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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Feminist pub XIX: The Bluestocking meanders into May

999 replies

YonicScrewdriver · 01/05/2015 22:40

We're running at about six weeks per pub at the moment! So if you want chat with a feminist flavour, or with fellow feminists, or just want to admire our patriarchy blaster cannon and goat - welcome!

Last pub Here

OP posts:
YonicScrewdriver · 01/05/2015 22:42
OP posts:
magimedi · 01/05/2015 22:45

I'd like some posh crisps to go with my pint, please, Yonic

HarryLimeFoxtrot · 01/05/2015 22:50

Mines a G&T please.

MsDragons · 01/05/2015 22:53

Do we do food? Can I have Cake please?

YonicScrewdriver · 01/05/2015 22:57

We have:

Goat and cranberry
Butternut squash and cauliflower
Balsamic vinegar and mountain salt

Posh crisps Grin

Cakes: chocolate, lemon drizzle or coffee and walnut (old school)

OP posts:
magimedi · 01/05/2015 23:06

Goat & cranberry for me, please & a pint of whatever is freshest!


TheLily1957 · 01/05/2015 23:12

A large glass of nice cold crisp white wine for me please.Do we have goats cheese from the goat to go with it?

BertieBotts · 01/05/2015 23:17

Marking my place, can I have a cup of hot cocoa please, as I stumble off to bed!

HapShawl · 01/05/2015 23:26

Ooh I missed the post with the new thread - thanks yonic!

TheLily1957 · 01/05/2015 23:26

Stumbling off to bed also. Must have been that large white wine...goodnight all.. Really must start chatting earlier on a Friday night....

uglyswan · 02/05/2015 00:27

Mind if I just use the loo? Flat broke again...

YonicScrewdriver · 02/05/2015 07:31

Morning pubbers!
OP posts:
GinAndSonic · 02/05/2015 08:26

Can i have a cup of proper loose leaf tea please? And a bacon buttie if the kitchen is open.

OublietteBravo · 02/05/2015 09:06

Flat white with an extra shot please.

I'm using my 'old' name for this post, because it helps illustrate my example.

We have a new cashless payment system for the canteen at work. To load you card, you have to set up an online account and enter your bank details. Usual statement about details having to match the name on your bank card. I tried to do this. Drop-down menu for title (which is a compulsory field) has the following options: Mr, Miss, Mrs. My bank card says Dr Oubliette Bravo. So I phone the help desk.

Me: I can't enter my name as it appears on my card - my title is Dr and this doesn't exist on your menu.

HD: oh just put Miss or Mrs, the title field isn't important.

Me (wondering why it is a compulsory field if it isn't important): OK, in that case I'll put Mr.

HD: you can't do that - it isn't your correct title.

I put Mr. It was fine. But why is there no option for Dr - especially as I work on a science park where ~60% of the staff have a PhD (the company in question runs several science parks).

YonicScrewdriver · 02/05/2015 09:17

Doh, Oubliette!

OP posts:
StormyBrid · 02/05/2015 09:21

Just marking my place. Pint of tea and a pile of bacon please.

DoctorTwo · 02/05/2015 09:52

Like Stormy, I am marking my place.

TheLily1957 · 02/05/2015 10:56

Good morning all. A large soya late please. That's ridiculous oubilette. I get frustrated with this all the time - not that I'm a Dr or owt posh like that but I would like the option of not putting my marital status when it has no relevance whatsoever....

alexpolistigers · 02/05/2015 13:00

Hello! Can I come in?

Mine will be a large glass of wine please. Dry red, a full and rich vintage. at any time of the day
FibonacciSeries · 02/05/2015 14:29
OutsSelf · 02/05/2015 14:34

Sorry to be basically out of action for months then just come in screaming. But AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the royal baby, that kid has been girled the shit out of on this site and it's fucking depressing.

BuffyNeverBreaks · 02/05/2015 14:40

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

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PuffinsAreFictitious · 02/05/2015 14:43

According to twitter people, we shouldn't be calling the baby a girl because they don't know what gender it will choose.

I can't even.

OutsSelf · 02/05/2015 14:44

I'm choosing between anger and tears, thanks Buffy.

BertieBotts · 02/05/2015 14:46

Puffins: LOL. Um.

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