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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

woman loses residency of son she was raising as daughter

785 replies

BombadierFritz · 21/10/2016 18:38

hmmm. ok so its daily mail reporting but I am conflicted
perhaps good if child was being pushed into something he wasnt
but wtf with the boringly stereotypical insistance on the type of toys played with

OP posts:
Prawnofthepatriarchy · 04/11/2016 13:45

Research at the university of Minnesota found that 38% of transwomen are bisexual, 35% are attracted to women and 27% are attracted to men. This means that 73% of transwomen are sexually attracted to women. Given that we know that 80% of transwomen have a penis, the arguments for banning transwomen from women-only spaces remain very strong and coherent.

I can't consider someone who still has a penis any sort of woman. They're essentially a transvestite, though possibly with added hormones, even breast implants. If a man suffers from sex dysphoria to the extent that he'll have genital surgery then, on a personal level, I give them kudos, i.e. I take their claim seriously. Still don't want them in my changing room.

Datun · 04/11/2016 13:46


This is a guest post on the blog of a brilliant transwoman.

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 04/11/2016 13:53

I doubt Hanora will be back. The claims to have worked with offenders doesn't seem at all likely. If Hanora had done so, she would be aware of concerns about men in prison for sex offences claiming to be trans. It's a growing problem, discussed by those in the know.

What with general cluelessness about offenders and "womyn" ffs, I am unconvinced that Hanora knows of what she speaks.

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 04/11/2016 13:57

I didn't explain myself well, Venus. What I was talking about was MNers who signed up as Spartacus and said that they'd never heard about the trans agenda before it popped up on MN, but that once they understood what was going on they were as horrified as the rest of us.

Datun · 04/11/2016 14:05

The thing is prawn most people who give it any thought are horrified. Particularly the kink aspect because it is so irrefutable (despite the attempts to erase it from Wikipedia).

I really don't understand how people don't immediately connect the dots.

Even if you believe in gender stereotypes, and I can understand why people do and even if you make a massive leap to think a transwoman has a female brain - even then, the inevitable exploitation involved in self identification must be glaringly obvious.

ageingrunner · 04/11/2016 14:11

I think some people believe that a man wouldn't 'lower' himself to wear female clothing unless he was 'genuinely trans'. Another side effect of the low status of women compared to men. So they don't believe that sexual predators would take advantage of self identification 😳

Datun · 04/11/2016 14:19

Except they don't even have to wear a dress, or shave or change any aspect of their appearance to be either a transwoman or self identify as one. It's a complete mind fuck.

ageingrunner · 04/11/2016 14:20

Yes you're right of course. A complete mind fuck

Datun · 04/11/2016 14:21

ATM thought the proof should be whether or not someone had a gender reassignment certificate. Except they're piss easy to get, and I, for one, wouldn't recognise one if you waved it in my face. It must be the work of a minute to fake one.

Datun · 04/11/2016 14:24

Plus I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to ask for it if you see a man in your changing room.

Seriously, what gone is making up these rules!

Datun · 04/11/2016 14:25


venusinscorpio · 04/11/2016 14:28

Prawn, you were clear, it was me who misread your post slightly, I apologise!

ageingrunner · 04/11/2016 14:28

Also, who wants to approach an unknown man in a changing room anyway and ask him for his credentials? Not something I would feel safe doing at all unfortunately

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 04/11/2016 14:31

Yes, Datun, but ATM thinks she has a "gender history". I would call it something more Anglo-Saxon myself. Grin

ArcheryAnnie · 04/11/2016 14:41

She is no more likely to be going into a womyn's toilet with thought of sexual assault than I am.

Statistically, Hanora she is much more likely, if you are biologically female and she is biologically male. That's not prejudice - that's what the available evidence says, that men and transwomen commit violent crime at the same rate, and that women commit violent crime at a much lower rate.

If you allow your own biases to affect how you view the actual rates of offending in such an extreme way as you have done here, then you have no business working with offenders.

Amalfimamma · 04/11/2016 14:51


Oh my. I did advise you to cool your jets a few posts back but it seems that instead of cooling them you put 90% proof alcohol in them and let loose on the Internet. Never a good idea and in your case proves most of what's been said here for months about TAs.

It's nice to finally see your true colours. Now toddle off to mermaids and tell them how the big bad feminists of MN upset you and insulted you and offended you with the truth and scientific facts their transphobia. It's just a pity that you refuse to see that your behaviour is actually damaging to real transgender people.

DeviTheGaelet · 04/11/2016 15:56

I think some people believe that a man wouldn't 'lower' himself to wear female clothing unless he was 'genuinely trans'. Another side effect of the low status of women compared to men. So they don't believe that sexual predators would take advantage of self identification 😳

Yep - the very thing that supports their argument ("no man would dress as a woman to abuse women because they'd be mistaken as trans and embarrassed!) Is the thing they are rightly fighting to get rid of ("people should be able to present however they want and be accepted")
Just another contradiction

Datun · 04/11/2016 16:05

Is Hanora from Mermaids???

Fuck! I wasted all that time.

venusinscorpio · 04/11/2016 16:14

The majority of people also think transwomen are gay men.

tubasinthemoonlight · 04/11/2016 17:18

Datun: Is Hanora from Mermaids???

Fuck! I wasted all that time.

Yes, from Mermaids. In fact the use of the word womyn has probably outed them to anyone who is a Mermaids member as womyn is part of a Mermaids username which I recall. They use the same username on other forums too, and anyone seeing those could see their first name and where they live.

But I'm not going to out them as Hugh089 did to me.

Datun · 04/11/2016 17:21

The majority of people also think transwomen are gay men.

What, because of the dress? What do gay non-trans men think of that?

Come to that, what do gay men think of straight transwomen?

(I've refrained from asking the only two gay men I know, there are a couple and one of them is fairly militant, and I don't want to offend him).

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 04/11/2016 17:23

Is a straight transwoman attracted to men or women


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Datun · 04/11/2016 17:24


If Hanora was so Convinced of his/her position, why didn't she/he stick around and answer points?

The more I think about it, the worse it is. Not good for my stress levels...

WankingMonkey · 04/11/2016 17:26

Is a straight transwoman attracted to men or women

Great video about this
tubasinthemoonlight · 04/11/2016 17:36

A GRC isn't very easy to get. My son has one and it required a lot of patience and dogged determination to get one. It involves several psychiatric reports, lots proof of having lived fully in the opposite gender for over two years, (my son had proof over 4 years). It requires a declaration witnessed by a solicitor. Also payment of a £140.00 court fee; and preferably some proof that hormones and/or surgery has been started or intended. Then it is decided by the Gender Recognition Panel as to whether it is granted. I have heard of people who have been turned down.

Whether it is easy to fake is another matter. But as getting one involves meeting strict criteria it is better than nothing at all. I really can't see how it is OK for people to simply be able to say they have changed gender; when all they have done is changed their clothes and hairstyle.

There is currently no legal requirement for transgender people to have a GRC though. But at the present time having one is the only way a new birth certificate can be obtained showing the gender and name following transition. To my son the new birth certificate was terrifically important.

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