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Feminist pub XIX: The Bluestocking meanders into May

999 replies

YonicScrewdriver · 01/05/2015 22:40

We're running at about six weeks per pub at the moment! So if you want chat with a feminist flavour, or with fellow feminists, or just want to admire our patriarchy blaster cannon and goat - welcome!

Last pub Here

OP posts:
INickedAName · 03/05/2015 00:04

Hello :)

It's pissing down here, but as we didn't have to go out anywhere, it's been really nice to just spend the afternoon (I didn't drag my arse out of bed until 12) listening to the rain pounce down, in my pjs with a mocha while faffing around on the net, dd and dh read a book. Then we all played Mario Kart. 'Twas lovely.

We are going camping in a few weeks, and I secretly want it to rain one night for an hour or so just to listen to the sound of it hitting the tent.

FibonacciSeries · 03/05/2015 08:22

That's terrible about Sandberg's husband. He was only 47, younger than my DH Sad

HarryLimeFoxtrot · 03/05/2015 09:54

It is raining here too. We have a day of board games and jigsaws planned. Wonder how long we have into the DC decide it isn't cool to play games with their parents.

HarryLimeFoxtrot · 03/05/2015 10:00

New baby news is annoying me too, I see the gender stereotyping has started already:

Tower Bridge was among several London landmarks lit up in pink in her honour

UptoapointLordCopper · 03/05/2015 11:20

Someone says "now they have one of each" and I switched off the radio.

But some people obviously are pretty obsessed! One woman had been there for 11 days! This is so beyond what I can understand.

ifyourehoppyandyouknowit · 03/05/2015 11:25

Saw a post on FB last night, claiming that she must have had sex selective reproduction help/treatment to ensure she had a boy first. I don t think.I've quite got a tinfoil hat big enough for that.

There's an article in on of the Times supplements (my dad is visiting and buys it) about then who leave high paid jobs to SAH. It's made me feel...odd. i mean, yes, great that more men are taking on the work of childcare and domestic work. But, there's so much back patting and "aren't you so lovely". Whereas women who give up their jobs are somehow failing or something.

magimedi · 03/05/2015 11:40

That article was in Saturday's Times. They were calling the men 'Super Dads' for giving up what were fairly highly paid jobs to do the childcare. Very near the end it was mentioned that in each case the woman earned more and/or had far better promotion prospects.

Typical lazy journalism - money for old rope an article like that & so boring.

YonicScrewdriver · 03/05/2015 11:40

That's weird, hoppy, since they went to some lengths to make the inheritance sex neutral before George was born.

OP posts:
alexpolistigers · 03/05/2015 19:16

Can I just come in and cry? Sad I am having a terrible day.

My ds2 has had a terrible screaming fit, I couldn't get him to calm down (he has SN) and I felt totally useless. I was really worried that he was going to injure himself. He didn't, and we did eventually get through it.

And to make us feel better:

My fridge is making a terrible racket. It sounds like it is about to take off. I think it is about to give up the ghost.

I can't afford a new one. I have enough to pay for as it is.


Come and pat me on the back. I need some cheering up today.

YonicScrewdriver · 03/05/2015 19:17

Oh no!

OP posts:
alexpolistigers · 03/05/2015 19:29

Thanks, Yonic. I need a large glass of wine, I think!

DH has just unscrewed the fridge motor (he is an electronics engineer, he does have some idea of what to do!). He is not looking hopeful.

FibonacciSeries · 03/05/2015 19:40
alexpolistigers · 03/05/2015 19:45

Thanks, Fibonacci!

It never rains but it pours, one problem after another.

EBearhug · 03/05/2015 19:50

Hello! I'm back from hols - which was all women (yoga holiday). Today, I have mostly been doing laundry.

SweetAndFullOfGrace · 03/05/2015 20:18

alex Sad
This always makes me feel better when I'm upset.

Feminist pub XIX: The Bluestocking meanders into May
alexpolistigers · 03/05/2015 20:29

Hahaha! That really made me laugh!

AskBasil · 03/05/2015 22:08

Ooh yoga holiday

TheLily1957 · 03/05/2015 22:42

Sorry u r having a bad day Alex. Any joy with Dhs fridge tinkering? Grin at Trex too.. My day not so good either. Am looking after my 88 yr old mum this weekend who I think is teetering on the edge of Altzheimers. She is usually very sweet, albeit, a bit moany. Dont blame her for that-.old age sucks. However the last few times I've been with her she suddenly gets these terrible rages and I'm the cause of it of course! Tonights tantrum was the worst I have seen her yet - v scary tbh. Just managed to calm her down help her to bed and put bedroom back together which she tried her best to trash and am now exhausted. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their Mum and can give me some advice on how best to deal with it. Thanks. Perhaps I should be posting this elsewhere.

magimedi · 03/05/2015 23:15

lily - I got this with my Mum when she was on the edge of dementure (which sadly went the full way).

You just have to treat her as you would a toddler who is having a tantrum & remain calm, logical & in control. And ignore & dismiss as much as you can so that the (un) reasons for the behaviour vanish asap.

Which I know is far easier said than done, but it does work.

And you need to get in touch with her GP & talk to her/him about this.

magimedi · 03/05/2015 23:15

Posted too soon - meant to say that, Lily you have my sympathy - it's really, really tough.


TheLily1957 · 03/05/2015 23:27

Thanks Magi. I live 200 miles away and can only visit every 3weeks or so which doesn't help but I will mention it to my brother. He is her main carer and it surprises me that he's not mentioned it. Mind you he's very good at denial and I only see him briefly when we shift change as it were.

TheLily1957 · 03/05/2015 23:39

Ah ha just figured out how to do the Bold thing Blush. So once again thanks Magi


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UptoapointLordCopper · 04/05/2015 08:16

Alex Flowers

Our old fridge started to sound like it was morphing into a helicopter too a couple of years ago - but then it was a very old fridge ... It was a rather disturbing noise, like some crime drama involving helicopter-car-chase being played out in your house all the time. Hope it is resolved soon.

And Flowers to Lily too.

StormyBrid · 04/05/2015 09:17

Elderly Parents section would be a good place to post, Lily. Dementia can involve aggressive outbursts, unfortunately. I second the like-a-toddler approach, and don't take it personally.

My fridge sounds like it's harbouring an alien spacecraft. I thought that was how fridges are supposed to sound...

UptoapointLordCopper · 04/05/2015 09:40

No no stormy. Our new fridge only hum harmoniously with other appliances. Actually only the fridge hums. The washing machine impersonates the Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil. The microwave oven tings a little taunting ting which means "You think your food is now piping hot throughout. Hahahahah! Enjoy! Don't get food poisoning now!"

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