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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

rebranding TERF

175 replies

PosieReturningParker · 10/03/2016 13:42

I want to rebrand TERF and have some ideas about alternatives.

3Fs. Feminism for females
FCF female centred feminism

And I'm going to use #DEW Don't Erase Women

Or DEF females

OP posts:
PalmerViolet · 12/03/2016 15:23

No japab I understood you very well.

The wide eyed innocence you want to project is very amusing though so keep it up.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 12/03/2016 17:18

I know my opinion counts for as little as JAPAB but the point he is making is not invalid. See the Cologne thread on here for example.

CoteDAzur · 12/03/2016 17:28

"Wets Woman Erasing Trans?"

Or in Tiggy's case, WETA (Women-Erasing Trans Ally).

CoteDAzur · 12/03/2016 17:29

JAPAB's case, rather.

PosieReturningParker · 13/03/2016 18:12

PERF Penis exclusionary rad fem

OP posts:
VestalVirgin · 13/03/2016 19:15

Actually, it is already rebranded in some areas of the internet.

When I read "Terf" I think "Oh, nice, an actual feminist."

So ...

@CoteDAzur: No, those languages that don't have a word for "gender" don't do fine without it.

They just use the English word. Gender.

Which is why, as a non-native speaker, it annoys me so much that people use "gender" where they should use "sex".

I find the word really useful to talk about nonsensical gender role expectations.

To me gender= nonsense invented by the patriarchy to oppress women.

Sure, I could get around it by saying "gender roles" or similar, but that's two words, minimum. With "gender", I just have to use one. Saves time.

0phelia · 13/03/2016 20:45

Protector Of Women's Equality Rights.

Apparently I've been called a TERF.
I actually now self-identify as a POWER.

VestalVirgin sees "Terf" and doesn't mind, understanding it means real feminist. But it is extremely offputting to new entrants into feminist ideas.

MyCrispBag · 13/03/2016 21:31

I'm fine with TERF to be honest. They made it up so they can name it, I'm easy.

I am radical everything these days, it really is quite a trick given that my politics haven't really changed.

Fuck 'em.

dontcallmecis · 18/03/2016 10:50


Women Erasing Reductionist....something.


BeyondTellsEveryoneRealFacts · 18/03/2016 12:00

Owning TERF here.

chamelomoon · 18/03/2016 12:21

Lolll I'm a TERF

I'm Telling Everyone Real Facts!

Nice work, beyond Grin

grimbletart · 18/03/2016 13:03

Another TERF here. Do I care? No. Trans activists who think they can be women by just saying they are can jog on. It 's a delusion. I think I might decide I'm a dog next week - no work, no cooking, no cleaning and a nice warm fire to curl up in front of.

Can't believe so many people are falling for this crap.

SirVixofVixHall · 18/03/2016 13:17

Gender and sex mean the same thing. Some people now say Gender when what they mean is gender identity. So gender isn't a social construct, gender assumed behaviour is a social construct. And not all gender based behaviour is socially constructed, because some behaviour is hormonally driven. But largely, sex-based behaviours/tastes etc, are socially driven and vary by culture. Those behaviours that are the same across us as a species are more likely to have a biological basis rather than a social one.

SirVixofVixHall · 18/03/2016 13:19

But anyway, I quite like POWER. ..Or maybe just reappropriating TERF as our very own.

BeyondTellsEveryoneRealFacts · 18/03/2016 13:52

Oo, a TERF badge you say...?

CoteDAzur · 18/03/2016 14:02

I want a badge, too, but I'm just a regular feminist, not a radical one < sulks >

Snowshimmer · 18/03/2016 14:49

Don't worry Cote those who call people "terfs" usually do not care what you identify as.

BeyondTellsEveryoneRealFacts · 18/03/2016 14:50

Trans Exclusionary Regular Feminist

Still works Grin

Snowshimmer · 18/03/2016 14:51

Telling Everyone Real Facts

grimbletart · 18/03/2016 15:10


Well said.

I am so glad I am elderly. So glad I went to school in the middle of the last century. So glad my five year old immature brain was not burdened by teaching on sexuality and trans genderism. So glad we were kids that were allowed to be kids and just "be".

So glad that when I preferred active play with cars and so-called boys' stuff and trousers rather than skirts and short boyish hair rather than long hair no one suggested that perhaps I was a lesbian or trans gender because of my collection of meccano and dinky toys.

I am sad beyond belief at what is going on - with hormonal treatments for children, surgery for young adults, even heavyweight psychology stuff imposed on developing minds.

No one, apart apparently from TERFS dare say "hang on a minute" - where is the science, where is the hard evidence, where is the acknowledgement of brain plasticity? It is just like the emperor's new clothes. What is going on and the scale that it is going on is visibly daft to the world at large. It seems now that any child who doesn't fit into the pink/blue box that society deems is appropriate is at risk of pressing some adults' panic buttons about sexuality or gender identity.

I think what is happening is so dangerous that we risk a generation of damaged individuals while the world is silenced by the right-on cool attitude that yells TERF or trans phobic or mouths meaningless words like cis if anyone dares to point out the emperor has no clothes.

You don't treat a brain tumour by cutting off the patient's head FFS. So why is the mutilation of perfectly good bodies met with such apparent equanimity? And at the end of it all the man who is mutilated will still be a man - just a damaged one. And to add another layer of confusion any man who fancies being a woman can now skip the difficult medical bits and just declare they are one. And the world goes "Oh OK". Are we mad?

CoteDAzur · 18/03/2016 15:13

"Trans Exclusionary Regular Feminist"

Thank you Beyond Grin

Snowshimmer · 18/03/2016 15:38

I wonder if terf will continue to be a popular slur even as so many women have their eyes opened up to what is going on. You don't have to be a radical feminist to see the problem.


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BeyondTellsEveryoneRealFacts · 18/03/2016 15:48

Haha, no probs cote

I wonder if it might become just TEF? Though it is part of the insult to dare call someone a radfem, like its the worst possible kind of person to be!

LumpySpacedPrincess · 19/03/2016 17:12

Terf here too, I think of myself as a Round Earther Grin

lorelei9 · 20/03/2016 18:59

after this board, I think I am a TERF if I am an F in the first place.


anyhoo, isnt the problem with FCF that trans identifying as woman will say that includes them? Or have I missed another tranche of academic terminology?

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