned and chilled. It is then used with vegetables, cooked prawns or raw fish (sashimi).

You can eat sushi pie especially that contains no fish at all, just vegetables.

Norwester · 10/01/2021 22:00

I've never had a fried Mars bar but only because I've never been anywhere that it's an option. I would be happy to try it!

Chemenger · 10/01/2021 22:16

I’ve never had a pickled egg but I’m not sure why, I’m fairly sure I would like them. I will never try bread sauce or bread and butter pudding, they look revolting. I felt the same about black pudding, finally gave in and tried it, and lo and behold, it was foul. Tripe is also on my “will never try” list. I’ve tried most other things on this thread. I love sushi and oysters. I don’t eat lobster if I’ve seen them live in a tank, which is hypocritical, I know but otherwise seafood is fine (except razor clams). Snails are unpleasant. I eat pickled beetroot from the jar as a treat.

ThorFull · 10/01/2021 22:24

Mackerel, sardines, kedjeree- anything with smoked fish. It really doesn’t appeal.


Ilovechoc12 · 10/01/2021 22:38

Cottage cheese 🤮🤮🤮🤮 all the lumps and bumps ..... I always have a horrible thought of something else it reminds me of 🤮🤮🤮🤮

TurkeyTrot · 10/01/2021 22:55

I'm glad to see so many people reject picked eggs as a reasonable food.
When I was pregnant with DC1, feeling hideous and getting fish and chips for a Saturday evening meal, Mr Turkey thought it was fun to buy a pickled egg, bite into it then try to kiss me.
He was lucky I wasn't sick down his front.
I have never eaten a pickled egg ( first or second hand) and will never do.

StanfordPines · 10/01/2021 22:59

A beef burger or a steak.

I wouldn’t ever eat meat that didn’t look like meat. So no sausages or burgers. Too many encounters with bits of gristle in sausages. I’ve been vegi for 25 years now so I’ve eaten plenty of vegi burgers but not meat ones.

WeAllHaveWings · 10/01/2021 23:12

Pickled eggs just sound awful, I've never eaten either.
Black pudding
Mussels/scallops/etc (love prawns, shrimp, lobster not sure why the others just don't sound nice and make me want to heave )
Any cheese that is mouldy or lumpy cottage cheese (looks too much like off milk)

AfterSchoolWorry · 10/01/2021 23:19

Pickled eggs
Any kind of Jerky
Chicken feet
Eyes, ears, cheeks

AfterSchoolWorry · 10/01/2021 23:21

God yeah, kidney, tripe eurgh

Kottbullar · 10/01/2021 23:22

I'm not convinced pickled egg is a normal food!

Chicken nuggets the ones where the chicken is chopped and shaped. The inside looks so unappealing and they smell awful.

Seafood, all those creatures are insects of the sea. So unappealing.

Hot dogs, can't get past the smell or the smoothness.

Pate, looks like cat food.

Sausage rolls, they smell odd and the inside is always a strange colour.

AfterSchoolWorry · 10/01/2021 23:26

Black pudding tastes like metal, sushi is every bit as bad as you could imagine raw fish and seaweed to taste.

Both vile.

TravelBugLife · 10/01/2021 23:28

Grilled Tomatoes
Fried Mars Bar
Fish Burger / Fish Fillet
Toad in the Hole

WitchQueenofDarkness · 10/01/2021 23:31

Kebabs (any sort)

minipie · 10/01/2021 23:32

Bread sauce
Pickled egg
Kebab shop kebab
Egg sandwich
Tinned tuna - can’t get past the catfood smell

ichundich · 10/01/2021 23:35

scotch egg
pickled eggs
pickled onions
prawn cocktail
pork belly

Bluesmartiesandpandapop · 10/01/2021 23:36

Oysters. Also never tried Eels, although otherwise I am a big fan of sea food and fish.

Offal, Brains, heart, liver, kidney, tongue

Pickled eggs.

That french cheese that comes with maggots in it.

Quite a lot of junk and snack foods which just don't interest me in the slightest, but which my kids beg me for thanks to the packaging and advertising etc.

PippinsOfPogleWood · 10/01/2021 23:40

Doner kebab
McDonald's burger
A whole orange - the thought of it turns my stomach, but if it's segmented and all the pith and membrane is removed, can just about force it down. Same with tangerines, clementines etc.

Have eaten durian though!


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Lightningrain · 10/01/2021 23:40

Pâté. I’ve just never fancied it and hate the idea of foie gras. I’d never buy a pack and there are always much more appealing options on a restaurant starter menu.

Atrixie · 10/01/2021 23:43

Gammon. I kept seeing people on here talking about cooking it for Christmas and I don’t even know what it is

OhWhyNot · 10/01/2021 23:44

I don’t think I’ve ever eaten haggis. Had offal in other foods and it’s made me unwell

Never tried a pickled egg. I love pickles and I love eggs but this seems like a wrong combination

Terrine. I don’t like anything that wobbles

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