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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

rebranding TERF

175 replies

PosieReturningParker · 10/03/2016 13:42

I want to rebrand TERF and have some ideas about alternatives.

3Fs. Feminism for females
FCF female centred feminism

And I'm going to use #DEW Don't Erase Women

Or DEF females

OP posts:
lorelei9 · 20/03/2016 22:16

is this the second such thread that's died after I posted...?

0phelia · 21/03/2016 08:34

It's because you're a TERF
Thread Ending Rad Fem.

BertrandRussell · 21/03/2016 08:45

"Terf here too, I think of myself as a Round Earther grin"


lorelei9 · 21/03/2016 09:14

Ophelia, I am!

Then again, never finding out how I would be labelled doesn't matter much I guess.

LucytheScot · 09/08/2019 13:29

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2BthatUnnoticed · 09/08/2019 13:36

Unpleasant, dangerous people? Confused

You may have come to the wrong place Lucy but it’s nice to meet you anyway Brew

terryleather · 09/08/2019 13:45

Zombie thread!

But anyway as a reminder for those who are struggling - feminism is about fighting for the liberation of women & girls from patriarchy, not about centering the cock and its demands.


BernardBlacksWineIceLolly · 09/08/2019 13:48

I thought for a minute posie had come back before seeing that the thread was 3 years old Sad

Do we think Lucy will stick around to chat, or promptly fuck off, having given us the benefit of their wisdom?

terryleather · 09/08/2019 13:57

I'm betting not Bernard, just another one wanting to do a bit of viper poking while calling us farts...oh the wit and originality.

And I also thought Posie was back...

BernardBlacksWineIceLolly · 09/08/2019 13:59

Farts. God that’s so funny. You see you take the first letters of the words and it spells a naughty word. It’s the new thing. It’s like a mic drop but cooler

OvaHere · 09/08/2019 13:59

Lucy probably has better things to do, like waving baseball bats and swords about in women's bathrooms..

terryleather · 09/08/2019 14:05

It's the school holidays, so maybe that explains things..

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 09/08/2019 14:34

If you're going to accuse people of being something it always helps if you can spell what you're accusing them of.

KatvonHostileExtremist · 09/08/2019 14:40

Oh My God
"Lucy" did the FART thing

That's so so so funny! I'm crying here. I've never heard that before.

Jeez, you lot are so repetitive, you'll be saying there's only 8 of us next.

KatvonHostileExtremist · 09/08/2019 14:41

I wonder how he found this thread to bump?

ErrolTheDragon · 09/08/2019 14:47

'How' isn't hard, it's the 'why' which is baffling.

DickKerrLadies · 09/08/2019 14:53

Bit early for bingo, isn't it?

2BthatUnnoticed · 09/08/2019 14:56

School holidays hey. Lucy could be a 9yo boy - they are very fond of that acronym Grin

If so Lucy you are too young to talk to strangers online! So log off and enjoy your hols.

If you are a grown-up - what do you mean by “unpleasant and dangerous?” (Genuine question. I use requested pronouns and names, and know most trans people are just living their lives like ever else.)

2BthatUnnoticed · 09/08/2019 14:59

like everyone* else, even

KatvonHostileExtremist · 09/08/2019 15:04

I think it's really important to try and get teenagers outside during the school holidays and not just let them fester in their own pits, playing computer games.

Anyone got any tips on successful strategies for booting them outside?

Socrates11 · 09/08/2019 15:22

Always the 'power cut' trick. Shut down at the fuse box Grin

KatvonHostileExtremist · 09/08/2019 15:55

Grin genius


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ChattyLion · 09/08/2019 18:09

I’ve seen a few people on here using ‘reality-based’ as a shorthand for ‘gender critical’ and I really like that. Grin

ChattyLion · 09/08/2019 18:11

Oh bugger should have read the full thread. Grin

sackrifice · 09/08/2019 22:04

However if you're looking for a new term to replace TERF then try Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Trasphobe. Not only does it stop the appropriation of feminism by bigots, but also gives a nice easy to remember acronym.

I always did wonder why lads liked fart jokes.

It's an absolute giveaway tho'. Women just don't find it as funny as blokes.

Hope that helps.

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