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She's such a hateful bigot, isn't she?

461 replies

SunsetBeetch · 17/05/2021 10:02

JK Rowling has donated £1 million of royalties from one of her children’s books to help fight the Covid-19 crisis in India.

The Harry Potter author is understood to have split the sum between two UK-based charities involved in relief work, including the provision of emergency oxygen supplies.

OP posts:
81Byerley · 17/05/2021 11:05


She does support trans kids, by reassuring them they're normal and fine and don't need life long medical intervention. And you compare her to Hitler. Get a fucking grip.

As the Grandmother of a trans child who is adored and supported whatever happens, whether or not she's given treatment, I absolutely agree with you. I hope that the current climate of more acceptance for people who don't conform to so called norms as far as gender/sexuality is concerned, will continue to grow and develop, so that trans children will grow to be accepted as just another sort of normal human beings,
I don't understand why JK Rowling is so reviled for her views, which seem reasonable to me. There IS a danger that some parents may be too eager to push a child in the direction of hormones and surgery. Sometimes it's the right thing, often it's not.
GabsAlot · 17/05/2021 11:06


and to comapre her to her hitler is fucking disgraceful

BrightYellowDaffodil · 17/05/2021 11:07

Godwin's Law invoked on the 3rd response? Good lord, I think it's a record.

Good for JKR, bloody brilliant woman.

TedImgoingmad · 17/05/2021 11:08

I don't agree with JKR's stance on trans rights and I strongly dislike the fact that she has used her platform in ways that have legitimised transphobia,

Provide proof she has ever done this (clue, she hasn't)

Triphazards · 17/05/2021 11:08


Hitler was a vegetarian because he had a digestive problem which meant meat made him fart a lot, I have read, but now cannot remember where. Today’s fun fact.

Cripez, your post is ridiculous. Why shouldn’t JKR choose her own charities?

So what you're saying is JK Rowling farts a lot, in the general direction of "trans kids and their families."

Saving large numbers of lives in India will never atone for such literal violence.
HecatesCatsInFancyHats · 17/05/2021 11:08


Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

It's bigot bingo! Next you'll be accusing her of being a far right American evangelical gun-toting nun...
ChardonnaysPetDragon · 17/05/2021 11:09

How very dare she donate her own money to a charity of her choosing, eh?

cupoftea2021 · 17/05/2021 11:10


Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

Why trans kids? we go. Bite
Triphazards · 17/05/2021 11:11


Why on earth would Trans kids and their families need money?

They're rearming in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.
JSL52 · 17/05/2021 11:11


Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

Are you her accountant? Do you know exactly how she spends or donates HER money which SHE has earned.
Violinist64 · 17/05/2021 11:11

Well done, J K Rowling. The money has gone to the people who really need it. She has responded to a real need and that amount of money will make a huge difference to those poor people. How many other people have responded so quickly and positively to such a desperate situation? I take my hat off to her.

toconclude · 17/05/2021 11:13

[quote SunsetBeetch]JK Rowling has donated £1 million of royalties from one of her children’s books to help fight the Covid-19 crisis in India.

The Harry Potter author is understood to have split the sum between two UK-based charities involved in relief work, including the provision of emergency oxygen supplies.[/quote]
Which has absolutely zero to do with her views on trans people. I don't think she's a hateful bigot, but she is wrong.
What is it with the JKR worship around here? If you need a public figure to back up your prejudices, you can't be very sure of them.

herecomesthsun · 17/05/2021 11:13

Go her. Very talented, brave, principled, inspirational woman.

justawoman76 · 17/05/2021 11:14

I heard she kicks puppies to death in her spare time.


No really.

On a serious note, JKR, thank you for having the guts to put your career on the line to tell the truth. I have heard that JKR is on Mumsnet so if she ever reads this, I hope she sees that she is supported by lots of women. I have never read any of her books so I'm not a 'fan' that way, but I AM a fan of her as a woman.

SmallPrawnEnergy · 17/05/2021 11:14


I heard she’s the only person to lose billionaire status due to charitable giving

She lost her status due to some charitable giving but mainly tax rates taking her below the £bn. She also wasn’t the first but I know the “feminists” here won’t have a bad word spoke about their overlord.
adeleh · 17/05/2021 11:15

triphazards I'd just like to make it clear that I think the comparison of JKR with Hitler is fucking ludicrous and very unpleasant. I just included the detail of his flatulence because I'm not sure that his vegetarianism stemmed from love of animals.

AlecTrevelyan006 · 17/05/2021 11:15


Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

[insert ‘not sure if serious’ emoji here]
ChloeCrocodile · 17/05/2021 11:16

What is it with the JKR worship around here?

Women supporting a woman who stands up for women's rights! On a feminism board no less! I'm shocked and scandalised! Grin

slashlover · 17/05/2021 11:18


After all the pathetic virtue signalling and preaching by people like the Sussexes and other "woke" celebrities how refreshing to see someone actually really doing something!

What was the point of bringing H&M into this thread?
AlfonsoTheTerrible · 17/05/2021 11:18

What is it with the JKR worship around here?

Gosh. A woman who donates to charities. How terrible.

junipertree2 · 17/05/2021 11:19


Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

Holy God, listen to yourself.

'Helping' children does not mean letting them destroy their bodies with surgeries, drugs, and social media-fuelled delusions.
peachgreen · 17/05/2021 11:20

@HecatesCatsInFancyHats Oh, come on. Whether you agree that she herself has been transphobic or not, there is no denying that by coming out in support of the gender critical movement she has emboldened transphobes. It's inevitable when a public figure aligns themselves with one side of a sensitive debate.


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heathspeedwell · 17/05/2021 11:21

JKR is also an incredibly gifted writer.

I know she's already winning awards for her writing, but I genuinely believe her work would have received far more critical acclaim if she happened to be born male.

There is still a huge amount of sexism in the publishing industry.

Justcallmebebes · 17/05/2021 11:23

Hitler loved his animals but he still went all out on creating the perfect race. Still evil.

Would be nice if, one day, she directed a small amount of her wealth, not even a tenth of the amount mentioned above, to supporting trans kids and their families.

Wouldn't kill her.

That's hilarious. Has to be a piss take, surely?

Kit19 · 17/05/2021 11:24

does the reverse apply? do celebrities who 'come out' in favor of abolishing single sex spaces encourage misogyny and hatred of women?

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