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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

rebranding TERF

175 replies

PosieReturningParker · 10/03/2016 13:42

I want to rebrand TERF and have some ideas about alternatives.

3Fs. Feminism for females
FCF female centred feminism

And I'm going to use #DEW Don't Erase Women

Or DEF females

OP posts:
OneBlinky · 11/11/2021 20:03

We need to reclaim a word that has been stamped on and sullied - being a Feminist or a Suffragette used to have the same connotations too; no longer
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist describes perfectly the thinking so stick with it; be proud and Terf.

Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:17

I still don’t understand the stance feminists are taking here. It seems to be a generational thing. I’m a feminist. I want to support trans women not be critical of them

LaetitiaASD · 11/11/2021 20:21

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StillWeRise · 11/11/2021 20:22

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StillWeRise · 11/11/2021 20:22

hahahs sorry xpost

Ereshkigalangcleg · 11/11/2021 20:22

Goodness I thought the J-man was back for a minute Shock

Ereshkigalangcleg · 11/11/2021 20:24

I still don’t understand the stance feminists are taking here. It seems to be a generational thing. I’m a feminist. I want to support trans women not be critical of them

Surely there are some limits to your support? What is it that you don't understand exactly?

Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:25


Gender and sex mean the same thing. Some people now say Gender when what they mean is gender identity. So gender isn't a social construct, gender assumed behaviour is a social construct. And not all gender based behaviour is socially constructed, because some behaviour is hormonally driven. But largely, sex-based behaviours/tastes etc, are socially driven and vary by culture. Those behaviours that are the same across us as a species are more likely to have a biological basis rather than a social one.

Gender and sex are completely different. The gendering of children begins in utero
Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:28


I still don’t understand the stance feminists are taking here. It seems to be a generational thing. I’m a feminist. I want to support trans women not be critical of them

Surely there are some limits to your support? What is it that you don't understand exactly?

I don’t understand why a group that is disadvantaged in society, women, in this forum identifying as feminists, are determined to exclude another group, trans people
Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:29


Goodness I thought the J-man was back for a minute Shock

No idea who that is. I’m curious as to why there is so much vitriol here
StillWeRise · 11/11/2021 20:31

huh? deleted?

CheeseMmmm · 11/11/2021 20:32

As ever the issue is not the word but who/what it refers to.

Feminist has always been something of an accusation rather than a description.

If eg it had always been lovely people who are lovely. LPWAL would still be shorthand for witch.

bordermidgebite · 11/11/2021 20:32

There is no intention to exclude trans people

But feminism is about females , the unique issues faced by females irrespective of any gender identity they may possess

So the needs of transmen but not transwomen

It's kind of consistent

bordermidgebite · 11/11/2021 20:34

How hurtful to suggest sex ( your hits snd bobs) is synonymous with gender , who you are

Ionlydomassiveones · 11/11/2021 20:36

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Whitefire · 11/11/2021 20:36

"I don’t understand why a group that is disadvantaged in society, women, in this forum identifying as feminists, are determined to exclude another group, trans people"

When you say exclude what do you mean?

Should trans people (women) be excluded from, say, women prisons? Hell yeah.

Should trans people be excluded from accessing employment, housing etc? No.

If you agree with the first then you too are a TERF.

CheeseMmmm · 11/11/2021 20:37

Omg I scrolled back saw JAPAB! was.. ??!!

Then saw this thread is ZOMBIE!

and whoever resurrected seems to have been deleted so. No idea what's going on!

CheeseMmmm · 11/11/2021 20:40

Oh lol op has PP in name. Can't remember if that handle was her or not.

Assume someone hammering away at the advanced Search option!

CheeseMmmm · 11/11/2021 20:45


It's about sex not gender. Some trans people are female. Shocker! Male. Female. Not tricky.

It's usual for a group that is about one disadvantaged group to focus on one group. In fact it's true that when it comes to things to do with women and girls. It's ALWAYS been the case that they are told to think about loads of other groups and stop being mean. In a way that doesn't happen to other groups.

Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:45

Why are we jumping to the argument about prisons? I’m honestly stunned at the glee with which people are revelling in being called a TERF. I don’t think feminists should give much attention to this; I think challenging the patriarchy is more important. I bet all those who benefit from patriarchal systems (mainly men) are loving this. Whilst feminists argue about this, other issues are neglected

Gooders1105 · 11/11/2021 20:48

I’m not shutting anyone down. I’m not telling people not to be mean because women should be nice. I think everyone should be accepting.

CheeseMmmm · 11/11/2021 20:48

Revelling? At being called a TERF? I thought the line was that TERF wasn't a slur? It doesn't make sense anyway. Very very few people who think sex matters are radical Feminists!


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EndoplasmicReticulum · 11/11/2021 20:49

It's like we've fallen through a timey wimey wormholey thing back to 2016 when "be kind" was all the rage.

bordermidgebite · 11/11/2021 20:50

Accepting of what exactly ?

Because when being accepting means lesbians accepting dick , no I don't agree

FictionalCharacter · 11/11/2021 20:50

FCF is great!

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