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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

So, not everyone's a feminist

205 replies

Vivacia · 18/08/2014 10:37

Plasterer arrived today for the first of four days. I am working from home but everyone else is out.

So far we've had,

"You're not one of these modern women are you?" - don't know, not sure what that means.

"Are you a feminist?" - "Of course I am, aren't you?".

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Glovender · 19/08/2014 21:14

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Glovender · 19/08/2014 21:15

Petula. What sexist behaviour?

CaptChaos · 19/08/2014 21:15

I go out for the day, and look who comes out of the woodwork.

Welcome back Grin

PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 21:17

bless your disingenuity

FreudiansSlipper · 19/08/2014 21:19

Again he may have been making clumsy banter but why should women have to put up with men making references to porn

Being on your own with a man who is a stranger and he mentions porn can be threatening even when it does not feel that way why should women have to put up with it. many men know it is not something you discuss unless you know the person well so should we just ignore those that do not understand that. for many women it makes them feel uncomfortable for the sake of not hurting the mans ego should we stfu

ABlandAndDeadlyCourtesy · 19/08/2014 21:20

Back again, Glovender?

ABlandAndDeadlyCourtesy · 19/08/2014 21:21

Is that the woodwork in the glove cupboard, Capt?

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:24

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BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:26

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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 21:27

i suspect a similar post on AIBU would garner pretty much the same responses, actually

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:29

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FreudiansSlipper · 19/08/2014 21:31

Sadly I agree Petula :(

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:32

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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 21:37

freudian i mean that i think in general you would get similar responses on AIBU as feminists have posted on here. the gist would be "ew. creepy and not on, especially in your own home"

TheBogQueen · 19/08/2014 21:39

It is twatty to go to a job where the client is alone in her house and start asking personal questions and mentioning porn . It's unprofessional . I don't think many people would do this. I don't think a woman would go into a mans house to work and go: "ooh a computer I bet you just look at porn don't you, you men are all the same .. "

He's an idiot. I think that's it really.

Vivacia · 19/08/2014 21:41

It's a strange experience reading this thread about my life and having a person wrongly state what was and wasn't said and make completely wrong statements about my class, house, place of living and qualifications.

OP posts:
BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:42

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BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:42

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FreudiansSlipper · 19/08/2014 21:47

Not so sure I guess you would get some supporting and IMO all should be supportive especially as she felt uncomfortable but i have seen too many he was only having a laugh or you take things too seriously and so on when a poster has complained about remarks made to her in a similar manner

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 21:51

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Vivacia · 19/08/2014 21:52

He was serious about computers being used for porn.

OP posts:
4boysxhappy · 19/08/2014 21:53

When I was at college years ago doing a access to higher education course most the pupils were women aged 25-45. In a psychology class the tutor asked who was a feminist.

I was the only person that said I was. Shocking. Had to explain to them that in fact they were all feminists. Think they got it in the end. Maybe.


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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 21:53

i can see what you mean freudian, i just don't think many would be ok with the porn reference

CaptChaos · 19/08/2014 21:59

Vivacia, you really don't need to explain yourself, really. Hope the rest of your day was a little less upsetting. Is he back again tomorrow?

FreudiansSlipper · 19/08/2014 21:59

I hope so I think you are right

I do tend to remember the posts that have annoyed me more than those I agree with

And PC gone mad is not mentioned anywhere near as much as it used to me

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